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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Appreciate the offer but I'm on family holiday then. Thanks anyway, you're a gent. Wayne
  2. Cheers Nigel Just re-read my last post.. It could have been misinterpreted as a smart-ar5ed comment.. it wasn't intended to be. I have owned 4 Shercos. I am on the look out for a new bike, my knees are going and I can detect a difference in the quality/comfort of the rear suspension on most of the current trials bikes. The Sherco shock is definitely the worst for comfort ( but maybe not performance--I'm no expert--). The Pros are a more comfortable bike for me but I am aware of their 'femma' qualities.. the main Pro problem is grip as I cannot 'drive' my knees into the pegs like I used to . This is why I have followed your postings so closely (I am not a stalker!). As you said the 06 Sherco was not a big step forward in the rear suspension department, so I am looking to other brands. Ta! Wayne
  3. Nigel-- back in Jan you posted this : ''If anything now on a gas gas my complaint is the gearbox ratios which I regard as a serious defect now, affecting a very small % of sections only.'' What has changed in the meantime?
  4. ham2

    Im Tempted

    Try Weardale.. I'm sure they have some Teflon coated rocks there !
  5. ham2

    How Rare!

    For Gawds sake somebody buy and ride it.... they're not for looking at on the mantlepiece my pet hate!!
  6. ham2


    If you read between the lines here, I think Austini has raised a few valid points. I read somewhere ( don't you just hate that vague phrase?)that; 1) The current 4RT cost
  7. Sorry I am not PC capable of providing a direct link to view that Anthea Turner clip. I hear Anthea herself has set up a web-site to view it... www.friends re-ignited
  8. Thats not strictly correct.. I recall Anthea Turner's hair ( mid 1990's ?) catching fire doing a stunt involving trials bikes. She was sitting on the drop tail of a truck when a white and orange trials bike (does that make it a Fantic?) shot by with a pyro' charge going off. I think she had overdone the hairspay that day as the pyro' charge set her perm alight instantly.. hee ..hee.. shouldn't really laugh.. but she does make you wanna spew! I now know where Raga got his inspiration for his indoor victory parade ???!!
  9. ham2

    Advice 2002pro

    And you can keep your old O-rings as a souvenir of your adventure
  10. ham2

    Revving Problems

    The only time I have come across this problem was when a mate had water ingress in his carb'..so check the carb slide for gloop ( it made the slide stick open).
  11. 6 Months??!!...6 months??!!...It's taken me 9 years to work my way up to 'crap' standard. Ride with someone above your ability. If you can't, then ask a clubman rider or expert how they managed to do something you could not . It may look like you are doing the same as them ..but failing!.. when in reality they are applying very subtle techniques to clean an obstacle/section. Keep at it and like you say....keep it fun ( humour takes the edge off a painful dismount).
  12. Hi GasGas people can you help, A mate of mine has just bought a 50cc Gasser 05 model for his young 'un. He has been told by an unreliable source that he can convert the clutch action from semi-auto to some sort of manual arrangement just by adding/removing a clutch plate??!! I know it's a bit vague but does anyone have any experience of this..all replies welcome. Cheers !
  13. ham2

    Build Quality

    Thanks Andy.. a bit of theological discussion and.. trials bikes!!. Bet you never thought you'd see that on your web-site.
  14. ham2


    I thought a trials bike( or any off road bike) that was to be used for road work i.e.SSDT, had to have a metal fuel tank for impact/accident safety-reasons? I recall ( from a long time ago) that you had to replace the old Honda XR200? tank with a fabricated alloy one if you wanted to 'MOT'it for the road! Anyone know for sure?
  15. ham2

    Build Quality

    GasGas build quality? Oh no they don't! Joking aside..You can not expect a light weight-bike like a Gas Gas Pro to be substantially sturdy, the bike has been pared down in every area to make a very noticable weight saving. If you want build quality, look for a Montesa 4RT, just don't expect it to be light. It's horses for courses. I'd imagine in heaven- Colin Chapman (Lotus)-would be on a Gasser....while Isombard .K.Brunel would be on a Mont 4RT- both of them would think the other was on the wrong bike. P.S. Any trials bike will rust if you let it!
  16. ... bench pressing light weights helps too..
  17. ham2

    Sherco Mods

    Use your lady's nylon chopping board to fabricate a rear disc guard. Nigel? more info on the clutch hose please
  18. If you say you have tried your mates carb and electrics then I think you must be looking at a reed problem or a crankcase air leak...Just trying to narrow things down will save you a lot of work and some sanity .(This is from experience, I know, these sort of faults can boil your ****)
  19. ham2

    Scorpa Factory Info

    Scorpa really need to withdraw that video of the testers in the snow-it looks very amateurish.. compare it to the sherco 4 stroke demo video with Cabs.It's a business world and that vid is doing the bike no favours as a promotional tool. I think the bars 'wagging about' like that make the bike appear unstable. C'mon Scorpa you can do better
  20. Garage door bar ( bolted inside to the concrete floor). Ground anchor and two chains with disc locks. One D- shackle lock. Gararge rigged to house alarm. Dog (doesn't have to be fierce-- just needs good hearing like most dogs do). Car parked up against garage door. Two years ago I got a night-time visit from the professionals (not Bodie and Doyle),they were prepared to spend some time getting to my bike. They moved my car (manually)and lifted the block paving on my drive to try to get underneath the door bar.. with no success I'm glad to say . They moved on to my neighbour's garage(identical house to mine except no extra security) and totally ransacked the joint--mountain bikes, golf clubs, tools..everything. The lesson here is you MUST make it as difficult as possible for the'pond life'that floats around our streets. ...and err..don't lend your dog out to Grandma for company ( I dont think the scum could have dug up my drive if my dog was in the house!!??). Concentrate on what you should do before they visit.. not what you'll do to the ba****ds when they've nicked your hobby! :boldblue:
  21. My neighbour has a Nissan Navara Outlaw which is a few months old and has developed a ' judder '. The dealer wants it in to change the ECU chip( next service).Apparently this is a common problem. Hope this helps
  22. :(As far as Dougie is concerned I think the fat lady has sung
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