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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Is this why the guy is world champ? He doesn't seem to be nervous in competition. He's got corporate pressure of Montesa/Honda bearing down on him,his team mate Fuji, then Raga and Cabs waiting for him to make a mistake..and we spot him doing an adrenaline section just to play( like hundreds of us with our bikes,relatively speaking just letting off steam/having fun/sod the risk.) Big respect..as the Ali G culture might say!!
  2. Up until a few months ago I would have totally agreed with your post then someone showed me that a splatter can be a safer!? way to tackle an obstacle. I'm no expert. It is one of those ''leap of faith'' techniques but it does feel very satisfying when you pull it off( ooh err). I'm 40 by the way...Taurus..good sense of humour..looking for----oops! wrong web-site.
  3. Strange how some of these errors can get you narked. When Burnicle took a break a couple of years ago the substitute commentator kept saying '' He's through the section without putting his foot down...it's a clear''. CLEAR!? So I find myself shouting at the telly ''C-L-E-A-N'' . I find Burnicle more ''interesting'' than Murray Walker. I'm almost sure during one particular commentary he called someones minder '' A part-time car thief from....'' And I'm sure Orangina (sponsor of one section) was not best pleased when Burnicle said the liquid reminded him of an effluent out-flow at the ICI chemical-works where he used to live! Go team Burnicle!!!
  4. Yep,Nowt wrong with your writing,time for some new glasses,I thought you mean't on the lever (not on the bars). As for the bike reference I seem to recall the 270 has so much wallop it can pop up steps and splat on a whiff of throttle therefore you could cover the brake more easily???? I was being a little flippant. And no I'm not part of the ''my bike's better than your bike club'',the more brands you can cadge a ride on the better as far as I'm concerned( I find when it comes to trials bikes..like chips..other people's seem better). Got to go now,the toasters popped and I'm looking for something to spread on it. Wayne
  5. Stu, Do a search on this topic and you'll get more detail than I can supply. Most of the GasGas riders I know personally have had a problem with the top hat seals and clutch plates swelling on their Pro's. A new clutch pack (set to the correct dimensions) and seals usually sorts it...and a new non-gen slave banjo bolt while you're on(check how small the I.D. is on the standard GasGas part!!) This non-gen bolt may take some sourcing as I recall the thread is very long but it does seem to make a difference to the clutch action. ATF is Automatic Transmission Fluid it's very common even supermarkets sell it. That's the main reason I use it,oh! and it's cheap..like me! Just change it often.
  6. Rob, You keep one finger over the front brake when doing big steps or splatters??!! Jeezas you must be strong..next time I can't get the lid off the jam I'm bringing it to your house!! Oh,update..just looked and saw what bike you ride..that explains it
  7. ham2


    Yes,even I can notice a difference.....smoothes the bottom end out but (novices like me, beware)revs out freely at the top-end!
  8. The protruding chin protection on this type of helmet could have put more leverage on Bou's neck but may have protected his chin and face. This is the reason why you should never secure your visor more than the manufacturer has.
  9. The pillion with the mirror!!!!!
  10. ham2

    Montesa Disc

    From what I remember the uk importer of the spares was a wholesale operation only, so a mate in the trade had to use his account on my behalf. The disc (I think) was a galfer?
  11. ham2

    Montesa Disc

    I had a 98 and the front brake was poor ,just as you describe. You might want to fault find in the reverse direction to me?!? I fitted: Slave pistons and seals. A wavy disc. A new braided hose. New 4-pot calliper assy'. Different lever.
  12. In our country,probably yes,I'm afraid.
  13. Excellent,thanks,you ( someone who knows what they're doing) could use these type of pics as tutorial aids.
  14. ham2

    08 Beta Stator

    I'm trying not to name names here (cos' I think it's up for sale now) but I recently parked up alongside 'someone' with a very,very unused 2007 rev3(cosmetically immaculate) . It wouldn't start..then it did..then ran loik shoit..opened up the flywheel cover...soapy water poured out...sprayed everything with WD..but too late. I rode off to warm up my bike then returned to find...Rev3 owner driving off in a rage (poor sod). Here endeth the lesson.
  15. ham2

    Fork Seals Leaking

    I can remember a lot of early GasGas forks had persistent seal problems and the cure was to undo then shorten the collar-lip-spring to make things tighter. Hope that's relevant.
  16. Looks great,pity the Scoob missed most of those gays-on-trays.
  17. I am not drawing a direct comparison between me and Dougie but ....I spent some time on a 4rt then went back to a 2stroke and nearly****ing killed mesel. I think we have to give Dougie a bit more time.
  18. Not that olive green is it?
  19. Take it easy on the filing,I've seen it done one time too many and the peg snapped leaving a lethal 'trident' weapon that would go through any boot.
  20. I am not making any excuses for the French audience here( because they got it wrong.. period) ...but..this question could be perceived as a little ambiguous. The British version of WWTBAM often states :- ''there are no trick questions on Millionaire'' but for the Froggies, from a nerdy point of view, doesn't the planet Mars rotate around us? since it's orbit around the Sun is outside our orbit around the Sun? Call me picky (and dull)
  21. (I can't believe I'm asking this)How do you get the petrol to atomize, rather than just burn? If the petrol doesn't vapourise then you'll just end up with a South African necklace?
  22. I thought I'd seen it all before but that last little move, where they ran a fuse-line across the floor, was a nice safety touch..err relatively speaking
  23. ham2

    2.9 Torque Specs

    Wahey, Cheers JMcK, Just done the math as the Americans would say and 18% off 73.2ft/lbs is......60ft/lbs... so:- no need to strip and re-check.
  24. ham2

    2.9 Torque Specs

    I see you've got ''flip rear tyre around'' on your list. Personally I would rather do the main bearings all over again than mess about with a tubeless tyre.
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