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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    200 Or 250 Pro

    10 or so years ago a mate of mine got a trials bike and let us all have a go. Until I had tried this bike I was all set to start trials riding ( looked easy.. seemed an effortless sport..and all those other mis-conceptions ). That bike I tried put off my decision to buy a bike for a couple of years. The name of that beast---- Aprillia climber. I think it had some sort of power-valve arrangement i.e. no bottom end power ,then the revs brought in that valve and whoaaa straight off to A+E dept. I'd like to ride one now just to see how tame it's become!?
  2. This is almost, kinda, sorta, the same topic... My 2 mates are Montesa nutters and they can't get over the fact that there is no longer a 2st Mont (lightweight) so they are planning their own. Has anyone any experience ( drawings if poss') of cutting down the frame on a 315. They've got the frame marked out and don't think I can bear to look when they start cutting
  3. ''Really would have liked a 250 ''?? Nyawton you dont know how lucky you are having the 290-- the 250 is snappy compared to the 290 ... just dont wind on the throttle for too long!! I've had a 290 '03 in the past and it gripped like a limpet-- good bike !
  4. ham2

    Gas Gas Gearlever

    How much?!!-- Is it not worth putting some heat on it and bending it back or is it like an aero-bar (too brittle).
  5. Could you elaborate please Dabster?
  6. On the same subject ..I've heard that you shouldn't use an IRC tyre at an ACU trial because the ACU handbook stipulates that the rear tyre should have a 1:1 aspect ratio ( sidewall ), which the IRC does not..I beleive it sits lower to the rim? can anyone confirm this urban rumour?
  7. :)Trialsmatt asked :- ''is the 2006 250 pro snappy or not because i herd that the 2005 was a snappy''. I 'd like to hear someone elses answer to this as I have been riding my mates 250cc'05 gasser and comparing it to my sherco 250 cc '04. The gasser is very tame compared to the sherco ---and--- the sherco seems to grip better !!?? Opinions please !
  8. Nearly time for a new rear tyre so does anyone have a specific recommendation ? Which make..Michelin- Dunlop- IRC-..etc. Whats the best for grip / cost/ wear/ puncture resistance/ rim deflection ( ooh err!)....etc. All input welcome .Ta !
  9. ham2

    Sherco Exhaust

    Hmmm......petrol..+...hot plate/blow torch = no need to pluck my eyebrows for six months- methinks !
  10. ham2

    Sherco Exhaust

    C'mon doughboy ,spill the beans, give us a few tips .
  11. Hey car man --you will certainly be able to find a course to ride to suit your ability ( I started when I was 30 ).Most trials have 2 or 3 courses to ride:- Easy ( beginners) Middle ( clubman ) Hard ( expert) For me that is the beauty about the sport of trials- its as hard or as easy as you want it to be. Have fun
  12. ham2


    Yes -- optimax is very good -- I use it all the time in my Sherco 250. It cuts down on all the little pinking and knocking noises. As for that 'creosote' smell -- yes it reeks
  13. Not a good advert for GasGas build quality-- I mean you hear about gear levers and kick starts falling off Pro models but an entire front end assembly?! I would'nt care but the best part of the bike is missing- that fab steering front end
  14. Here's a pic of Shirley ( the sherco !--- not me). Dig those matching sherco trainers
  15. ham2

    Iridium Plugs

    Ok ..next question -- Where can I buy one ?
  16. ham2

    Rear Shock Setting

    Thanks very much fellas for you replies- all inputs are appreciated. I've been working on the 65 mm suggestion but like copemech has stated it seems like the spring is far too taught to reach that level of sag ( I weigh 95 kg ), it makes the rear tyre spin up too easily. I shall endeavour to persevere.
  17. ham2


    I've missed something here-- what is it and what does it do? More importantly--can you put knobblies on it and get it through a section?
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