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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Liked the Ducati poster..is that their motto?
  2. ham2

    2.9 Torque Specs

    Does threadlock count as a lube?
  3. As the guys above have stated.. Apart from the swarf from a brand new bike ,metal filings are a bad sign.. Are you sure these filings are metallic? Some fibres from the clutch plates are acceptable.
  4. ham2

    2.9 Torque Specs

    Well done that man..seriously.......how long do you have to wait for a proper test ride?
  5. If the worst case scenario is realized it's not all doom and gloom for the trials faction..........somehow? GasGas established and sustained themselves for quite a few years before they needed to make anything else other than trials bikes.
  6. Grimbo,making it look effortless-----
  7. Joking aside, Ducati wanting a foothold in the U.S. off-road market means(to me)the more lucrative motocross and enduro scene ...Not the ''cottage industry'' trials scene, so what would happen there ? Asset strip ? Cue:replies telling us how Honda makes a fortune out of Montesa??
  8. ham2


    I realize I have wandered off topic Tim..but..(short version)..the family,via FriendshipForce had an old Japanese guy stay with them 3years ago. It was his first visit overseas and his whole world was rocked when he ''saw'' WW2 from'' outside ''his country.
  9. ham2


    Great find..I think this raid summed up the Americans determination to fight back. As Yamamoto (may have?) said after Pearl Harbour ''Gentlemen, we have just kicked a rabid dog." This was not intended as a derogatory boast,more a prophetic warning.
  10. ham2


    Do y'know why their eyes are like that??????????
  11. ham2


    The plane that gave the Japanese a rude wake-up call after Pearl Harbour ..but not as rude as when little boy and fat man dropped in.
  12. How very dare you! You mean a Scorpa?? :o
  13. ham2


    Like one of these ---Mitchell --- ?
  14. ham2

    Bike Wont Start

    Relieved? I tried to start my bike last week and the kick-start lever locked out solid.!!! I have only just rebuilt the motor so all sorts of expensive,major faults were running through my mind ! Then I remembered my new,very tight, exhaust bung was still in place......oh, joy
  15. Dealer maintained or not... I always ask where it's been and what it's done as I found ''ex-demo'' can mean anything..Caveat emptor as they say in Rome
  16. Like it,I watch his videos quite often on the youtube. I really like these clips of the pros just goofing around,here's my current Jimenez fav,he's just messing around on a couple of rocks but(am I easily pleased?)everything is timed up perfectly. --- --I can't help but be impressed when he mounts the peak and burns the clutch to hold the front up in such a casual style,you can clearly hear the engine loading. If I were younger I would use the word 'cool' but I'm not so I won't
  17. Every time I see a classic rider without a lid I wince 'cos a mate of mine, a long time ago rode a twin-shock with a cable clutch,cable went ping and he flipped off the back taking a small chunk out of his lid. He was a bit shocked by his good luck 'cos he was one of these classic types who usually didn't wear a lid.
  18. ham2

    2.9 Torque Specs

    Yikes..I've just put mine on at 60ft/lbs..time to re-check everything
  19. Disclaimer..don't blame me ! Here's another one:- Lie on your back,hands on chest and 'dig' your heels into the ground so your body is raised up on to your shoulder blades and heels only(hold for 10 secs then release). This hydro-foil technique is also very good for achieving maximum velocity on a water-slide when you're on holiday(a coating of factor 50 suncream helps create a sonic boom )
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said..skydivers,hold for a count of 10 then release. Feels dumb doing, it but it works.
  21. ham2

    Oil Problem

    But...1.5 litres..that's a lot isn't it??
  22. It says atf dextron 3 on the bottle (I think..I'm at work at the mo),if that helps. It's easier to find than the recommended gearbox oil. Clutch is a little sharp I admit but it helps when you want to 'pop', if you catch my drift?
  23. ham2

    Txt Pro 02 250

    'Ere you go-------------similar problem?
  24. ham2


    Funny we should mention trials tyre regs and IRC tyres. Is it an urban myth or are those people using an IRC rear breaking the ACU ruling on 1:1 aspect ratio for the sidewall???You sinners!! I'll resort to anything to move up the results sheet.
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