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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    Sherco 290 Clutch

    Big Ian, I think most first time Sherco owners think they have a clutch problem ( for about 30 seconds)but this is just a characteristic of the breed. I have had a few Shercos over the years and they all exhibited this trait for sticking clutches at start up, but after a few seconds warm-up performed faultlessly. I have always used ATF and I think it's just the surface tension of the oil trapped in the plates that causes drag at start up. I was once paranoid enough to strip the plates and lightly emery the surfaces to roughen up the contact area...no difference..so as they say..''If it's not broken don't fix it''. It could be worse, you could have a Montesa with permanent clutch drag!
  2. Cheers Theused and Tordi, Just what I wanted to hear...Much appreciated, thank you.
  3. Hello TC people, I need someone with ''Sheffield knowledge'' to help me out, any replies welcome:- I am going to the Hallam FM Arena on Friday but need to park in the Meadowhall Centre car-park (wife and daughter mk11 going shopping/cinema). Me and daughter mk1 will leave Arena at about mid-night ish? to meet up with car and family. Questions- 1) Is there a specific car park at Meadowhall that will be open this late/long ? 2) What's the best way to get to said car park from the Arena at that time of night? Cheers, Wayne
  4. Absinthe?..the real Absinthe?..be afraid ,be very afraid, that stuff will ruin your Xmas if it's anything like the Absinthe I tried (once!). All the best
  5. ham2

    Sherco 290 Clutch

    Yes, that's normal. Just rock the bike in gear (4th or 5th)BEFORE you start her up. This always frees-up my clutch. MERRY XMAS Y'all
  6. ham2

    Beta 4-stroke

    Markygas, I am not contesting your opinion but can you be a bit more specific about that last comment, particularly when it comes to riding comparisons. I am genuinely interested in your own impressions. Ta !
  7. Has anyone actually seen this ad on tv..if so what channel ?
  8. Ok , 2 tales linked to trials:- 1. Trying to kick over my mates bike for him and i asked him to put his finger in the spark cap (I am evil remember). I jabbed the kick start, he jumped up from shock and banged his lid right into my jaw, chipping my front tooth..just deserts eh?! Both very sore (from laughing). 2.Sitting on my bike (engine idling),queuing on a river bank at a trial in a downpour. The river bank was undercut by the rising river level and crumbled away like a trap door ditching me and the bike in 3 foot of brown water ( throttle wide open). Really narked----but everyone else peed themselves laughing.
  9. ham2

    Cv Carbs

    Got a bit excited there, I thought you were going to post a pic of a woman
  10. That Fuji ..he's always trying to get some heat into that back tyre !
  11. ham2

    Beta Rev 4t In Action

    Looks like Steve didn't want to take any chances with the camera on him,you can clearly see him 'priming ' the bike in gear before he attempts a kick( I am not doubting the bike for a second, there's a saying in engineering ''if it looks right then it is right''). Good job somebody involved with the Rev4 has a bit of PR awareness.
  12. ham2

    Beta Rev 4t In Action

    Yes, I think all the video shows is an average rider on a noisy bike then a very good rider on a quiet bike
  13. Right so Bou lands the biggest contract of his career which probably has bonus payments for IWTC and WTC points so would you in his position take chances? he may not even have his works bike? who knows? As Nigel says we are looking at a glorified 'warm-up' session for the IWTC..I'm still going though..and my tip for first place is (ironically when it counts for nowt)....Dougie!
  14. Yes..this is the real point of wheelies in a trial..the accurate placement/timing of the front wheel into/on to an obstacle , not sitting your a*** on the back mudguard and wheelying through the start gate to the end cards.
  15. ham2

    Carb On A 4rt.

    Christ..he must ride around with a spare set in his pocket just in case.
  16. I totally agree..some of the best sections i have seen were spoiled by some lions or tigers mooching around in there! Bloody zoos!
  17. There's also a clip on Youtube (which I can't find at the moment..typical)of Laia Sanz doing the same to a row of volunteers......I think.. it was intentional (well you know what women are like?!) Imagine all that weight of the 4rt bearing down on you Give me time to find it. There,found it-
  18. As far as high points go you've missed out the most impoortant one for you.... Gareth and the Smoggie squad brown-nosing ther way to letting Mr. Southgate remain in charge even though he's not qualified to cross the road. You wouldn't find that happening at St. James's...ahem..
  19. Perce..can you do the lyrics for the Swedish chef while your'e on
  20. Was it Ferretflasher ? Currently can't find any trace of him on this site?
  21. ham2

    Repsol 06

    I've missed something here..when it comes to the overall effect...what's the difference between backing off the adjuster and grinding off the end of the adjuster?? Please keep the answer simple
  22. Why do you use seperate cleaning products for your bike, clothing or your body?..strange people!!?? click this
  23. Ok...TC people..this was the actual question. Only a handful of us tried to answer this. The lad wanted a technical response not the obvious '' just use some skill'' type of reply. I was looking forward to a lot more good engineering/scientific theories here!
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