At the risk of sounding like a negative pussy ..Sharm El Sheik is a very soft target for the terrorists,it has a poor security record.
I think the most recent attack on westerners there involved a 'left luggage' type bomb... not even a suicide bomber required.
I think I'll sign off now..I'm depressing myself
I think this is the most likely fault... my mate smacked the gear lever on his 02 Sherco a few years ago and ended up with the same selection problems you have described.
When we opened up the side casing we found the weld on the selector arm had cracked just as above.
My money is on Howard's diagnosis!
Corrupt!!....corrupt!!..Do not take your lass on a visit to the Pyramids.
I was informed that the security guards at the tourist sites had pistols for visual deterrent but were not competent enough to be allowed ammunition.
In the Pyramids there are a few crossover points for chambers, stairs and passage-ways, they are dimly lit and are tricky underfoot. The Guards gather at these points to grope the female tourists ( they are supposed to be assisting the tourists).
They tried it on with my 'Lady' so I flipped ( yeah,yeah, I know,'Geordie on tour' stereotype) and ended up looking at an old pistol in me face, knowing it was unloaded I grabbed it and threw it away.
When I got outside there was a huge crowd of people gathered and in the centre was a Security guard sitting in a puddle of claret ( he'd accidentally shot himself)???!!!. .......then I got the shakes..big time.
Mind how you go Andy.
To fully enjoy your visit to the Pyramids and the Sphynx it's best to be forewarned:
As stated before the street sellers do not take' NO' for an answer .
When someone thrusts a bottle of frozen water into your hand at a reasonable price CHECK THE SEAL! seems obvious now but wait until you are gasping hot at the coach park (THE hottest, dirtiest place on earth).
Make no mistake--you've never had the sh**s until you've had the Egyptian sh**s.
The camel ride is a never ending scam...negotiate a fully inclusive price first(return trip! /photos etc..).
Camels are the most disgusting,spitting,slobbering,belch-bags (next to their owners of course).
If you personally hire a guide at the Pyramids (instead of joining a larger tourist group) you WILL be testing your memory (TOM TOM can't help) when your guide takes you down into one of the anti-chambers and demands more cash to guide you out!!
Like most countries the real people are warm and genuine but those 'hawks' which gather around the tourist hot spots give the rest of the population a bad name.
High points?..I enjoyed the National museum and the Papyrus museum.
Spoke to me as well(didn't smile though).He said ''Get out of my way!''
I hear what you say about a 250 versus a 280 .I do think the 03 280 was a bit of an animal so if you can stretch(you did say you got it cheap!) to a flywheel kit you'll make the bike more user friendly...and..another big plus you'll get more 'mechanical' grip.OK?
Yes.. a Mr. W. Rooney! Poivoit!
Just check and be sure it's not coming from the bars or bar clamps..I have seen them fail in that area and it's not pretty!
Take your pads out..taking all the safety precautions blah,blah...place them on a brick and heat them up with a small butane torch, wait until you see the bubbles (of WD40?)stop, then douse them in water.
Lightly sand down the pad and the disc surface and away you go(and stop!).
If this doesn't work (I'll be surprised)then you have done everything you could have to salvage the goods so then and only then should you buy some new ones.
God I am soooo tight!
Thank you all....hmm... still not sure?
You can buy or make (if you are clever enough) some new delta plates which link your shock/dog bone/swing arm together.
The through holes in them are offset compared to standard .
This will make the back end more lively but there are downsides as well.
I am sure someone else on this forum can pitch-in to give stockists' contact details.
I think the Blue scheme is actually next years (07) colours
OOH ! These handle-bar F@nnies feel really good!
I can recall a few years ago(as a spectator) that there was a huge, staggered, waterfall (100ft high?)which led up to a stone bridge supporting the road.
Was this just a nightmare I once had or is this part of the course unused now?
Oh and is there any roadwork involved?
As usual for this time of year I am getting a lot of peer pressure about signing up for the Travers trial this autumn.
I am not up to the same riding standard as my mates so I've always given it a miss.
They tell me it is only reasonably difficult but they also tell porkies.
Has anyone got any experience or info please?
When is it,where is it,how should you prepare for it?How do you apply for your no.? Any monster waterfalls?
That sort of thing.
All replies welcome.
Andy or atom can you step in here and provide a link for S.E.Lucas.
I afraid I can't drive my PC well enough for that
HA, HA, I knew that topic title would attract all you 4 stroke 'blingers'
On Andy's Japan '06 photos -320Y7V4803.JPG- there's a cylindrical lump with associated plumbing??
What is it?
I know that the 4 stroke has been dropped from the Japan schedule because of lack of poke but surely they haven't stuck a NO2 kit on it??!!
Round these parts it means;
'Spawny get' or to put it into english-- You lucky (spoilt) bas@** !!
Does anyone have any info on the Montesa hybrid ' N4A' shown at the Spanish MotoH bike exhibition recently?
On the todotrial site my google translator won't work.
Is it a home-made/kit project or a Birkett bast*** TYZ-type job?
All replies welcome.
Nitjay..I hear what you say about your neighbours so when you've got your water logged bike at a trial try this---(those of you who are squeamish or may have some mechanical sympathy, turn away now):-
Engine switched OFF/fuel tap ON---lean your bike over on one side flat for about 10 secs.
Then lay it flat on the other side for 10 secs.
You should now be smelling petrol.--put out your cigarette.
Start bike and see how she runs...if that is still no good (disclaimer time);-
Engine ON/ fuel tap OFF----Blip the revs(use up the fuel in the bowl)until you detect the bike reving up by itself..then quickly hold the throttle wide open until she runs dry and quits.
Not nice or quiet I know but I have had some success with this procedure in the field.
This brutal procedure is better than coming down a hill climb backwards.
Pedronicman? It's been a few weeks ( and a few rides?)since your mod... progress report?
I would go easy on the WD40 as it has kerosene in it which will rot or soften the leather and stitching prematurely.
I go for super cheap supermarket own brand neutral shoe polish, lash it on.
I get 2 or 3 years (riding once a week) out of a pair of boots ..Gaernes
Aye ,
That's how it all starts (it's addictive)...you browse a few 'speciality'web sites..wink,wink..then you buy a little mail order parcel or two (in unmarked brown paper packaging)..then before you know it.. you're sending in a photo for the readers rides section.
Your choice is your own, no offence intended
I agree with some of the previous points but what is it about a 4RT that attracts the anoraks,the 'max-power'blingers?!
There was some accountant-type a few weeks ago on about Hondas fiscal performance for the last tax year linked to the sales of 4RTs....oops..yawn..fell asleep there..where am I?..oh I'm on the computer.
I mean is the bike so poor that it needs all this customising? I think not.
If I drop it in a stream,will it blow its head off?
How on earth do us plebs with 'carbs' manage to finish a trial?
In the 1960's while the space-race was at its peak, The Americans at NASA were striving to design the latest high performance pen:
The pen could write -underwater,upside down,in a vacuum,in zero gravity and the budget was $1 million plus..The Russians, they used a pencil!
Excuse the sarcasm.Do you see my point?
Like the previous posts stated---riding the thing for yourself is the only way.
Truth be told I am scared of riding one in case i like it.