Previous similar topic....re 'alien criteria'..HERE....Looks like the aliens have cast their 'hick-net' a little further than the U.S. now.
Funny how these witnesses wait until they find a vehicle to make money (writing a book,wierdo conference tours etc..)before they come forward with their witness statements??
Was it him or his brother who started throwing fists at a trial?
Oh yeah Something like the phrase she used against that American observer
I'm willing to be corrected but I think it was:-
'' Hijo de puta ''
I think if you read the small print it says...''...unless it's Laia Sanz''.
Bit of T-cut and that'll polish out...mostly
Got fired ,for misconduct,from my job at the helium factory today.
The boss said he wouldn't be spoken to in that tone of voice.
I was driving past the cemetary this morning and I saw a party of pall bearers carrying a coffin around the graveyard.
When I drove past this afternoon they were still wandering around with the coffin..crazy..I think they've lost the plot
Why did the baker have brown fingers?
Cos he kneaded a 5h1t!
:blink: ''Good bye cruel world''?...isn't that what someone says when they're so p155ed off that they're just about to top themselves?
Andy,where's the emiticon with the rope around his neck?
Rear braking all the time puts a strain on my right knee (I'm getting old),it makes me feel like I'm riding 'pigeon toed ' and also it seems to limit the response of my rear suspension?
Just my opinion (bad riding excuse number 432) .
The thing about Star Bars is that they look the same inbound as they do outbound...so are you sure that Justin is not just recycling them?!
Anyhow....Are non of you lot GasGas fans?
You could call yersels: Team JaM Ragas?
Like ziss?.....a bit camp
Hmm...not a good idea on a Scorpa.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that is right in the firing line from the back tyre?
Yes,you are but it's no secret
The english refrain is:- 'one' instead of 'a shag'.
As in:-
2 Male 'sweaty socks' ogle a gorgeous blonde woman in the street. The first Jock turns to the other and says; ''Och Tam, I could lend her one''.
Clutch in..
Select top gear..
Back brake on..
Clutch out..
Motor should stall nicely.
I've seen the 'muffle-the-muffler' not work at all?
My brother lives there now,he's having a hard time adjusting to the Oz 'straight -talk' and he used to work in a quarry over here?!
Thi jokin aren't thi?...is it hollow?
Sorry, thought we were on about 2t's?
I started my Sherco in the dark,in the garage yesterday then flicked a switch on my handle-bars and the whole garage became light.. .....ha! beat that
If your being serious then I would think the heaviest modern trials engine would be the TYZ/Scorpa/Yamaha unit??looks BIG!
Like they say in the American Marine corps..''Fu***n- Ay''
Some people see, what they want to see.....you dirty poyvoyt
Holy sheeet..that bit where he kneels at the top then takes both hands off to work the karabiner ...I'm not good with heights;5/6 rungs up that ladder and I'm locked on
This is very topical for me as I've got a mate (young and daft) who's currently into free-climbing buildings ,I think it'll all end in tears.
I dunno whether to show him this vid ...or not.. (to act as a deterrent).
Yup,still got the 'poached' scar.
..err..I've looked down at my left leg and there's no OSSA there but seriously....yer,that exhaust is going to make things toastie for the riders legs and the suspension reservoir?!
A comedy basic...but that hand!!
I thought you would have gone for the ''splash/face' innuendo??