Update time..just had 5 mins on my bike, on the drive and I am very relieved..smooth and torquey at the bottom end..oh, and so quiet I can hear the clutch and primary gears!
Thanks again TC people..as Vinny said..gentlemen,it's been emotional !
Newsflash 18.50hrs..just tried my new bearings and seals in the street.......and....... success...bottom end torque restored,idle much more consistent..
This is the only remedy that has shown any positive results for my particular bike...Good luck
dabomb, if you mean my bike then ..no..I remember the previous owner denying any motor problems( I have no need to doubt the lad)and judging by the corrosion on the bolt threads I think they were last put in--bone dry-- Sherco factory style!.
oops..maybe a very ,very inter-bred family you know like...(add any district you wish to insult)
Poor Grandma's crying over the death of her pet budgie, she wails at her son to ''Do something..anything''.
Her dopey son rubs the dead bird but ..no reaction..so in desperation Dopey-boy crushes a Viagra tablet into it's beak thinking ''this might get the blood flowing''....
...but it's a no go.
While Grandma has a senior moment of dementia her son puts the budgie in the freezer ,planning to visit the taxidermist's later.
Later arrives and the son opens the freezer door and is astonished to see the budgie alive and well,steaming with sweat.
He says to the budgie ''How come you're sweating?''
The bird says ''I'd like to see you get the legs open on a frozen chicken?''
When it comes to jokes..sometimes bad=good
My 290-05 had/has?(I'm still rebuilding it) a similar problem,the low revs/idle performance was erratic,it didn't splutter like yours but I know it could run a lot better low down.
I'm presuming that you wash out and clean your carb' and filter as a routine.
Here's a list of work(in order of complexity and cost )that I have carried out whilst fault chasing:-
1)Took off the carb' spacer plate.....very little difference.-Cost
The Scottish gave it a good go and had a bit of pride ...we were just a clueless girls netball team.
Now that's what I call the perfect reply
You see...some people think that kind of thing is funny but in my family we remember the war with great sadness.
Some times we can't bring ourselves to talk about Great Uncle Jacob who died so tragically at Auschwitz.......... he fell out of his machine-gun nest.
Here we go...these were my choices until Copemech replied.....various plug caps
I think the resistor types are for radiowave suppression ( so it doesn't interfere with your telly picture),not that I ride my bike indoors?
Truth be told I wasn't expecting this type of reply...more of a yellow card response!?
Heh,Heh,Can't wait to tell my mates I've been labelled politically correct..me?
My other hobby is being an amateur immigration official.
Andy, I have heard a few Colin McRae jokes recently is it ok to post them?
I'm about to replace the spark plug cap on my 290.
Does anyone know if I should order the resistor type or non-resistor ?
Is the resistor only for radio emissions?
Thanks for any replies
Gawd, talk about bad taste/timing..have you seen the news headlines for the past week?!
I'm no expert but the only thing I can add to the previous post is ..just after the clutch is dumped...pull back hard on the bars .
I was told to visualize ''throwing the bike away''..rear tyre first !
I was also told '' don't worry ,it isn't possible to pull tooo hard on the bars''... but I proved that to be wrong.
Yup, the bearing box had c3 at the end of its size (that's the expansion tolerance/play ,yes??).
Rest assured after all this work I will be making a big effort to keep the crud out...anyhow I only got water in when I washed it.as with all my Shercos???!!!.
To me it seems that:-
Most of this PC guff is in place not to ensure that someone isn't offended...
...but to ensure the (so-called)offended person /parties can not easily bring about a law-suit claiming that their 'rights' have been infringed.
We signed up to The European Human Rights Act at the expense of 100's of years of common sense.
This Act is becoming a virus which has filtered down to our daily lives..be careful of the way you speak,way you act,what you say and what you do.
I hear that Peter Jackson (the director) is remaking the Dambusters film and one of his biggest dilemmas is whether to use the name of Guy Gibsons dog, it is integral to the film as the name is used as a radio code-word for the successful breach of one of the dams.
The name???.......well...err....it could mean ..black??.....and relates to Nigeria??
Political correctness strikes again
Sorry Mark,
I've posted and E-mailed quite a few times on this topic so I'm not sure what I've mentioned and to whom.
My bike was a 'swishy' 9 months old when I bought it from a local rider who didn't do any national trials,I knew what I was buying and the price was good.
Do you remember my 1st post about water in the airbox when I got it home??
I've been around Shercos enough to know the score with their various attempts at main bearings .
I don't rate the polymide bearings at all.
The new bearings are all SKF (through work)and the seals and gaskets were through splatshop web-site.
As you know I'm a big fan of sorting something via E-mail.
I didn't disturb the head ,it came off as an assy' with the cylinder jacket ...it wasn't that hard to decarbon in situ'.
I am totally,totally paranoid about cylinder head gaskets,I've never had any luck with them..the last 4 (3 bought new)cars..2 Fords,1 Renault,1Rover ,I've owned all blew their head gaskets.--And how could I forget..1 jetski..in the Gulf
Apart from not having the confidence / familiarity to split the cases or wiggle the motor out first time (and me ordering the wrong seals) it's almost been enjoyable.
Saying that ,it's not ready to be fired up so I am not out of the woods yet
Cheers scraggy,
Truth is it's so long ago since I sourced the seals, I can't remember where I got them from ,all I know is that I was at fault for specifying 24-40-7 straight from the manual..doh!
Update 19.30hrs.....went to Force 7 after work and picked up 2 new seals...
Thanks fellas for all your replies...just when I was in the mood to get stuck in... I get a stop on the job!!
So I am sitting here with my craft knife shaving 1mm off the seal............NOT!!!!!
Kind of..sort of..it's a modified golfing joke.
Hello TC people...need your help again.
The 2005 manual quotes the mains seal dimensions as 24-40-7 and that's what I have ordered but... I have now stripped the motor and the old ones are 25-40-7.
Can I get away with using my new 24-40-7 seals or is that 1mm too much difference?