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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Let this be a warning to all the experts out there(Baldilocks?) who have a habit of removing their side-stand then waiting-out the opposition at the first section!
  2. Like previous posts have pointed out--comfort/fit is paramount but most of the Alpinestars I've seen have had the sole separate from the uppers.
  3. Beware.....Bike in safe, police custody
  4. Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy! And... we shall have peace.
  5. ham2

    Noisey Engine

    Read these:- Idiots guide (I can prove it!) 1 2 3 It's running so well now that I feel quite smug when I ride it
  6. I was once in this situation and had to borrow a large copper mallet to do the job....no brains required!
  7. ham2

    Sky News

    I'd love to see Dougie warm-up his rear tyre on that stair-carpet
  8. ham2

    Noisey Engine

    I put new main bearings and seals in mine recently and now all I can hear is a rattly clutch,I was a bit paranoid about it at first but... if it runs well....ride it!
  9. Hey Rhino, Don't worry about the oomph of a 290 it is an easier bike to ride than the 250 (IMHO). All of the Shercos I have owned have been very tune-able(de-tune-able?) according to how you set the timing. Don't despair about getting rid of your Scorpa ,as you pointed out you will still have a use for it....just hitch it up to that muck-spreader on the farm and it will be in it's element!! O-arhh-o-arhh Cue:-Bombing run from the Scorpa owners club
  10. As I get older I think I worry more..I've had a few silly, little get-offs recently. I think kharma may have something in store for me in the near future. I'm not saying that a bar plug on this guy's *R2w Find * throttle could have helped..but...what do you think about the subject..any experiences?
  11. ham2

    Front Rim

    I have a black vinyl disc (45rpm) with a small hole in the middle is this a record? Apologies bambam, but can you show us your rim or a photo of your crack? I think the rim is an aluminium-alloy extrusion so I think you'll be looking at brazing rather than welding. Let's see.
  12. ham2

    Praise Be...

    Hmmm...This tells me you haven't broached the subject yet...hope you never need to.. .They're a site sponsor so....as I was saying:- so if you could just casually enquire when you're next on the phone (for your sons future benefit you understand ) No rush, Cheers, Wayne
  13. ham2

    Praise Be...

    Have you ever inquired about the parts/procedure needed to alter the automatic clutch to manual ?or just the parts required? I'd be interested to know if anyone has had a good response from GasGas uk on this subject.
  14. Thanks for posting the link. I had stopped visiting TTC site since the ''how-to''riding tuition came to an end. Great Ryan Young floater training,as always his communication (especially in relation to what you should be feeling)is excellent.
  15. I have no prior knowledge of these bikes (I wasn't into trials when these Hondas were on the scene),I'm just surprised at todays prices
  16. Bloody long...bloody funny..bloody true
  17. Here you go---Previous posts---Pick the bones out of that
  18. (Italian?)Eye candy + trials bike= Cobos step attempt
  19. Or your could go for one of these----Is that really how much these things go for?--------
  20. I can't bring myself to buy another expensive,waterproof jacket for trials as it would (did) jinx my riding. even
  21. Any excuse to show my favourite near-miss clip----
  22. From riding in short pants to the other extreme--------
  23. Remembering how hard the compound is on these tyres, I would say it has done a lap of the Nurburgring at least!
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