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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Yuz can cal uz owt yuh want ..but divvent ,eva ,cal uz......Geordie dancer! (Andy,that wasn't text talk by the way)
  2. ham2

    New Greeves

    Are the mis-spellings just a legal side-step to avert any legal action involving counterfeiting?
  3. Phew, it's getting hot in here.... We can dream but, there are very few parallels to be drawn with F1 in reality. F1 is funded by advertising and TV royalties...that's how to become self sustaining,besides the manufacturers do not have a F1 car to sell to the public to generate funds. The trials bike makers/FIM etc.. are never going to attain that sort of revenue generating interest in WTC in it's current format I'm guessing that the trials manufacturers have done the maths (notice the 's' ) and reckon that it's just about worth dragging the WTC caravan around the world in the hope of stimulating a new market..... or two? Dare I suggest that the Trials manufacturers lobby the FIM to limit the WTC circus to Western Europe for the near future...just to keep costs down? This is the only limiting formula I can think of for WTC:- How about the trendy, planet friendly, limit on fuel-use...that would make double sure they didn't drop their bikes...Beta might struggle though (Sorry couldn't resist that )
  4. Doesn't get much cheaper than that! You lucky git
  5. Good luck for June..I put off opening this topic for a few days 'cos the title alone made my knees ache
  6. See my first post for some blue-sky thinking!! Toni Bou with a bike 30Kg heavier than Fajardos???..20 Kg heavier than Ragas until the next round?? That would level the playingfield..
  7. Scarey...I'm nee good with heights......
  8. Cheers Biff, see the four stroke section to see the problems I was having.
  9. It has the wrong rear brake caliper for a 2002....more likely to be a 01
  10. Maybe you could try this.....Aluminium weld?
  11. We also survived the 80's where we were told that nuclear war was gonna wipe us all out ...oh and HIV was gonna finish off the rest of us, in just a couple of years. ......and personally ,I managed to get through the New Romantic phase (I think I've tracked down and burned most of the photographic evidence of me in several frilly 'blouses') but my hair didn't!
  12. Hey,great minds think alike! I've been thinking of a handicap system to even things out and to stop Bou running away with all the titles again...a ballast penalty depending on your finishing position. You know ...add 5 Kg to the 1st place bike..... 3 for the 2nd place etc.... Ballast to be fitted somewhere over the head stock,where it's no use. At he last round of the year I would look great going past Bou and Raga as they 5'd the sections with front wheel punctures while I get through with a mad spider 3 (Ignore that last sentence.......I'm trying to set up a wireless router and I'm slowly going mad)
  13. Happy Birthday old boy,emphasis on the 'old' ..remember: You don't stop riding when you get old. You get old when you stop riding.
  14. You're right,I meant to put that post in the 'Kenny' joke thread.
  15. If they're doing less work then there should be a proportional cut in their funding from the tax-payer...phew.. a win-win situation for the public.
  16. The mother of the young boy,who was kidnapped in Pakistan, has made an emotional plea for anyone to come forward and cover his shift in the shop on Saturdays.
  17. You know, looking back at my childhood,my uncle Kenny was the worst ventriloquist in the world. He got it all wrong,he would stick 2 fingers up my **** and whisper;'' Don't say anything, mind ! ''. Useless.
  18. ham2


    I wanna see a photo first!
  19. ham2


    If it was 'regular' fault-earthquake where was the expected tsunami ?very odd indeed. That's the sort of weak point that HAARP can exploit, with it's bad vibes man (ULF)..topography research? my a***! Like AtomAnt is discovering,this is really powerfull,sinister stuff...I tried to withhold any opinion until I read at least a couple of books on the subject...but the evidence is starting to build.... I think I used the wrong link in my previous post ....the point i was making is that, for some years now, over certain earth-quake areas, there have been video/photographic reports of curious( rainbow-style?) lights in the atmosphere prior to the tremors (HAARP?). HERE With the prolific abundance of on-hand personal digital technology i.e :cameras/videos/mobile phones, for on-the-spot documentation, we are finding that most of our common myths are being dispelled.....or re-enforced . At the risk of losing a little credibility with this post:- e.g. It's laughable now, but a 100 years ago the invention of small portable cameras finished off the long held notion of fairies,pixies,leprechauns,dragons,ghosts,miracles ....catch my drift? With all the technology now concentrated around us we should have seen a huge increase in confirmed sightings of ??...aliens ,UFOs,saskwatch,dopplegangers....but we haven't...what does that tell us?...Just like WMDs.....we can't find any 'cos they're not f***ing there. But there are more HAARP reports than ever. I am more interested with HAARPs technology than anything else....but if you consider this (not that I'm saying this was the intention) :- As a purely tactical exercise..the American army are now in Haiti without a shot being fired (apart from the odd looter or two)...impressive. P.S. just to qualify my post ; I'm not a teenager. My PC is not my best friend. I'm not a Goth. I have had a girlfriend before. I don't lock myself in my darkened bedroom with my computer all night. I don't believe the American Secret service killed Kennedy. I don't believe in Bigfoot. I don't believe in The Loch Ness Monster. I do believe that Neil Armstrong has set foot on the Moon. I don't believe in UFOs. I don't believe 9/11 was in inside job.
  20. Geppetto was a little concerned that his teenage son Pinocchio was very moody and depressed so he asked him if he had any thoughts to share? ''Yes ,Father I have an embarrassing problem,I can't get any girlfriends because of my reputation, when I try to get intimate, the lady in question always gets a painful splinter in a very private place!'' ''Don't worry just use this fine grit sanding paper and that will remedy the problem'' ,said Geppetto. Next night Pinocchio comes home with a beaming smile on his face. Geppetto says: ''It looks like you have been..ahem..successful with your girlfriend then Pinocchio?'' Pinocchio says; ''Who needs girlfriends?! gimme more sand-paper!!''
  21. The missus suggested I make more of an effort and that we should use some toys in the bedroom to spice things up a bit...... The ungrateful cow.. Took me 2 hours to set up that scalextric
  22. ham2


    Thanks Ugly Joe, We need more first hand accounts of the Xispa from owners...shame about your experience though. T.B.S.O sounds like an excellent analogy Wayne
  23. ham2


    Haiti?..now Chile? Are the big boys flexing their muscles with HAARP instead of posturing with nukes?? Hugo Chaves (Crack-pot,President of Venezuela) has come right out and accused the U.S. Navy of using a weapon to initiate the recent earthquakes. ...Iran, are you watching??...
  24. Nobody.. ...nobody cares that this is the 3rd outing for this joke on TC..nobody cares...
  25. ham2


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