We're not so far apart after all..in fact have you seen that film 'Inception'...I planted that dream
I wasn't expecting that sort of reply Bilco ..but I did ask.
I'm not knocking your wish list here!
So what you're saying is you would prefer a brand-new bike on an old design?..and you're OK with a price tag circa
Alrighty Bilco, just for fun,let's hear what you would like from the new Fantic, 'blue-sky' thinking if you know what I mean ......oh, and a price tag to go with it.
Thank you BF, I now think Copey's education is complete...can't help sniggering at Wiki's 'notable Mackems'.....OK I'll grant you that Joseph Swan was the exception
If this is **** IT **** ,then it's been along time coming.
That ladder style frame seems similar to the rumoured Jordi Tarres bike that we saw a few weeks ago?
You know,even as the de ja vu was kicking in, when I copied and pasted the link, I thought: ''Where have I seen this before,recently?''
Memo to self....must not drink and type !
Back on topic:
My next-door neighbour, who's a Mackem went into the garden and spotted his new Sunderland FC shirt lying on the ground.
I heard him muttering; ''Some b******ds stolen my clothes pegs !''
I fold..haven't got time to search t'internet....
I was waiting for someone (skahddish) to joust with.............so.......
... .Surely not......You'll be retarding the ignition and putting a larger rear sprocket on next.....then it's a slippery slope down-hill into semi-retirement (like me) ?!
So...??..Going by it's French name and little sprocket on the back we can presume that it's intended to be more of a trailly than a trially ??
You may have been wondering why I've been keeping a low profile these days but I received this letter a few months ago and I haven't answered the front door since:-
Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment
Mr. Wayne Simpson
13 Makumeeta Drive
Tyne and Wear
NE1 4T
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2009 10:40 PM
Subject: Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment
Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment
Under the Emergency Powers Act (1939) as amended by the Defence Act
(1978), you are hereby notified that you are required to place yourself on
standby for possible compulsory military service in the American Conflict.
You may shortly be ordered to depart for the Middle East where you will join
either the 3rd Battalion The Queen's Own Suicidal Conscripts or the 2nd Foot
and Mouth. The regulars are too busy driving Green Goddesses to be there
Due to the recent rundown of the Navy and the refusal of P&O to lend
us any of their liners, because of the deplorable state in which they were
returned after previous adventures in the Falklands and the Gulf, it will be
necessary for you to make your own way to the combat zone. H.M. Government
have been able to negotiate a 20% discount on one way trips with Virgin
Airlines and you are strongly urged to take advantage of this offer, RyanAir
also do a nice little
Well?.......Nee flat-heed?
Aw Sheeet Andy ,I had already handed in my notice at work so I could try that scam mesel
Ditto,make some flags to make things more precise.
I hear what your saying Zippy as I would like a four stroke 'cos it's suits my (lack of) style but I'm having a hard time justifying the extra cost between my 05 two stroke and a 2008/9/10 four stroke.
So my question to you is ; Was that Beta $3/4000? better than your Sherco ?
Sweet..although 25 yrs @ 7days a week is a long slog, like putting your life on hold.
Imagine the tension having to deal with all those little car park incidents (thefts,accidents, council diktats, etc..) ,worrying that you're going to get found out !
:marky: The Cult :marky: :marky:
Precision, moi? Now where did I put that petrol-angle-grinder
Naah, ees a cockney geezer Al Murray.
He acts the bigot but he knows his stuff,he studied history at Cambridge...here's his other persona------CLICK
As for Triumphs
I've been looking into a Mk1 Miata (as you would call them) and I can see where the British sports car industry went wrong.
Back on topic:- Latest news today,: American scientists have finally developed a car that runs on water! Sadly, so far it only works with the water from the Gulf of Mexico.
This joke was sponsored by BP.
Hey Copey,watch out,we've appointed a new Ambassador to the United States.......CLICKITY HERE
SHANDY!,shandy=lager=beer?Oh no,no,no....
....How many times do I have to tell thee....
As for the bike, I've just stripped it to steep the exhaust and do the 'Dan' clutch mods (out of boredom),so that'll only take,well? if it's August now?....
Thanks but no thanks B40RT... I'm strictly hetro'