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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Seen this a few times. Is there anyone out there who thinks his riding looks like Shaun Morris in some sequences? Is there anyone who thinks this a yob riding ?
  2. You have to laugh or else you'll cry Also thanks FranticFantic for the alert.
  3. I was at the same point as you..ready to drill..but everyone I spoke to said not to do it(reduced contact area or something??). If you look around at Gassers and Montesas you can see more holes than disc !! Sorry I can't be any help. Anyone out there?
  4. Do you get the feeling that all this Lewis Hamilton /McLaren stuff is scripted like a soap opera or a cheap film plot. I'm sure you couldn't invent some of this seasons drama (is it just to keep us interested?). I would like the outcome to be decided in a true British hero style(Formby). What do you reckon:- 1) George.. sorry, Lewis sets fastest lap time on his flying lap 'cos his brakes fail. 2) Geo..Lewis over shoots a corner and into the lead because a newspaper blows across his visor and gets temporarily stuck there. 3) G..Lewis runs out of petrol in the last 500 yards and has to freewheel over the finish line and a photo decides the winner. Seriously though, I might even be watching . Hey,y'cant catch meh!
  5. ham2

    Tuning/trick Bits

    Ok.Ok, Just one.
  6. Blimey ,look where he's from...playing up to a national stereotype..The only gehyah in the velledge!
  7. ham2


    A pine needle?........A pine needle??!! ..how did that get in there? I think we should start a competion to see who has found the largest piece of debris in their carb'. I know someone who dried their airbox with newspaper and didn't get it all out before re-assembly,the bugger would not start!!??
  8. You can buy a pair of modified rear linkage plates to raise the rear and speed up the reaction time. I think Mitani and Jitsie do a version. Try Sandifords first. See front page site sponsor.
  9. My mates have used a company called 'west country windings'? in the past but I think the owner re-located to Spain or mainland Europe. I recall they could only fix 4 coil stators and not 6 ( or vice versa) so not all Rev3s can be rewound (could have been the 2003 yellow model that was a problem??). The fix was permanent (until the CDI failed!!??) much better than the (many) original-replacement?? stators that they were suplied with. Sorry if this is all a bit vague,I'm getting old ( over 40 )I've got silver hairs sprouting from everywhere, apart from me head.
  10. I can ,yes. Reason for post edit: I was too crass! Sorry folks.
  11. Exactly...I couldn't have put it better myself, I think his ego is what divides opinion on the fella. Anyway ..did you used to be Papa Zit? Regards, Wayne
  12. ham2

    Tuning/trick Bits

    Heath , I 've seen 'Captain Kirk' in action and he can make full use of warp drive. It's enough to make you bitter and twisted .
  13. I think it's on the back of the protruck
  14. Hey, count me in , sounds great ( I'll just have to work out what percentage of my winnings would be needed to bribe the obsevers)
  15. Yes!! We could be on to something here......In Dunlop wellies of course..non of yer' Gaernes or Alpine Stars or owt!
  16. I didn't even guess that's what was going to happen Good find
  17. OK. if it's sarcasm we're dealing with :- Yaaaay, he's British ,I'm British yaaay. At the moment F1 is Lewis Hamilton. I'm just saying take it easy on the hype,you tend to find the same people who build him up tend to be the same ones who'll take a shot at him once he achieves something. As for Bernie acknowledging Hamilton as being good for the sport ,well,what the ringmaster really means is that LH is good for Bernies wallet. Competition time....who is the author of this quote ( I bet Lewis Hamilton would know).... You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it. Or this one.... Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Answers on a postcard to:- No. 1 .World Leader House Jingo-istic Street Xenophobe Lane Centre of the British Empire I8m al There..quite a sophisticated reply,( if I say so myself) ,no insults used, so can we drop the moron stuff please ?
  18. Yeah ,like a ''F1 star in a reasonably priced car'' sort of competition. Going back to 1984,Senna and the other F1 drivers took part in a race to celebrate the opening of the new Nurburgring. That was a great leveller as they all used identical Merc 190 e cosworth saloon cars. Senna won. Somehow I can't see the current crop of F1 jockeys going for anything like that these days.
  19. ham2


    my fan goes off as soon as I rev the motor, whats that mean? From previous posts I think this is the culprit, once the voltage fails to be checked by the regulator(i.e. over 12 v when you rev up) the fan stops. Do a search on this forum for a similar fault.
  20. Gawd ,Matt, don't say things like that they'll think it's a challenge of some sort....Whale-tail spoiler anybody?
  21. In the drivers meeting beforehand he stated that he would do a good job behind the pace car if/when it came out??!! It's ironic that you should mention Coulthard as a reference as I recall a very similar mishap befalling DC in his early Williams days when he ploughed into the pit wall whilst leading (no other vehicle involved) and I think he holds the record as the only driver to crash out of a GP whilst leading the parade/warm up lap. Doh!! You can dress it up as much as you want but F1 GP's are won by the best................................ car...period!.....erm......apart from the 1993 European GP at Donnington Park.(Have a look on youtube if you want) That was the last time I was impressed by F1 or an F1 driver. We can all hide behind our 'Jingo-istic' excitement at times so here is the main reason why I don't speak German:- Scroll down Brit Regards, Wayne
  22. Ouch, my knees ache just watching that.
  23. Non chemical option. Follow all Health and Safety rules..... of course. If it's a straight through front pipe like mine we're talking about:- You need a 'leccy hand drill and a length of cable (and strong wrists). Put a 10''length of 3 core cable in your drill chuck and bare back most of the insulation so you have a copper cat-o-three tails. Put the new copper flail into the pipe first then switch on your drill. A bit messy though.
  24. ham2

    Sherco Mains Mod'

    OOOH.. You wouldn't let it lie
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