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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Excuse my maths but it looks like you are close to the limit : If the ratio is 0.16kw/kg, and you have 75kg of rev3, that is a 12 kw allowance, and guessing that a 270 puts out 18 hp(13.3 kw). All estimated ,if anyone wants to be more accurate please chime in.
  2. Ossa? Hodaka? SWM? surely not Harley? Nowhere near........ I'll give you a clue (not that I'm xenophobic or anything)FRENCH journalism,FRENCH test,FRENCH bias ,FRENCH:moon:
  3. I recall Steve Berry (old Top Gear presenter) having a try at trials about 10 years ago. He stood next to a gas gas txt270 and a TYZ 250, he stated that these machines push out about 16 horse power...so even allowing for 10 years worth of development I don't think any current trials bike would have more than 20bhp. If that guestimate is not accurate enough for you ...try some of the European trial mags, I'm sure they dyno' their test bikes! It might have been a french mag but it was definately written in French (which I can't read)and the only thing that made any sense was the dyno' stats'. You'll never guess which make was the most powerful?????
  4. I totally agree with frontroomautos,the rev3 is a nice bike to ride but the stator fault will leave you with a dead bike in the middle of a trial. I have vivid memories of helping to push a dead rev3 over the boggy moors and the conversation with the owner revealed it was on it's 3rd stator in a year. All bikes have their faults but I would rather have one that runs sick rather than one that quits.
  5. ham2

    Carb Probs....still!

    Honestly Gaz, I sent my PM to you before scraggydog64 sreply was posted??!! It reads like a carbon copy. I think this could be the answer? I don't know if it's the same thing but I had problems with my 05 290 intermittently running very low at low revs. It went for ages, constantly stripping the carb down, replaced all of the gaskets and seals in the carb, reed valves, rubbers etc. At the end of the day it was the crankshaft oil seals. The bike hadn't done a lot of work but the play in the main bearings caused the oil seals to wear letting in too much air therefore running lean. Apparently Shercos have poor quality main bearings. Hope you find an easier fix but thats what cured mine.
  6. Mr. Ragas comment :- '' Hijo de puta ''
  7. You mean the one onthe left?,right?
  8. Here's a bit of a pointless challenge:- I bet Colly would have won on his Gasser.
  9. Or you could do what I did( lazy style) with my Mont, open the airbox drain then go straight to the main jet. This sits in the brass bolt that holds the bottom of your carb' bowl up. I think there is just enough room to remove it without disturbing the carb' (don't let the bowl itself drop). There is usually a droplet of water in that brass bolt which interferes with the main jet when you open the throttle above idle...blow it out (lung power will do). Enjoy
  10. ham2

    Flying 4rt

    Have a look at this....someone has managed to get one off the ground...Airborne Montesa
  11. Ok TC people, it looks like we are amassing a nice 'dossier' of uncomfortable questions for Andy to ask Xispa on our behalf: Are your parts suppliers abiding by the Kyoto agreement and offering their workers a fair wage? Are your parts suppliers providing clean ,safe working conditions for their workers? Are your parts suppliers breaching any 'Intelectual copyrights'? Somehow I don't think any of us will be asking these sort of questions if the quality is ok and the price is low. While we're all sumising ,can some of the more technical people out there guess the layout of that new engine? e.g. Why would you put that sight glass in harms way at the leading edge of the clutch cover ? Andy,can you ask if I can have a free promotional biro please, Ta. Wayne
  12. Hmm?...30% off the price of a gasser say leaves you with
  13. I can only find a pic' of the motor (oil sight glass on the ''wrong?'' side). Turdotrial You have to scroll down to 5/7/2007
  14. Don't panic..as The Hitchhikers Guide or Clive Dunn might say, from what I can recall from the last out-break,F+M is neutralised by warm temperatures and Uv light..our mild summers are enough to do the trick. PMA.
  15. ham2

    Flood Aid?

    Lads..when you have made your decision here is your next contact:- British red cross floods appeal My family have a direct involvement in The Saharawan aid trust so I 'KNOW' that not ALL aid donations/appeals are milked,mis-guided or mis-appropriated. The Saharawans are some of the most resourceful people you could meet ( you wanna see them fix a 30 year old Land Rover in the desert). Try YouTube.... Desert Geordies or Rainbow Rovers. It's easy to generalise, I am aware of the corrupt political status in Africa and elsewhere..please do not use that as a reason to do nothing. Rant over
  16. Cheers boys I didn't want to post the website photos incase of copyright.....yeah, I know, I am chicken5h1t.
  17. Not since 'Freebie and the Bean' !! has a current Trials-bike been used in a major cinema release but it looks like Montesa have managed a little bit of product placement here. Sorry about the picture quality.click me Sorry boys, got a link problem, I'll try and sort it later.
  18. ham2

    08 Gasgas

    I can't understand 'Spanglish' but looking at thes pics and from what I remember of the differences between the 05 and 06 bikes it would seem like the pegs are getting lower and lower( is that what we're losing in the translation?). How long before we see a Harley GasGas with feet forward running boards.
  19. ham2

    It Exists!

    Have a great day??!! You can't leave it like that..more info please and more pics..preferably a close up of the price tag.
  20. Apologies for a non related reply: Oi ! Baldilocks your inbox is full,be a tidy boy, Wayne
  21. Whoah! Did you see him pin the throttle even when the back end was out? Those were the days before any of this ''lift-off'' 4wd oversteer malarky. I had a share in a rs2000 mk2 flat front, twenty years ago(4.1:1 diff', anti-tramp kit, blah blah...means nothing now)and I poured a shed load of money into it but christ it was fun. Putting things into perspective,I now have the best sort of Subaru you can possibly get ????(and it is warp speed fast)?????......the sort you hand back to your brother,the owner,when you've spent an hour using up his petrol (4 star substitute @
  22. Situation report Mr. Gaz ?
  23. ham2

    Sherco Virgin

    ZIPPY, I think I'm right in saying the 03 models onward had their 1st gear raised (very close to 2nd on other bikes) and recall the one and only tip I got from 'quiet-man' Jarvis was'' do as much as possible in 1st to help you learn the bike and technique'' I'm still learning!!??
  24. Ok, so there maybe a sales tax to add for most states but the exchange rate is currently $1.98 to the
  25. ham2

    Repsol Ptb

    A mate(expert) of mine (me..clubman) has a4rt and has explored the different ptb programs. Each time he changed programs he'd ask me to try it then ask for my opinion (of course !!). I distinctly remember him handing me the bike and saying:- ''Wayne..tonight you are riding Laia Sanz !!?? ''. Funny how that stays in my mind Seriously though, that program seemed to me to be the best (for a clubman),it softened the bottom end and seemed to leave the mid and top as standard.
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