Well done TC people, I seem to remember catching out several Beta types last year with the petrol tank problem but you were all ready for me.
I think I will concentrate on Scorpa or Sherco people next year!
Even just from a commercial point of view that video promo' is a million percent better than the first offering a year ago (where the bike was pootling around on some snowy forest floor).
Videos like that make you want the product so much .
Dear Trials Central people,
It's about this time of year that I think about these things i.e. does anyone know where I can get some intake reeds for a 4rt and what sort of performance gain can I expect?
Thank you in advance for any replies.
I had one of those NZI helmets which pitch back and forth on your head when you attempt drop-offs (and gave my forehead a good chaffing).
I thought it was just my' tefal' heed but a mate of mine also bought the NZI carbon version and had the same problem (helmet chaffing --ooh err-- and temporary blindness after a drop-off).
Solution??..bought an X-Speed helmet,cheap and comfy.
If your work-mates can't sort it for you I would suggest you search for an engineering firm who can carry out spark-errosion.
The results aren't pretty but it may be the only way to avoid a brand new yolk.
I think BarryBaines and PHB confirmed my point .
So the vast majority of us who use our racks for trial transport are (technically) in the 5h1t as far as the strict letter of the law is concerned.
This topic never occurred !! You 'aint seen me..right!!
While we're on the subject what is the maximum nose wheel ( ball) weight for a Punto/Fiesta tow-rack ?
I ask because have a Primera and I'm sure the max load is only 75 kg so once you add a Sherco and a rack together I think I'm over that maximum!!!
I dread to think what the fine is for overloading.
Shhhh.. don't tell anyone
Did he get T-Boned at a level crossing?????
Not red surely??
Tell us where the bolt goes and we tell you what type you need.
Is this not a lubrication question??
But seriously,. I'm sure I had the same problem years ago and I got it brazed from the inside.
Hmmmmm....Dear Sirs,
TG used to be one of the few programmes I could watch with my daughters (7+10) but since James 'the fop' started using '####' before 9 o'clock that is no longer the case.
If I ever meet him I will stuff his beloved'####' right down his throat.
Angry of Mayfair
It has to be the fumes.
If I go to a trial which is a short loop, in the woods ,big queues then I am garanteed a headache .
Even had a couple of nose bleeds (but then I do have a big one!).
I've got a mate who's a PC and he reckons when someone's topped themselves (pre catalyst times)with the exhaust method the resulting mess when the carbon monoxide permeated their membranes was a truly horrific sight for the poor soul who discovered the body
On that cheerie note I think I had better sign off.
Ok , here's my guess going by my previous experience:
I think your bike is an 04 or 05 model?? and I think ??your stator coil is on the way out, 'cos that is exactly how my 04 played up.
If you're lucky I am wrong.
If this is true then you would need to have the ability to turn it off when you need to 'burn for grip'.
Just ask anyone (in wintry conditions)who has a 2 wheel drive car with traction control, it's not the miracle solution it is made out to be.
I'm guessing this has something to do with the Indoor 3 minute repair rule?
They have a lot of faith in that glorified rubber band!
Sheffield must have a set of very effective extractor fans 'cos I can remember going to an indoor bike show where they had a few demo bike for joe-public and the Crosswaite demo troupe.
The audience were nearly gassed to death and we all had stinging eyes.
It would have been funny if my mates dad didn't have heart/breathing problems to start with
Jetset, who are you insured with?
I try to add my bike on my house insurance every renewal but 'cos it's motorised I get turned down.
I do not wish to take anything away from the impact of this picture but here's another view-point:
Raga, not quite vertical !
The timing of this couldn't be better.
I was out on my bike last night and snapped my Iris chain quite dramatically.
It whipped across my foot, which is still bloody sore this morning and if it wasn't for my boot I would be in a sorry state.
I need a new slave cylinder now.
Motto :- Buy the best kit you can afford i.e. not Iris.
Ok , I might be in dream land here but I would buy a ticket (raffle type..over and above the entrance fee) to ride one of the riders' bikes at the end of the show,this mini-spectacle could ease the mad rush to depart at the end.
I realize this throws up all manner of problems..riding gear,insurance, liability,riders ability etc.
It might be a nice little earner for the promoters or a charity.
Pipe-dream?..yes..but the chance of making an ar5e of myself in front of 12,000 people is quite a buzz
:agree: Yes ,that Wayne Kershaw gets paid for nowt but i liked it when Martin put the mic next to Fuji's 4rt exhaust (woke everyone up and startled Fuji).
The night went well ,the atmosphere seemed a little more relaxed than previous years,which affected the riders in different ways.
Cabs..I don't think he took things very seriously at all, granted, he was very technical until he thought he had found a short cut back onto the shed and 5-ed it, then it became one big training exercise for him.
This bloke has huge ability but no 'nous'.Is it just me or is it this simple..get the man a mentor or manager who can kick his ar5e ,keep him focussed, and you will have a World champ.
Raga .. I have a new found respect for the man, his looning around and comedy routine was worth the entrance fee in itself.
When Raga was introduced he went to the base of one of the race towers, where Martin was commentating,blasted straight up the ramp and jammed on the anchors(then coasted backwards off the ramp) to miss Martin . I don't think it was scripted.
In between sections when the floor got 'congested' Raga put his belly on the bars and rode at the officials/press doing a 'breast -stroke' movement .
Dabill.. Gave everything a good go especially the yellow skips, the lad certainly didn't bottle anything.
Fuji....Big smiles all round from the man even when he launched his bike off the log ramp .Later on
he kept on smiling as that oaf Kershaw called him a ''Kamakaze pilot''.Not very PC!
Toni Bou....What can you say ?...Clinical,cool,gifted, an old head on young shoulders.
He seemed to sit back and let the others make their own mistakes.
Is there a panel in the back of his scalp where you can see the batteries and the circuit board?
As for the bike? seemed to have a great combination of power and grip.
Oor Dougie....Not nice to say but can he take the pressure? That used to be his stong point.
Whenever the crowd got behind him he seemed to flap (contrary to what the commentators say),
on the log section(in reverse)the 'tators wound the crowd up ,the crowd wound Dougie up and Dougie wound the 4RT up then..he got the 'yips' and hit the log tower way too soon/low for a 5.
Dougie dropped his bike so much I am not surprised that it failed him later on.
Is it because we expect so much that we are so disappointed ?
Ok that's how I saw it so let's hear your corrections.
P.S Does anyone know if it will ever be shown on TV 'cos I think I may have been captured by the camera.
Yes, I know I'm vain but I have a lot to be vain about.
Couldn't find the rule change but I did have a laugh of the translation of Bruno Comozzi's name