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Everything posted by ham2
  1. It's just not amusing anymore. Time to get serious about these f****wits who,through their deliberate,devious, mis-representation of the facts, have influenced/advised western governments on their respective taxation policies. We pay more for our air travel,car tax,fuel bills etc..because of these f****rs and their CO2/man-made-global-warming , mantra crap. It's time for them to take some responsibility.......I want my money back! Where's a good lawyer when you need one?
  2. I've heard that an air leak at the front of the exhaust manifold can cause these symptoms (among many other things as well)...it's easy to check/ nip up...
  3. That poor trainer at Seaworld, since she was 9 yrs old all she wanted to do was feed the Orcas,looks like she got her wish
  4. I am proud to announce that I am now wearing an ''Anti-Bullying'' wrist -band......I nicked it off this little,fat ,ginger kid, he's such a loser! What's worse than a dog chewing your shoes??....... .....A killer whale biting it's trainers?? Newsflash:- There was a shock for the residents of Sunderland town centre today, when a haul of class A drugs and fire-arms were discovered behind the central library!! A spokesman for the local community said:- '' I never knew we had a library!''
  5. OPINION here:- Ok ,I'm trying hard not to get into a slanging match here but I have to agree that I think the Scorpa reliability myth is just a myth..all bikes have their faults . FACTS here:- A lad I know a mechanical engineer, (no names...but I was there when it happened) snapped the aluminium steering stem on his 06 SY, he's no dare-devil rider by the way. So then,as you do, you ask around and find out that it's Tom Jones (not unusual!). A quick call to the importer (un-named ) gets the response: '' Don't keep 'em, never ever been asked for 'em, dead reliable,take umpteen weeks to order in, blah..blah..PR...nowt wrong with using aluminium in that location..'' Laddo replies:- '' Oh well ,I'll just have to get one made at work then...but I only have access to bright drawn mild steel bar.'' ''Steel? Steel?....Could you get me a price on 10?'' says the dealer???????????????? Edit (wandered of topic ) Back to ;OPINION:- Sherco 02 all the way,mainly because the 02 Pro was an experimental model where GasGas saw fit to let the owners do the product testing for the company without the owners realizing they wouldn't be paid for it...in fact it cost them dear...specifically ;if the parts had a '....box' in it's name it was doomed :- i.e. Gear..box (remember 6-speeds weren't always attainable!!), Mid...box (got too hot and the baffles rattled loose or parted company from the frame), Air..box (let all the air out and invited the water and crud in).
  6. Oops...was that the one where I said it literally looked like it had fallen off the back of a lorry!
  7. It would appear that Andy (Inspector McTaggart ) has a back up squad of detectives.......Nice work fellas
  8. Bugger..I'm always late to the party..It says the video has been removed by the user
  9. Like this:-Porsche ????? You know , I was on Facebook the other day and all I typed was : ''I can't wait for the new 911'' ....and now all these Arabs and various Western Security Services want to contact me??
  10. ham2


    Well if we're going to get all artistic on TC:- A mate of mine verified this video...when he went to train Muay thai (kick-boxing) in Thailand and I asked him what was the best thing about his trip (thinking he would mention the Lumpini Stadium or the...err.. ahem...ladies of the night)...and he said this was quite emotional:-
  11. I used to work for a hydraulics company....howsabout a swash plate pump with a very quick servo-control action....or have I gone all Isambard and suggested a sledgehammer to crack a nut?? Jeez this new driveline is gonna be heavy !
  12. Are you saying that the tank was once rigid and over time has become too pliable (underneath)? I buy bikes when they're 1 year old (approx). I've had a 2001,2003,2004 and 2005 and the tanks were much more rigid on the older bikes than the new(er),nothing to do with how long I had owned/stored them...saying that though..the oil companies are putting all sorts of chemicals in petrol today?
  13. ham2

    Beta Cream

    Yup, the water pump seal separates your gearbox oil from your coolant,zoom in on that area first.
  14. ham2

    Beta Cream

    I'm not a Beta-ist but the symptoms you describe are likely to occur in most water-cooled bikes. You are on the right track with your diagnosis,the oil has emulsified (mixed with the water) and the most likely reason is a failure of the water-pump seals or/and shaft. Seems like you have caught it early..a pretty straight-forward repair on most trials bikes..hopefully a Beta-noid will chime in with a post giving the exact procedure for your model. So you'll need to come up with more detail on your specific steed:Techno ,Rev3 ,Zero ?? etc..
  15. Nice pics, looks like a great place to practice..you lucky git
  16. Careful Copey you're beginning to sound just like me...in fact..I will swear you in as my TC Joke-Police Deputy , that's if you can bear the initiation ceremony
  17. Following on from Valentines day:- I can't understand fellas who fail to realise that a little poetry works wonders when you're wooing a lady ? This little verse has never failed to get me a shag: Roses are red, Violets are blue.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I've got a knife, Get in the f***ing van!
  18. Had a Montesa once and it took 10wt but my local dealer only had 2.5wt, so I put that in then the rebound and damping adjusters failed to respond...I would have been better off pouring vinegar in.
  19. ham2

    Left My Boots

    Hope you get your boots back, I once left my lid perched on the end of the bars with my bike racked onto the car and drove off. .....Some kind soul returned my lid to me eventually but it was too mashed up to use again..DOH!
  20. That's just for the foreigners. Is there a British version that mildly warms your lager? If you haven't got a usb port just carry the can around in your armpit for 10 mins to give it that authentic UK warm beer taste
  21. Done...EVERYBODY TAKE NOTE...it's a 15 second job...go do it ! Wayne
  22. Booked a table for me an wor lass for Valentines Day. Hope she's not as miserable as last year, she only managed to pot 2 balls.
  23. ''....Panzer division......'' Quality ''....Passport....'' I heard that one was true as well.
  24. I'd rather you didn't mention that beastiality incident...I can explain everything..
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