I'm trying not to offend anyone here but I think chewy has hit the nail on the head, there is so much B.S. floating around about harmony,frequency,spirituality, inner energy/kharma,chi,kai...call it what you will.
I'm all for the concept of the well rounded individual , you know, trying to get a balance in your life e.g. I have a very sedate,quiet job I live in a household with 3 other females ,have a soppy dawg and I love helping the kids out with their home-work..... so I like to even it out with a little martial arts training,going out on the **** from time to time and of course some off-road bike riding.
That's my idea of balance.
Here's a Chi/kai/inner energy master colliding with the real world
My mate Dan was a good trials rider and he was warned by his instructor that he'd fail his road bike test if he continued to keep his feet up whilst stationary at road junctions and traffic lights etc....bloody jobsworths...
Always take a glass of milk to bed,just as a cover story...oops! spilled it again (full cream milk of course)
10th of May was the last PM I had from him....I've even baited him on the forums but he didn't bite...that's very unusual???
Over the years some people have disappeared from TC when Andy opens the trap door and they're never heard from again......
Shhh..My missus just thinks that the water bed springs a leak in the middle of the night??!!
You missed out: ''...getting p155ed on for 90 minutes...''
I reckon the chances of the market growing to that required level are very slim indeed.
I can't forsee a price war so I think one or two manufacturers are going to go t1t5 up......call me Mr. cynical if you like
295cc and a 28mm carb ...Who's this bike intended for?
Does that work-place belong to a certain Mr. Jordi Tarres?
ADULTS ONLY ..........(just trying to get off the England theme )
A man and wife are about to have sex for the 1st time ever, on their honeymoon but the wife is frantically searching for an excuse to hide the fact that she was secretly on the game for 20 yrs prior to meeting her new hubby.
To explain the slack-ness of her foof she lied: ''When I was younger,I was crossing a field and I caught it on a fence''.
After 15 mins of trying to consummate the marriage the gasping husband said: ''Just exactly how far across this field did you get before you realised it was snagged????''
Hey Fellas,
What about last nights result against Germany: 4-bloody 1???
What's worse is the weather report for us Geordies, apparently the forecast is for flooding 'cos now most of Scotland are p1551ng themselves....
Ey up Mark,
I took your advice and looked up that site and there was a link to YouTube:-
....there we are ,back on topic!
A few years ago a mate of mine had the same problem, turned out to be water (in the fuel I think?) getting down the side of the slide.
I'm sorry but I'm just about computer literate so I'm not that interested in buying the product, but if I was in the market for this type of gadget I just couldn't buy it....I mean that name, IPAD, do you put it down your IPANTIES??
..Yup, I saw that,that's why I used the term 'modern'...joking apart I would like to see a non-European approach to trials bike design just for a change.
While I was over there my cousin (in-law?) bought himself a 'Street Bob' ---HERE-----
It vibrated like a pile driver.
He says it's a motorbike but I beg to differ, I think it perfectly highlights the difference between an American vehicle versus...well any other vehicle??
Gawd help you if the U.S. ever try to make a modern trials bike....I mean how wide would the seat have to be?..and a burger holder??
That was actually Jensons chassis and what you didn't see was Lewis wedge something into the rad intake while no-one was looking
'Aint that real close to a stress point?
Is Button so frustrated that he's thinking about setting up his own team........He is a one-car, man.......
carefull how you say that .
Just invite all those f*****s from the Sheffield indoor with their air horns,you won't be able to hear those Vuvus then.
Presuming that the condition is the same :-
Offer the 05 guy $3000 ans see what happens, the 06 may crack it's frame and the rear shock might collapse...not what you want when you're out on those big American trails.
For me the only thing I would be missing out on by ignoring the 06 is the 06 has better steering and adjustable(?) forks,not a priority when you're trailing...IMHO
I'm guessing it's a structural problem rather than cosmetic, otherwise you would have gone for the sticker 'fix' ala Baldilocks.
Do you have garage near you that repairs classic cars?..not..a modern body shop where they just swap over panels.
The reason I'm asking, is that I've seen a metal spray demo for building up the surface of ferrous alloys and it worked a treat.
Something like this
Ahh,I see,I thought GasGas were trying to steal some of OSSA's thunder by bring out a special bike with a lime coloured frame....Oi loiks it !
Genius,that's right up there with the old:- ''Well they all do that Sir..''...C'mon you've got to name names