The man was such an entertainer and inspired many a bicycle accident in my childhood.. the guy was responsible for one of the biggest crazes of my youth..every lad did this..put 'cow-horn' handlebars on your racer,then a whole new, off-road-world seemed to open up.RIP
Ahh,your perception serves you well Mr. Bond...but now I have to kill you.
Is it a big lap? I don't know if I've ever done Lambshields?
Cheers for all the help fellas,tyre's on and holding pressure.
As usual I needed it in a hurry so I didn't have time to order anything.
Just nipped( no pun ) out to get a 20 by 1 and 3 eighths tube(according to Steve Saunder's video).
Can't believe I've lost my touch with the tie down method
Hello TC people can you help? I've done a search and I can't find the dimensions I need ?
I canna seat my rear tyre back on the rim using the ratchet tie down method --that used to do the trick--( lost the ''touch'').
What size is the bicycle inner tube that I could use instead ??
I know Steve Saunders gives the dimensions in his video but,typically, I can't find that either!!
I'm off to search my video collection again.....Cheers ..Wayne
I think this woman is one of the the reasons for the ''cake -laws''
Andy, my long answer was post#6 on this topic.
As for the ''do unto others...'',err, well I have a wife(I'm guessing you do too) and there's somethings..err. I do to her..err..that I wouldn't...you get the picture?
I'm trying hard to avoid sounding arrogant (no-really!)but my only 'support' for you is to advise you to take a big bite of that 5h1t sandwich and accept that your boss/any boss is always going to be steppin' on your balls.
Don't make me use another parable, I've nearly run out!!
Oh really?
After I had already typed out a ''long'' answer for you.
Here's a short answer ................click me
Yeah,nice location ,I had planted 10 imaginary flags just looking at that 1st photo.
If you can't get the rewards you want after doing your training,the skills you've just acquired may be of more interest to your next employer and who knows...your next employer may even pay you more for having those extra skills.
While I'm being a wise old sage.....(this is true)..Two of my schoolmates(both 'very equal' in most ways)joined the armed forces at the same time and quit at the same time.
One joined the Paras',one joined the Marines. (I am not getting into a regiment vs regiment argument here 'cos I've had enough of that 5h1t)
They both learned the runnin',shootin' and stabbin' thing but the Marine got sent on every skills course you could imagine,hgv,mechanics course,medics..blah,blah.
When they came out of the forces one of them had his choice of jobs, the other took what he could get,one of them revels in it when his boss yanks his chain and sends him on a course as he knows the skill will be of personal benefit to himself... somewhere down the line.
I realize I've laid it on a bit thick.... but that's how it's turned out.
I know nowt about your your piston...but..Not all dealers are equal...my ex-local Sherco dealer told me I would need a brand new rear wheel assy' when I asked him if he could repair my leaking spokes!!!!
You may well have been supplied with the correct piston but it might need the skirt milling?? or filing?? if it won't run properly un-modified.
Soundtrack will do your head in!!
Naked ladies in artistic poses, dancing around a brass pole in my living room...that MUST qualify for funding, surely?
Cheers Spinner, that's the one....
That review re-enforces my point..the manufacturer expects you to carry around:-
4mm allen key
5mm allen key
spare link
a screwdriver...
...so you can(without draining the transmission or coolant) remove:
water pump
r/hand engine cover
clutch unit
All done with your bike covered in 'klarts' (see Geordie dictionary) half way around a trial!!
Is that idea....
A)Pure genius or
B)Totally retarded .
....you choose ?
P.S. I can't knock the journalism....very technical beats TMX anyday!
It was definitely the 08 pro ,it was only a few weeks ago that I read it,it also mentioned the new steering head angle..I'm sure the link to it was posted on this web-site....anyone out there remember where the link is??
I was in junior school during the militant 'bin-man'(among others) strikes of the mid '70's.
Me and my mates lied about spotting a couple of rats in the school rubbish-mountain and the whole school got shut down for a few days.
I remember sitting in the dark with candles too.
At the time both memories were a hoot but as a parent now i would not tolerate any of that Labour 5hit...Guy Fawkes,now he had the right idea
I've just remembered a review of the 08 bikes in an online magazine(can't find the link) where GasGas explain about the new gear-shift 'failure-pin' and how they expect the owner to change it in 'the field'.
Can anyone find the link ?I think it was an American motocross mag with a trials bike supplement?
I haven't got a pro but 3 of my mates have.
I think I've seen the clutch-plate-pack out with the bike flat on it's gear shift side????No draining required??
I did use a rattle gun to get them off but I wouldn't trust myself with one when I need to tighten things up....power corrupts, you know!
I was told 10 years ago when I started to ride a trials bike that you'' ride with your legs'' ...it's only taken about 9 years to understand what that meant.
Here on Tyneside at Europes biggest shopping centre (so-called) adjacent to the A1,surrounded by the highest volume of traffic in the region there was a independent fuel station which closed 3years ago 'cos they couldn't make a profit from it??? Hundreds of vehicles per day still try to fill-up there.
Hope this helps, I bought a txt280 2000 a while back and it had 'lost' it's damping adjuster..rang gas gas and they said..''New Shocker mate-- several 100
Fellas..If anyone else is out there thinking of having a go...the only specialist tool I used was a flywheel puller which I already had to alter the timing on all my previous Shercos.
I'm sure all you TC people are able to make a flywheel holder..and the best bit..I found you can hold the front sprocket shaft with a metric socket,letting you do the clutch.
Hey..up here for thinkin' down there for dancin'.
I'm not a mechanic but it looks to me as if your float needle isn't closing off the fuel flow.
Check your float height and clean the needle(I think the needle has a little spring in it which can get gritty)
Don't worry about the pipe it is just an equalizer, some people take it off,some don't!
I'm sure the manuals at the top of this Sherco forum have a carb' strip page.
The only time my bike got petrol in the airbox was when it fell over in the garage one night (my garage is not seperate to my house)so I woke one morning to the smell of fuel all through the house!!
Nee chance! it's -1c here tonight Barry....although I feel obliged to keep it clean now that it 'works' properly