Still no 250cc 2 stroke yet?
Most manufacturers' best seller?
Marketing oversight or just not enough Sherco engines to go round?
Don't tell me?...you're a beardee ? Cue:Z-Z-Top music?
Let me set out my stall here,I'm not a 4st hater, I've only tried a Cota 4rt and it was a hoot, suited me,great for p***ing about on but that just about sums up at what level I ride trials.
If someone is bothered about competitions/results I realise they would have to spend more money on the 4rt to compete with a (out of the box)2 stroke.
The std 4rt is for clubmen not experts.
But I'll add this caveat:If you're a top rider you can ride 'owt' but as for the other 99% of us??
Will the manufacturers now go to the FIM and tell them that the 4st /emissions regulations are economically unworkable?
God knows that Honda have thrown everything at it and it seems they have suffered the worst commercially.
So what we're saying here is that the marketing men have cocked it up ;Montesa-Honda now realise that the average trials rider aint gonna pay
Do you Americans still use the word Johnson to mean pen15?
Does anyone remember the TC link to a video of free-running bloopers?
Good find,good read Cheers.
I see the point you guys are making about an Enduro example!
We had an Astra van once and any time we had a starting problem, with diesel not pulling through, we used to spray damp start into the intake and let it churn over on the vapours .....Did I mention I was a lazy b*****d?
I once let my boss borrow my petrol Ford Sapphire(1990 no-cat?) for a journey to Birmingham and he accidentally brimmed the tank with diesel (50/50?) just before setting off . Like most bosses he's a bit belligerent.
Once on the motorway it started to splutter and rattle below about 4000rpm so he drove in 3rd all the way,stopping frequently to dilute with petrol at every opportunity.
He got there and back just before the exhaust burnt through, it had been on a few weeks!
Diesel..it's the Devils p1**,bourne out of a dumb taxation policy.
I like the free running but when it's made into a movie it looks like a bit of Jackie Chan chop sockey...nevermind District 13 ,I prefer District 9,the actor in the lead part really stood out ,which is always difficult in a Sci-Fi role....So..therefore I think Sam Rockwell should get the Oscar for:-
.Great little film :huh:
Anyone who's riding their trials bike in the UK at the moment will have dead-cold hands !
You're right though, I do think the 2 stroke trials bike industry should be exempt from emissions regulation on the grounds that they're an infrequently used toy,sold in small numbers.
If the slump in trials bike sales continues, this may be the way to go:
They could be exempt from a raft of legislation if they were sold in kit form like some cars are.It would take far less spanner-time to assemble a Gasser/Sherco/Beta ..than say ....a Caterham7?
Don't worry about the snow,it's going,now that I've bought 2 new sledges (err..for the kids, you understand?)
I missed this weeks program.....Is she still in the competition?Did Heather get to the second leg?
Priceless..what were they gonna do when they came to a lock?
Is the appropriate map ''blue-toothed'' to his bike via his minder?
Aw c'mon this is an easy one...here's some clues:
He has a problem with:-
Holy water.
A cross.
Nigel is his mortal name ,his followers call him Nosferatu.
They forecast -20c temps and heavy snow for us this weekend and what have we got?...a thaw.
Nevermind an inquiry into MPs expenses, the Met Office are wasting
If she'd carved some turns then you'd have 3rd degree chafing....I'm just jealous that you managed to get out on your bike!!
OOps, Big John , I thought that was his dining room and he hadn't taken his tree Christmas down yet!
I'm a bit concerned now ,a few years ago I watched a TV program (Horizon?) which noted the sudden worldwide temperature drop when the airlines stopped flying for a week (Sept 11th-18th 2001).
I can't find any existence of the documentary, I don't think it fits with the BBCs current global warming doctrine.
The program was hinting that the airlines' jet emissions were keeping the planet's atmospheric temperature artificially high....well now we have a cold snap following a global recession where ( I presume) far fewer flights occured
So I think we should all make an effort, to save the planet, by booking a flight now to get rid of this snow so we can get out on our bikes......seempuls..
Hmmm?....What a difference 12 hours makes,have you been having a little drinky?
Let us know how you get on with your gearbox .
Tried it once but the tread blocks on a trials tyre protrude too far compared to a car tyre and the sipes just started a tear in the block.I had better results by trimming the sides of the blocks to get a sharper edge....but it was a lot of fannying on for little gain.
Here's a couple of jumpers ...Scarey...and as for peg-leg?..I cringe whenever she is in the media spotlight,she is the worst advert we could ever have for the North East of England....we're not all like that, honest!!!
Watched it... but where's the psycho Geordie woman with the false leg???
Hey yeah..but:- 'don't it sound awesome'
You believe in man-induced global warming yet you're goofing around in your car like this ?....you're killing the planet man! like..get with the program dude
Atom losing his way trying to get out of the car park at work