B40RT, I once had one of THESE??? and I ended up feeling like your avatar!!
...Yup, same here except we're just starting out on a course of foul tasting medicine to cure our sick economy...it's gonna be a long haul.
I'm hoping the Conservatives can kick-start our private sector.
My mate rang in to a local radio phone-in question, to which he replied; ''The Koreans ,they're so dangerous now they've got atomic weapons''.
The question posed to the listeners was; ''If you could eliminate just one race, from the Olympics, what would that be? ''
''....They were attempting to come into the building....'' Mucky b4r5t4rd5
I think the new tax laws won't be doing Martin any favours when it comes to persuading the stars to turn out for Sheffield.
I therefore offer my riding services at Raga rates minus 50% ....as long as there is an easy course marked out!
....And on that subject:
2 school-kids on a bus are sniggering away when the stuttering ticket inspector gets on board:
''T-t-t-ickets pl-ea-se'' stammers the inspector when he gets up to the lads.
''H-h-h-here y-y--ou are'' said the first school boy,holding out his ticket.
''Are y-y-you t-t-taking th--th-the p-p-p-155?'' says the inspector and promptly smashes the kid from one end of the bus to the other.
The first kid crawls back to his mate and says; ''Wh-wh-why didn'ttt youh-help me anddd t-t-tell himmm thaaa-t I had a r-r-real st-st-stutter?''
The second kid says; ''I ddd-didn't w-w-wanna get ch-chinned either!''
Hmm, boxing?..I've seen plenty boxing mis-matches where the spectators and participants all know who's going to win before the final bell
I'm just being picky 'cos I thought I knew it all when I didn't....good quiz,like it
Ta !
..That's nowt, even I can go backwards in a section...usually after I've tried to go up a hill climb and failed
Still your property not theirs....I hope their ar5ehole5 heal over and they choke to death on their own shy-iht... ..
There, that's Trials Centrals first fatwa .
I'm just going to make a little effigy doll now.
Mine's a 2005..it would be easier trying to do a stoppie on a drag bike
Liquid Nitrogen??...very hard to buy...big safety problems to get around.
I had a visit from the night-scrotes about 7/8 years ago and they dug up my block paved drive to try and get my garage door post out!!They were prepared to spend some time on the job!! That concentrates your mind...so...
Garage door bolted and padlocked to the floor from the inside..
....bike chained to work bench...
...,.house/garage alarmed and best thing last..my dawg, he won't bite but he makes a fuss when someone gets near to the house..especially at night.
Yup,if you have a chrome framed model they are harder to pitch forward than the equivalent GasGas Pro .
I had a shot on a Cabestany (2008? black frame) and that was easier to stand on the front wheel...more like a Pro.IMHO
...well here's a new one being sold with the description 'Sherco copy'.------LOOK---------
You've got to admire his honesty but I think the real reason that these machines didn't sell well, was to do with the immense power they developed
With a power to weight ratio equaling 500BHP per tonne not even Baldilocks could ride it!
Sweeeet , thanks for sharing..
Aw, c'mon that's stretching credibility...a trials bike made out of porcelain??
So we're all agreed that this latest press launch of the all new,singing-and-dancing Xispaxpa.. pap (whatever?) is just a 'mock-up'.
Another 1/2 job done by Xpaxispap..pa...oh, I give up...I'm getting deja vue here
Do you remember the end of 'The Wizard of Oz' where we get to look behind the curtain???
Just to balance out the negativity I realise that XSisp..pax.. are trying to poach other manufacturers clients with certain aspects of the design. I reckon the only riders out there who aren't thinking ''An effin quick-release gearbox?????..what for??'' are Gas GAS Pro owners! Genius!
I went to the library the other day and I said ''Do you have that new book, for men with little dicks?'' The librarian replied: ''No, it's not in yet''...........''Yes, that's it's name'', I said.
I see that Raoul Moat was the first Geordie to die of thirst........ it's his own fault for using his Geordie accent ; asking a cockney, Met'- marksman for a Tizer.
Can anyone see how the thermo-switch or the flywheel trigger are wired up?
My dyslexic mate has just been beaten up in South Africa, apparently he tried to play with some Zulus vulva
Bugga, I'm 1 quid further away from a new bike than I was yesterday
I think this proposal for a mosque at ground zero is a bad joke,that's all it can be ,surely?
I'm certain Frankie Boyle has cracked the same line in his act.
Women!..they've got no sense of humour have they?
I replaced one of my wife's tampons for a party-popper....... and she hit the roof!
Irish police believe they have uncovered a mass grave of dead snow-men.
On further inspection it turns out that it was just a field of carrots.
I got banned from the local mosque this week just because..well you know when they all bend over to pray...well, I just can't help it, I love leap-frog, me!
Fostered a Mackem kid today,it was great, all 4 cans hit him smack in the face
Don't you just hate it when the bog roll tears and your finger pops through ! Never liked that job in that care-home anyway.
Oi loik thahht ..... pegs set even further back for more grip..I hope so.
Lots of figures on that web-site but here are the only figures that really matter 01-12-21-22-33-39....my lotto numbers for tonight,it's the only way I could afford one of those bikes!