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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    1998 315r

    You're testing my memory now ,but heregoes:- Check for a big end knock.. not that it is a common problem on these 315s but I seem to remember that Honda only make a complete bottom end (CR250) available,which is very expensive! Check for too much freeplay in the rear linkage. This shows that the bike has been generally neglected because the linkage set up on these bikes is very good(dowty washer/seal assy's) compared to others (GasGas..Sherco etc.). The 'eyeball' bearing in the rear shocks are very expensive to replace too! Ideally you want to see some chicken wire/guaze in the rear mudguard breather holes.. this will have helped keep the very worst of the crud out of the filter. On the subject of the filter ...it has a little cowling on top with 2 bolts in it.If it's not there then the motor has ingested serious crud in the past. Check that all the gears can be selected ( I know the clutches drag on these 315s ),I've seen a couple of self detonated gear boxes before. Don't be put off by my check-list they are great bikes,see my previous postings on the subject. There is a guy on these forums called Rappers he is a demi-God when it comes to Montesa 315s..he is much more clued up than I am.. lets see if he responds P.S. If you do get one never,ever put the fuel tank on in a hurry..you will trap the throttle cable and not realize until your bike disappears over the horizon without you
  2. ham2

    Pics Of Nationals

    Excellent pics/site, very professional especially those time lapse shots,they would be perfect for a 'how-to-do'tutorial. Big Thanks
  3. ham2


    Yes , apparently the Beta ones made him dribble down one side
  4. Last summer I went trailing with a couple of enduro mates(they don't 'get' trials bikes).I thought my bike would get hammered. I was very surprised how well my little Sherco 250 performed next to their bikes (Yam TTr250?+WRr425?). Their grip on most off road surfaces was very poor compared to mine (especially the front), in the woods they couldn't change direction quick enough and obstacles that I rode over they rode around. I got tired of helping them out of the mire when my bike had skipped over it. Apart from road work there weren't many occasions where they got away from me. My fuel was a limitation but on the whole it was a great tester ( my bike ran very cleanly and my leg muscles got a great work out- of course 'cos I couldn't sit-). Roll on this summer with the 290.
  5. My mate's just cooked his 280 '05 clutch, he was told that only the 04 style clutch pack was available now..so he ordered it,fitted it and now the clutch is bloody heavy(just like all the pre '05 pros that I have ridden). So build up the muscles in your left hand.
  6. Just like ''stumpy'' recommends, I put 75cc of fully synthetic into 5ltrs of optimax--no problems
  7. Or Di-Lithium crystals Captain
  8. ham2

    Montesa 315r Tuning

    The ignition can be advanced a little by filing a couple of slots. I am sure I have the mod' diagram at home .I will dig it out for you
  9. ham2

    Rev3 Tank Removal

    Windlestone...don't antagonise his sort.. I couldn't handle a cider embargo..I have needs
  10. ham2

    Rev3 Tank Removal

    Uh Oh! Check the calendar fella!
  11. ham2

    Rev3 Tank Removal

    That's the spirit lads I can only assume from the few genuine replies that most of the Beta riders are in their garages now,weighing up their response before committing to type. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.. Harrow Bank( Death Valley!) for me tomorrow..then again.. maybe not.
  12. ham2

    Rev3 Tank Removal

    You got a load of sense there mate ! Give Al the Spanner a ring at whites we just got an 06 rev 3 off him and he took the lights off i'm presuming thats what your doing Hope your sorted for tomorrow <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aw no! he's a fellow Geordie 'anaahl Geordies 0--Southern softies 1 ( Windlestone o.g)
  13. ham2

    Rev3 Tank Removal

    Dear Beta people, Can you help please.. I am trying to remove the petrol tank on my 06 REV3 250cc (just got it today). I am struggling to get it off..is there a special tool or technique I need to use. Any replies welcome
  14. Hee Hee...Munch, I think that went over his head... made it even funnier
  15. Have I missed something here? The TMX report states: ''You can snick it into gear and ride straight from the off. '' I thought that was the last thing you were supposed to do on a 4RT-- they throw a wobbly if you don't give them a couple of minutes at start up? I'm not a 4RT owner so I think someone else should clarify this. Discuss
  16. ham2


    Oh good I'm not alone.. Everytime and I mean 'everytime' I go on holiday I 'see' sections ,especially at theme parks with their fake rockeries and streams. I feel better now
  17. ham2

    Montessa 99

    Ok, Ok..I couldn't spell 'stanctions'. My mates have had a lot of 315s over the years and I recall the 99 was very pokey compared to the 98,2000,2001,2002. It may have been that the previous owner had tweaked it in some way , I just don't know! My personal favourite was my second hand 98 : Excellent for learning on(dropping) , gripped like a limpet and required very little maintenance. I dropped it on rocks..logs..steps..me..it fell off the bike rack at speed..I fell in a river with it (fully submerged and engine running), field stripped it and carried on riding. I sold the bike (at a
  18. Fan??...tic?? sounds like a genital parasite.
  19. ham2

    Montessa 99

    From what I remember the performance of the engines are very similar i.e torquey. The 99 montesa was the only 315 to have black forks . As usual I am willing to be corrected on these points
  20. Didn't your mother ever catch you watchin' Baywatch in your own bedroom?!! Now that's a bad shock
  21. ham2

    Gasgas 50 Clutch Mod

    Thanks for the replies fellas.. I'll pass the information on to the relevant department and I'll keep you posted. Cheers
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