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Everything posted by ham2
  1. I'm not impressed by the kid either,his childish antics at that press conference, where he was giving the sly :-''he's mental'' hand signals (as Alonso spoke to the press) made me think he was very immature. Add that to his lack of concentration behind the pace car in that monsoon and you've got a recipe for disaster.
  2. ham2

    Sherco Mains Mod'

    Correct..that was my source
  3. It has to be a clean otherwise if you apply the letter of the law (rules) Dougie was expected to move his boot from the peg in case his boot came into contact with anything other than ......the peg???
  4. ham2

    Sherco Mains Mod'

    Does anyone out there know of the mod' (light machining/grinding of the crank-case--I think?) to carry out when you change the main bearings on a Sherco 290. Like someone said on here recently,it's the sort of job you only want to do once. I think it's a simple shallow groove or two above the mains to guide a condensed oil trail down onto the journal when the bike has cooled. I know Paxua wasn't a fan of the procedure. I was told about it years ago by a source( and he never had a 'modded' one returned to him) but typically I can't recall the details now that I need to. Thanks
  5. Looks like Sherco were a little slow in responding to the Xispa launch. I guess they've been busy going around their dealers telling them not to even think about taking on the un-named brand . They've done the right thing in totally distancing themselves from ''product X'' as I could see the potential confusion involving the new model. I.E. New customer thought process ...:- Hmmmmmmm...it looks like a 06 Sherco motor,frame,plastics....etc...so alike..but cheaper... it's as if they were from the Sherco 'family' of products???? in the same way that the current Skoda uses the old hand-me-down technology of the old VW or Audi models 'cos they're all part of the same group. So if it has that backing/pedigree then I might just have one!! Even if this link is just inferred it will be damaging. This is the sort of scenario that Sherco has to avoid at all costs because I think pursuing the legal/copyright issue is a non starter for them,yes, they have to rattle the sabre but the monies involved would be prohibitive. Just a thought.
  6. ham2

    Does Anybody Know?

    Does anybody know????????..why this is in the scorpa forum????? By the way.... 6004 2rs from memory
  7. Very good but..not sure which Canary Islands you're on about 'cos the ones I'm thinking of that are definitely named after 'dawgs' are located in the Atlantic?? Am I just splitting hairs?
  8. Nigel, You've not got the same dodgy copy as me,the one where the screen is off-set so far that you can see the 'EXIT' sign in the bottom left hand corner?
  9. Ok , just to clarify...God was just my mates TC name it's now ProTruck or something,he's rich ,owns lots of land ,is an excellent rider and gets everywhere etc...
  10. My kids go to a Catholic school, I am an Atheist but I don't let on to my kids (or so I thought), I am more than happy with the teaching at their school. I went along with other parents to my eldest daughters class Liturgy (7yrs old at the time),where the teacher asked the kids if there were any questions. My kid spoke up:''My Dad sez that religion is a comfort blanket for the hard of thinking. What did he mean Miss ?'' I couldn't get out fast enough.
  11. Gas Gas Liam, I don't mean to state the obvious but you need to try out the bike of your choice as thoroughly as you can. Nothing wrong with asking for advice but like Dabster says if the bike doesn't suit you or is too uncomfortable to ride then thats a handicap. Other peoples opinions are just that ..opinions..! Brilliant riders can ride anything well ( just look at Bou ) but the rest of us have to be a lot more careful when choosing our next bike.
  12. We've touched on this subject before........Bourne bike As for the film, I liked the 1st one but I thought the later 2 were just franchise money makers. I really dislike the Bourne Ultimatum for it's ''manic'' unsteady camera work which tries to 'edit in' more action,it's just not needed. Bourne's dis-arms,counters and take-downs are done well enough.
  13. ham2

    4rt Photos

    Do you mean.....shock/ horror.........this one ..what you can't see is that Gary is at the taps end
  14. Just to pick the bones from your post:- Tip the bike to the left slightly and drain out the oil till it stops dribbling. 1) Do drain from the lowest allen bolt (watch for the sealing washer) on the sprocket side of the crankcase . 2) Do add the 450cc of oil to the filler hole(large plug with an o-ring seal) on the kick start side of the crankcase. Do not fill up to the level of that hole. That would be way too much.
  15. ham2

    4rt Photos

    Glen, Can I borrow an empty jar . Everytime I put a bike back together I have some parts left over
  16. ham2

    4rt Photos

    God, I must be bored ,I' m even helping out the 4rt crew:- 4rt blingers Do a search man!!!
  17. Just had another look and the bike turns into a 4rt half way up the mountain then back to gas gas. Advertising world.....it's not real is it!
  18. A bit daft I know, but have a look: Advert
  19. Don't forget the point about the high density foam to insulate your tank from the frame. I know of a couple of Pro tanks which have leaked badly from chaffing. They leaked more fuel than a Beta rev 3
  20. ham2


    Yup, that ad' is all we were talking about at work. People would say ''did you see the Big Brother final ?'' and the reply would be ''stuff that,did you see the cadbury advert during the break!!'' I think Phil Collins overdid the 'Regaine' though.
  21. Just curious..has anyone out there tried a dunlop d801 rear tyre then tried a d803? Any differences? All replies welcome
  22. Here's my prediction....it's white...there , you can relax now!
  23. ham2

    Hot Rev3 !

    Beta have launched a new model: Rev 3 mobile barbecue These Beta riders and their pagan ceremonies..tut..tut
  24. ''Don't panic Captain Man'ring''
  25. ham2

    Machine Test

    I see from the photos that there is some sort of throttle stop(or grenade pin??) wired onto the bars so it seems as if no-one is allowed to test this bike. If we are speculating ( which is all we can do at this moment), could someone witha 250 sherco, 2006 vintage, with a khein fitted please chime in so we can have an expected benchmark for performance. P.S. Oh,and if they've fitted 40mm forks off a Gasser that would be a little more accurate
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