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Everything posted by ham2
  1. I see you are judging your opinions on the 02 sherco (lack of grip that is). It's funny but that year model had the longest swing-arm and didn't grip as well as previous or later models. I had an 03 model and from what I remember it didn't matter where your weight was placed the back end gripped very well..I think the 03 had a shorter swing-arm. Just my opinion. Is that the sort of answer you were looking for?
  2. ham2

    Sherco 290 Replica

    Spud, The Ryan Young web-site has a link to a very detailed description of how to alter the timing on a Sherco. I've had quite a few Shercos and the 'range' on the timing can totally transform the bike to what ever you require.
  3. He's not the only dumb-dawg in the force. I have just bought a house from a PC Dog handler and he told me he was called out to a fight outside a kebab shop where one bloke was lashing about with the kebab knife. The dog was wound up and sent into action..it ignored the knife-man, jumped the counter and started eating the rotating kebab slab! : This was all on cctv as well so I hope to see it on you-tube soon.
  4. Mitas, do you mean?.. Gold tyres!.. King bling! Seriously, from a while ago (10 maybe 12 years back) I remember that the Pirelli trials tyre was a **** poor effort in normal trials conditions but if you took it out in the deep snow it wouldn't clog like the dunlops or michelins. I think this was down to the vee shape of the blocks (sidewall). So therefore you could say it was a bit of a ripper not a gripper.
  5. On that subject: My (drunken) mate got 'cautioned' by a PC recently for calling out (to a 'Muslim' lady):- ''Get your eyes oot for the lads !'' He's a very naughty boy.
  6. --> QUOTE(John B @ Oct 13 2006, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ordered mine begining of September - arrived in a couple of days - I'd chase it up..... Likewise...... get on to them.
  7. Here's my'recent' bike history: Sherco 290-01 Sherco 290-03 Sherco 250-04 Sherco 290-05 So reading into that you would think I was a 290 fan, but ,no. I would rather have the more revvy 250 than the soft torquey 290. I just can't come to terms with the 290-05 'mushy' bottom end. Apparently the 290-05 is supposed to be like this. The 250's power tails off nicely at the top end of the revs and helps to maintain grip on a slimy slope where as the 290's soft torque helps grip off the bottom end. Even tho' the bikes weighed the same ,save for a few grams, the 250 seemed much more maneuverable(I think that is the gyroscopic effect and torque 'straightening' effect of a bigger motor). It's horses-for-courses,make sure you THOROUGHLY ride the actual model you are buying,don't go thinking it's the same as the previous models like i did. I haven't ridden a 'black Sherco' but I hear the 290-06 has an even softer bottom end than the 05. Sorry I can't be more up to date than that.
  8. I asked: Does it hide your face from CCTV cameras?
  9. ham2

    290 Carburation

    Oh, Oh ! This sounds familiar. There have been a few posts on this subject in the past and they all pointed towards stator trouble( on 04 and 05 bikes). If the problem worsens when the bike has warmed up then it ''could'' be your stator on the way out. See previous posts by Andy_290 and Gasgasser.
  10. ham2

    4rt 280 Or 260

    Well it is a 4 stroke so you can use this :- more power
  11. leedo55 you must have a different Sherco to me (and all the others I've had) 'cos if I left mine unwashed it would dissolve by itself
  12. Yep , a mate of mine did his first enduro (Yamahah tt250?) last year (Leeds area) and was disappointed???!!! because the observed parts of the course were so technical ''just like one of your bloody trials'', he said . He agreed that the day was won-or-lost on these sections. Should have paid attention when he was out with me On the subject of 'paid' I think the entry fee was very ,very expensive (compared to trials) and so was the consumables tally by the end of the day i.e. fuel and a full set of brake pads, nevermind transport costs for a 200 mile round trip. Us 'stand-ups(comedians)' as he calls us, have got it cushy in comparison
  13. Ok Magicmat I hear what you are saying------- Your technique doesn't change from bike to bike ? Yet you can lift the back on the Raga easier than your std 05? I think the Raga has a different disc (floating) set up to the std 05 you own. I could be wrong (but that's rare )so have a look?
  14. To Bore Or Not To Bore.................. Oops, sorry ..thought this was another Mich-Lin post! Yes , according to the montesa bible you are supposed to change that piston every 6 months. Never met anyone who did though!
  15. Just a thought..aren't the original hangers supposed to have a little 'give' in them so the impact doesn't knock a chunk out of that very expensive looking frame. Better to have a bent (temporarily) hanger than a cracked frame...... ..discuss! Bugger ...just read Kinells last post..didn't see it before...Great minds and all that.
  16. It was the fact that he just couldn't see what the problem was that gained him international scorn !
  17. ham2

    2 Rt?

    Gertcha, y'bugga...MONTESA not Honda was the reference..and the 4rt that I first tried had the power of a 125 two stroke,so, there you have it..all that's needed is some 125 stickers ( I don't think anyone will contest the power delivery). Is Daddy going to shell out mega-bucks on a fuel injected ,heavy trials bike for junior to try out his new sport?
  18. Aye! but once you get a crap seat you pay much more attention next year
  19. ham2

    2 Rt?

    Yeah but,no but...Montesa only sell a'' one size fits all type bike''...remember the standard clubman 315 and the smaller junior 315 and the experts 315. You see
  20. My mate smacked his Sherco gear-lever and cracked the weld on the shaft so I guess it could happen on any bike!
  21. You've kept the tickets in a photo album haven't you? Mounted and framed
  22. Hmmmm..Seen it before, I think that one is a fake ( no numberplate on the car?= scrapper!) although I am not questioning the riders genuine incompetence!!
  23. Allow me to be a bit more specific....I've been a few times...my favourite seats are:- Block 204 row A Block 217 row A Block 202 row A Block 215 row A Block 206 row A Block 219 row A ******Do not ask for a seat on the end of these rows as there is limited veiwing***** especially for a child or short-ar5e!!
  24. Not sure what's going on here but I do like it............courtesy of you-tube
  25. ham2

    Altering Gearing

    Gertcha! Sarky buggers.......The reason you quoted(SSDT-max velocity) is exactly the reason my mate changed his sprocket. Doing this makes the front end more difficult to raise on the throttle/clutch. Okeedokee ......here endeth the lesson
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