This is the guy that MJ based his 'cosmetically enhanced' look on.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-RVJyNpfDk
Here's a song for all of the Scots out there who are making their minds up today???
Yes, landing rear wheel first is Ok for the Enduro brigade but, as above, trials is more about control i.e. front wheel touching down first. I do fear drop-offs but nothing beats that adrenalin rush of getting a nose-down drop-off completely wrong!
Last night my wife sent me a text, saying she was in casualty.
When I got home I watched all 50 minutes of it, never saw her once, the lying cow.
She still hasn't come home yet. I'm starving.
How does Moses make his tea?
Hebrews it.
My mate's boozing is getting way out of control, he's addicted to drinking brake-fluid now but he
says he can stop at anytime.
I was reading today about crime in London and how a dwarf was pick-pocketed.
How could anybody stoop so low?
I didn't know that, I've often wondered why they 'yawed' so much for no reason?
Yup, been trippin' on Rachael Price's voice for a while now...tidy foursome, tight combo'
Your old CDI could have a fault current which has crippled your old hall effect sensor; if it's running and your happy then just leave the two new components attached to your bike. Enjoy
Have you developed that Southern States habit of tapping out your shoes before you put them on?
Agreed, when I first went over there I opened the yellow pages and 25% of the content was for lawyers.
New renditions??? I'm not sure what to make of this.. I loved the original:-
Yup, Al modded my mates bike as described.
Yes, never a 'true-er' word spoken.
Some manufacturers are keen to let the paying customers do all of their product testing for them.
After hours of getting ready to go out my wife finally opened the bathroom door and said;
''Honestly, do I look fat in this?
I replied; ''Yes love...but to be fair, it is just a small bathroom''.
Oh yeah, what happens when you need to draw your sword? You can't all be lefties?
Ya bugga, I sifted through pages of petty niggles and lexical symantics for the definitive photo that we're all rooting for and you take the opportunity to 'Rick-Roll' us.
Ha, sa-weeet.
Composite frame, DI engine, 60Kg all up.....then we'd all pay attention
That 1st vid, I much prefer Imagine Dragons...but those riders..big cahones?!
Kwalitee, it's great to see a bike being thrown around like a toy....but at 2.38 is that a close up of Laia?
Steady boy.....I was a touch disappointed by this:-
So I went back to this:-
I don't like the serrated edge, I can't get the jam out when I do my toast.
That would mean that you're holding onto the left hand-side of the bars with only your two weakest fingers? Impressive!
Unless you are on a twin-shock, with a seat, and no real power ...and if you are on a twin-shock you would definitely need two fingers on that cable clutch.
Could you please update your profile to help?
Superb, are you only helping the whites or are you saving the blacks as well?
All the best for 2014,
Oil level check is by draining then measuring your fill up, a sight glass is a vulnerability on a trials bike and your mix is on the money.
Somebody put a lot of work in there, just for a joke...impressive.