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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    New Ossa

    New OSSA sponsored rider?
  2. ham2

    Gear Box Diagram

    Coldbow..watch your text-talk (m8),the Gaffa around here gets a bit 'snippy' about it....unless you mean 'mate' in the David Attenborough sense,then I really can't help you at all, I'm strictly hetro...
  3. I don't think that video shows a quattro (notice no capital Q) even a standard A4 will romp over a 3 Series in the winter. My next-door neighbour is a complete BMW snob and took delivery of a brand new 3 series recently, he has spent the last week 'working from home' as the new motor won't go anywhere in these conditions. A quattro A4 overtook me at the traffic lights at work on Tuesday in a hurry to beat the red light, steered right off the road,collected a supermarket trolley and continued (out of stubborness) to drive ,pushing the trolley along...comical. It's funny but I've noticed that (a sweeping generalisation I know) the lads that have a trials bike seem less prone to getting their cars' stuck in the snow??...maybe just a tyre pressure thing?? As they used to say on HillStreet Blues:-Let's be careful out there
  4. ham2

    E3 Sparkies!

    Copey, you often mention the clutch springs on your bike,are they a problem? All my Shercos' clutches have been the same,very,very light pull compared to any other motorbike...what's up dude ?(did you like that bit of Americanese at the end there?) P.S. Got an iridium for Xmas so I will fit it and report back when the snow's gone.....that's June at this rate!
  5. Check that the fan is up to speed and going full blast when it cuts in, apparently the fans have been known to fail, progressively, on the later (KTM?) style radiators. Hope it's something cheaper than that tho'
  6. ham2

    Gear Box Diagram

    I was helpful...... and taking the peepee at the same time...result!
  7. Speaking as Cope's witchdoctor apprentice ,I would go for the easy-peasy stuff first..replace the rad cap,then... let us know so we can rule that out
  8. ham2

    New Ossa

    ....but how much for???
  9. ham2

    Gear Box Diagram

    Do you mean this ????????....and here's a video of a GasGas gearbox in action...Watch me
  10. ham2

    Tyre Change

    This works for me..........Try it
  11. Does anyone remember that the met office forecast a mild ,wet winter this year? :lol: Lies,damn lies and statistics. The weather is random like quantum physics i.e Designed to make predictors look silly for even trying..Schrodingers cat
  12. That engine didn't sound happy being inverted??
  13. Hey Cope,I thought you would like the red-neck method I once tried using my brothers pick-up....Works!
  14. ham2

    2010 Xispa

    Everyones still asleep,partied-out. I'm trying to fit a silencer to my compressor Another half an hour and I'm putting ACDC (back in black just like a Xispa) on at full blast as a bugle call!!!
  15. I don't know if this name is on those links but I had terrible problems (with the police and airline/immigration officials) trying to track down a jockenese mate who went on holiday the day before his dad died, suddenly. In all my enquiries I gave his surname as 'Mingus' and of course, no such passenger existed because it was actually spelled 'Menzies' ....bloody stooopid language!
  16. ham2

    2010 Xispa

    ..it's just not cricket old boy..
  17. Err..it took so long to break the bead that it snowed in the meantime so...yes, I wish I'd left the old tyre on in the first place...if I had a spare 1/2 hour I reckon it would be sorted. Had friends and relatives over the hols and all I could think of was:-'I wish this lot would bugger off so I could go in the garage!' Nearly had it seated this morning just before I had to leave it to go out...it's a teaser! 01:00 now, do you think anyone would wake up if I started the compressor?
  18. I might go the whole hog for entertainment and come to yours with the can of damp start....have you got any ear plugs ...Happy New Year
  19. Cheers, tyre was very cold (wouldn't seat using the inner-tube beader or ratchet strap method) so it's now in the house warming up next to the Christmas tree....I'm in a hurry as I want to take the bike out in the street 'cos it's blocked with snow!!!
  20. Now i'm getting desperate...I hate seating a new tyre so has anyone tried the blow on method? Do you leave the valve in/out? Do you have to inflate with air ,pronto,when it pings (twice) ?
  21. Swing arm bearings??? Space out the silencer top mount from the frame with some washers...sorry it's bit vague,been a while since I had a gasser.
  22. Do you think the extra weight of a 4st would help the situation?
  23. A male mouse and a female elephant are having sex in the jungle when the elephant ,accidentally,bangs her head on a tree. She cries out: ''OOOOuch''...and the mouse says: ''Yeah, take it baby!!''.
  24. That's where they got to,glad I hadn't lost them!!
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