C'mon, c'mon it's nearly D-day..what's happening??
A Yorkshireman (same one) was barred from his local,accused of the sexual harassment of the new busty barmaid .
He protested his innocence:
....All I said was... '' I would love two liqueurs?''
A Yorkshireman can't get any comfort for his 'Farmer-Giles' so he goes down to the local convenience store and says to the girl behind the counter:
''Ay up lov, d' tha have any ar5e cream?
The girl replies:
''Yes Sir, would tha' like a cornetto or Haagan daas ?
Great explanation,right on the money
Told you Slapshot3 was in on it!!
Are you going to the Raytheon Christmas do this year?
If it's the move I'm thinking of you should search YouTube for the slow mo' version of Cabs and Bou on the same rock.
TC joke history-------Archives
I'm not getting drawn into the rocketry debate, who here knows for sure?
HAARP is uber hush-hush (don't forget it is an experimental weapon )so we are never going to get any government acknowledging it's activation.
The more you read about it, the more creepy things get, as I said I try to stay away from the (embarrassing) X-file conspiracy theorists(...geeks..as Slapshot rightly called them) but this device has a technical brilliance all of it's own.
It is so sinister it has it's own in-built, highly plausible,cover story....''meteorological/weather/communication research''.
Most of the world is on the lookout for the next, biggest bomb or fastest most radar-invisible plane/boat/sub, while a few governments are looking in a completely different direction and are ploughing money and resources into HAARP.
A book on the subject ...Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Jeanne Manning.... (It gets a tad repetitive).
..And the most frightening thing is that these governments are playing with our very delicate atmosphere with a 'give it kick and see what happens' approach.
Anyone remember the Castle Bravo(?) nuclear bomb that delivered three times as much yield as the U.S. scientists had bargained for??
It's the 'reverse Braziliian' effect, that I'm left with, when I rip the tape off, that bothers me
The Shaman, he say:- ''Tree rings never lie !'' I got wood
WARNING**** Slapshot3 and the Addict are re-cycling TC jokes****
You've got to watch out for copyright infringement these days
That would mess with my computers Feng-Shui
I'm not sure if this is a line from 'Pulp Fiction'.
Hey Julian , fingers crossed, that it's something cheap !
OOOOH , that keeps the rumour-mill turning....anyone else??
My mate Frank reckons that Jordi Tarres is designing his own trials bike, anyone got any info?
Watch out if your looking to buy an E-bay Sherco for Xmas:
This would seem to be a year 2000 (Exhaust,rear brake) not 2002......definitely not a 6 speeder either.
Could just be a lack of knowledge on the sellers part but that still means it's not what it's touted as:-
You haven't still go one of them shy-tee Beta 'kill-switches' connected up have you? Excuse my French.
Yup, the whole 'man-induced' global warming thing is a crock.
There have always been fluctuating climate cycles in Earths history, mainly caused by the biggest heater in our solar system.
According to NASA the temperature rise is even worse than we thought , apparently things are so bad that the polar ice caps are melting..................on Mars!
Can our governments please explain how my car engine and my old light bulbs have caused that?
I often wee myself......laughing, when these poe-faced, chicken-licken 'climate forecasters' pop up on the telly, telling us that the weather will fry us all in the next 20 years if we don't recycle our (you name it).
20years!..20 years!..these people can't even get tomorrows weather forecast right .
Cheers Nigel,
I was adamant that I wasn't going back to I.E. so I went to the in-laws to use their PC......As mentioned above it looks like Cabs was a bit behind the performance of the 2st at the start but it only took him a nano-second to recover his wits,he got some great lift/air from the new bike.
File that one under 'Sad-but-True'.
Nahh Copey, you're getting your LASERs and MASERs mixed up
There's no lenses/mirrors involved here just antennae.
Slapshots silence on the matter is just fuelling the conspiracy theories, I know he's signed the official secrets act
In fact I think he's playing the baddie in the next James Bond film ''No Mr. Bond,I expect you to die''
I've got Firefox, can someone draw some pictures or describe it for me