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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ????? Zippy,old chap, you have a GasGas to sell so you're trapped in the relative value matrix . I know that Andy,the site owner has a main consideration for the Uk importer ( site sponsor). He has slapped down an embargo on the discussion of the GasGas financial autopsy but I do feel complete sympathy for the thousands (?) of end-product ( no pun intended) Gasees who have lost money on their steeds . Future unsurety is bad for the value of any financial product. Best of luck to those who are holding onto their Gassers and hoping that the Phoenix will rise ( I just hope it's not like Brian Potter's Pheonix )
  2. Like Do2 says; check the exhaust manifold/cylinder junction for a leak? Seen it before, created havoc... for such a small fault.
  3. ...Are you now at liberty to divulge where the debts were acccumulated? Keep it simple, I'm a Geordie remember? Wayne
  4. A lot of people were shocked to hear about the death of Keith Harris , apparently it's left Orville speechless.
  5. Plus one here for your gravel drive...a great security feature when combined with a pooch as they can hear the gravel crunching well before anyone uninvited gets to your property. I built a large drain (easy to clear) and grille cover in my back garden for privacy, not so expensive when you total up a years worth of jet wash tokens.
  6. I have replaced the stator on my 2005 290 but I wasn't aware of it kicking back either before or after the change out. The reason I changed the bad stator was because the timing failed to advance correctly as the revs increased, oddly though; I couldn't alter the timing, regardless of where I set the back-plate?
  7. ham2

    Rebuild Finished!

    Tidy, looks like a lot of work
  8. Those are cyclo trials tricks so that answers the question about the weight of the bike? ......oh, and an immensely talented,outstanding pilot. I'm now beginning to think that he is actually from another dimension Thanks for sharing that, Guys.
  9. I was taking the pee,pee; You have seen the randonne and the 'lawnmower' haven't you?
  10. Why did the wife cross the road? To get to the first f***in clothes shop we visited two f***in hours ago.
  11. ATF is mighty fine,it makes the clutch action a little sharp-ish but some people prefer that. I've used it in all my Shercos for many years, without fault. I mix my 2-stroke oil at 65cc per 5Litres of petrol, again for many years without any concerns.
  12. So where,do you think,had the debt evolved from? It can't be R&D costs for the fourstroke trials bikes...surely?
  13. You 'Murcans; if its not three on the tree or four on the floor, then you're completely lost
  14. I know someone....who has one of the last 997 GT3RS models from a couple of years ago and has been offered mad money for it , I mean mental money, it's tripled in value so it's currently worth more than the sticker price of the other road-rockets you're going to be sampling. Enjoy!
  15. I've disconnected my home alarm system and un-registered from Neighbourhood Watch. I've got two Pakistani flags raised in the front yard, one at each corner, and the black flag of ISIS in the centre. The local police, MI5, MI6, and Secret Service are watching my house 24/7. For FREE. I've never felt safer, and I am saving £49.95 a month
  16. GT3 is a mans car, not a posing pouch...get the keys off her. 991 or 997? 991 is PDK gearbox only,997 is manual..peachy Lucky fella
  17. Ahh, thank you. You added the word Repsol which makes all the difference
  18. Pardon my ignorance but which manufacturer have you committed to?
  19. That's me ! Still top comment-er on the Tube ! It's Rachael at her very best
  20. ham2

    Gas Gas Future?

    Now I've seen a few earlier model gasssers photographed in a similar state of distress but not one of the newer frames like this one? As for the Scorpa? Twas it not the ali steering stem that broke rather than the frame itself? The reason I ask is:- Here's a conversation, I was party to, between a Scorpa dealer and a disgruntled SY owner; Owner. Hello, the steering stem's snapped on my new SY, it's only ali' can I have a new one? Dealer. No, they never break, you must have abused it, I don't get any call for them that's why I don't keep 'em ! Owner. Really?OK I'm an engineer for (K*M*TS* censored ) so I'll get a steel one CNC-ed at work. Dealer. Oh, right...Is there any chance you can make me a few, I'll pay you........... Sorry, I'm wandering off topic again
  21. ham2

    315R Help

    Yep, from what I recall the 01 upwards had a larger rear sprocket. My 98 defo had a 40 rear.
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