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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    Over Priced Beta?

    Divent worry,at that price he will have no response whatsoever,which will get the message across to him. It's not like the trials buying public are a bunch of old ladies who constantly fall for the:- ''Your roof tiles need fixing!'' routine..apart from Dabster ,maybe?
  2. Tut,Tut..Mr. Crash, Are you aware that the 4RT owners club has strict rules when it comes to tweaking your Montesa? You are expected to throw a lot of wonga
  3. Apologies if you've seen this before.... OOPs, just seen that it's also been posted on Youtube by someone with the name Trialscentral.
  4. I thought Ducati had the copyright on 'MONSTER'? Does anyone know what this models about? ????????
  5. ''Here's a couple of things America got right,cars .........'' Cars?..cars?? I must have used a dozen or so hire cars in the U.S. over the years (covering about 1000 miles per car) and the only one they rented me that could go around corners was a effin KIA!?!?...a KIA ! Just recently I had reserved a Ford Escape for rental from Dollar. I thought I'd go for a 4WD this time as the ride of the U.S. sedans' were nauseating,like driving a water-bed (Mercury Grand Marquis) or rigid(Pontiac Grand Prix) . When I got to the desk I was told that the Escape had been removed from the rental fleet because it was too uncomfortable so would I accept an upgrade to a Chrysler Town and Country? That car even pitched forward and leaned when you changed lanes..not braking or accelerating. How can they build a car that wallows so much in the corners and yet doesn't absorb bumps in the road?The dash is built from plastics not seen since the containers for TicTac mints. Re-joining the road by crossing over the side-walk to get back on the main road means driving over the rain run-off gutter which results in the passengers banging their heads off the head-lining of the car or the car grounding out....at any speed. On the flip side I do like the shape of the Challenger....but that's about all. Here endeth my job application for TopGear.
  6. ham2

    Xispa 125

    The silence is deafening I guess the answer to your first question is: elusive.
  7. ...can't vouch for the Ragas but I remember being un-impressed ,thinking that the Cabestany I tried looked just like any old Sherco 290, until I had a ride on it.Then I saw the difference...rode very well (not me ,the bike).
  8. Careful all you dribbly Beta owners out there ,Obama has pledged to keep his ''boot on the throat'' of those responsible for petrochemical spillages.
  9. ..they all have..it's called a throttle
  10. Hey B40 ,I just noticed your new avatar,you must have one of those modern cameras with a self timer so you can get in the frame yourself?
  11. ham2

    2010 290 Wont Start

    Booting it up a big climb sends the fuel back down towards the tap,where you need it but...Call me ''Mr. Picky'', the long stem was more of a problem on long downhills with a low fuel load, I know this from previous bitter experience when I went ar5e over t** and faceplanted on a real long 'twitchy' descent...That sound of the bike leaning off and revving by itself still haunts me, I was bloody gorgeous before that accident ....Ezmeralda??
  12. Looks a lot lighter than the previous model??
  13. Come off it Perce ,this is the real reason you're into speedway on sky: ?????
  14. I think over the past few seasons Mclaren are rapidly losing that veneer of professionalism and are tripping themselves up with really amateur mistakes like this. We all know it goes on but....you just make totally sure that you don't get caught out.
  15. That's a very tidy looking toy you've got there Mark..nice one I do love planes ,I've just got back from staying in a villa in Kissimmee next to these guys:Stallion 51 Sadly the 'training'(the CAA does not allow passengers in this plane ) fee goes up and up every year but it's a great way to start your day by eating your breakfast outdoors,by the pool, with the overhead roar of those packard merlins...maybe one day I'll drop the Lotto and try the orientation flight ($3000). I meet a lot of Americans who are surprised that I'm such a big fan of the P51 and not so much the Spitfire,don't get me wrong the Spit is an excellent defensive interceptor which held off the Nazis but to win a war you need to go on the offensive and take the fight to the enemy,which is where the P51 came in. Boxing analogy: The Spit was a good guard and left jab but you'll never win that way...the P51 was a big right cross. If you think that sounds a bit sentimental you should've seen me the first time I touched a P51
  16. He'll need more than a full-face helmet to protect him if he rides the wailling wall
  17. People tend to fit bar end caps only after they've come a cropper..... . Sometimes I ride solo but promise myself I'll only try do the technical stuff until someone else turns up....take some flags that'll keep it safe and technical. Here endeth the sermon.
  18. Agreed. ( I'm no expert)..but this is the heart of the problem as I see it . The big boys have a (well practiced) talent for stopping an balancing 'nearly' anywhere in the section, to mentally slow-down the series of obstacles just as John.B suggested,it's an invaluable tool. You're doing very well (better than me!) by just letting your momentum alone,carry you so far. So effectively I'm advising what John.B has recommended and I'm saying that you need to practice having the bike stationary,paused,(on any flat ground) for a second then popping the clutch/throttle with a quick bend of the legs. This should then be applied to your obstacle training.. Wheelie up the first two rocks then drop the front wheel onto the third rock so as to bridge the gap..pause..bend ze knees and pop over the gap. Once you've got that sussed you can apply some no-stop rules and cut out the pause and front-wheel drop all together. Show us a vid of your success.. I don't think it will take you long.
  19. I was thinking exactly the same thing....
  20. Not bad at all...bet he doesn't ride a trials bike though,with that level of dexterity in his digits??!!
  21. ham2

    2010 Sherco

    This 'design-aspect' was foreseen by 'Baldilocks' the great Shaman of the Mountain (Ben Nevis!) .
  22. I think TC member 'The Addict' had a similar problem years ago with a small stone between the sump and bash-plate doing some damage to the casing...see if he chimes in,my memory's not so good!
  23. Christ you've got good eyesight Nige !.....It does 'look' like Mr. Saunders.
  24. Wahey.. like the ACDC reference.
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