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Everything posted by ham2
  1. When I was a young un' at school (maybe 5 years old) we were all told that a local Copper was coming in the next day to give us a talk. My dad thought it could be a very funny situation since I was so young?? The Copper came , did his talk and at the end he asked if there were any questions..so i stood up in front of the whole school and asked the question that my dad had prepped' me for:-'' How do you rob a bank?'' All the school laughed and I got a b0ll0ck1ng. I was 5 at the time and didn't have a clue so what's your excuse Andy.T ?if you only aspire to be a thief.
  2. Your correct, from cross-dressing to gay is a big jump..but admiring the Rocky Horror Picture Show that's just.... .......A Jump to the left !..and then a step....
  3. I'm not a big fan of Ricky (he's a bit too dirty for me)but the lad can take a punch (he's got a hard heed)..and...if he can avoid the cuts.. here's the point -I think Mayweathers hands are not up to it.. Go Ricky
  4. Just read that mag' yesterday..not bad but I think it's lost something in translation ,unlike the 08 pro review they did in September. Let's not gripe tho'..it was only a few weeks ago we had the first pic' of Raga's bike but already they've had a journo' riding it and reporting back! Great photo of Raga with his new (light) bike perched on his shoulders! Good to see some back to back comparisons as well
  5. Is that you 'coming out of the closet''now Slapshot?
  6. Like it I can even tell my kids that one.
  7. Yes, I can just imagine some oriental fella putting his ruler up to the computer screen to take a measurement!
  8. Perce..it's a Gasser!!..I've seen the weld on lug of the mid-box crack just by staring at it.
  9. 2 years ago Motorpoint sorted a Galaxy for my father-in-law with
  10. Don't judge me for posting this....it does have a trials bike in it........
  11. Is it cos' I is 40?.......Hmm..worra muppet.. can't sort the link..to be continued... At last..click me....... Tidy !
  12. ham2

    Leaking Petrol Tank

    This worked when the fuel filter on my car sprang a leak...like he says..short term fix only.I know there's not always a bar of soap next to you at a trial. But I have had my bike in the bath with me before?? honest !
  13. My mate says that the people from Hartlepool are f***ing monkeys......so that's what he really meant?
  14. I say Mont too, but what's your definitive answer Hovis?
  15. Yep, Seen that plenty times in my martial art days..the phsyco' -pain is good- stretcher. Cheers again Billy ..I'll give this a go for a couple of weeks and report back. Wayne
  16. Topic title:- 2002 Sherco 2.9 or Montesa 315 ? Hovis answer:- Beta Rev 3....Doh !?!?
  17. Cheers Billy, I'll pay more attention to my stretching before /during my squats and lifts. I'm guessing leg side swings (ballet-bar style )and side splits would be a good warm up and stretch for adductors etc.? I'm all for trying to ''exercise'' my way out of a problem,but I did need your direction first,thanks! Any idea if lunges are a good thing in this situation? Many Thanks, Wayne
  18. Just got back on my bike yesterday after a long lay off (which did help my knees)and sure enough my knees are stiffening up 24 hours later. It feels like my knee-caps are too tight( no float ),pushing into my knee joints. I think this means I have an imbalance in my leg muscles (front-back-inside -outside?). I'm quite active for 40 and nothing else I do gives me 'jip' like riding a trials bike??? Anyhow..does anyone know of a few exercises or any training I could add to my current work out? Cheers, Wayne
  19. I'll run it by Andy first
  20. You mean ........they're spies
  21. Andy.T , re-read my posts..Atoms reply is the erudite(triple word score?)version of what I have been trying to tell you. Good Luck (I don't mean that sarcastically)
  22. Maybe I only think this is funny because my kids are learning Irish dancing.....and they hate this... ..my kids are on the left
  23. Did you mean Andy or Andy.T
  24. Ridgerunr.. It could be your perception of the scale of any trials bike problems rather than the faults themselves. What I mean is..look at the retirements for any trial and I bet only a microscopic portion of those retirements are down to mechanical failure. Here's a post you won't see very often on any web-site; Hello all ,just letting you know my bike runs great and I have competed in a trial this week (or had a great practice session)
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