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Everything posted by ham2
  1. So how do they price the 09s now? I recall a similar price 'folly' not long after the 4rt was launched in this country, a dealer called (not sure if I can mention him here?)a fruit you make cider from? added to the name for 3 feet??? Anyhow , he was selling off brand new 05s much cheaper than anyone else..somehow.. TheSolidMan1,welcome to Trials Central where you may be questioned------- FURTHER ***IF::: YOU~~~~ POST UP>> A BOLD}}} STATEMENT, it's just how it goes. Sorry about the weird typing there, I got some bits of carrot stuck in the keyboard.
  2. Good 'cos there's a six foot rabbit in it and he's pretty p***ed at the moment Hey B40RT, if you can see him too you neeeed some of my medication... Hey Solidman, my source is called Frank, what's yours called?
  3. Nobody goes to the Boro
  4. Sometimes ,if you have whacked it, the weld breaks on the lever shaft.
  5. ham2


    Slapshot3 , Do you believe in some of these HAARP features,with regards to it being used as a weapon? I don't normally go for the conspiracy stories but I am a huge Nikola Tesla fan and I have been reading quite a bit about this ionosphere heater and it's capabilities.
  6. Beta service kit............................
  7. Bought one for the eldest daughter and had nowt but bother with it until I sent it back for an exchange.......The Synchronise info is correct though.
  8. ham2

    Rear Tyre

    I third that, my least favourite job to do on a trials bike.
  9. I have a friend in the business,who gives me lots of inside information. He is unique,only I can see him and only I can hear his voice,he is a six foot tall rabbit....sometimes he tells me to KILL!
  10. ham2

    New Ossa

    Ishy ,does this info remedy your drunkards droop?...surely this OSSA can't be priced at the same level as a 300 Gasser? Even though I am the king of wishful thinking, this would mean an OSSA retail price lower than the new Sherco??
  11. ham2

    New Ossa

    But on a topical note, I have postulated(er!) a theory for the global rise in sea levels: There are simply more and more boats around these days and if you apply simple Archimedes displacement principles then the maths can be applied........there you go,piece of **** Anyway, this OSSA, can we get a petition up to ask the government to subsidize the manufacturer with a
  12. ham2

    New Ossa

    Tranquility base: But I worry..how am I gonna get to sleep tonight?
  13. ham2

    New Ossa

    Look, it's a slow day at the office and I've been worrying about the price of this here, new bike? In comparison; what makes (made ) the Montesa 4RT so expensive? Is it because it's a 4stroke engine and they have more mechanicals?...but Beta/Sherco seem to manage to keep the price down on theirs .OSSA has a 2stroke. Or is it because it has an alloy frame?..again Beta seem to be able to moderate their prices. OSSA has a steel tube frame. Or is it (as I suspect ) Fuel Injection...how much does that add to the price of a trials bike? I'll give you a further insight into my logic process :- When I look at a new trials bike I try to imagine (like we all do) what part would be most vulnerable to damage/failure if I owned it.....then I do the 'mud-pie' test!! If it's an off-road bike I imagine throwing a mud-ball at the bike and seeing if I could cause any major problems to the machine depending on where it lands?!! All the current bikes pass this 'mental ' test if you ignore striking the radiator/fan....apart from the OSSA. The F.I. has an exposed external quadrant for the throttle cable,imagine getting that jammed. Discuss (told you I was bored).......
  14. ham2

    Flywheel Removal

    Bingo!.....let us know how you get on? Including a video?
  15. ham2

    Roll Up Roll Up

    If that's you then we've gotta meet....stuff this virtual-internet malarky
  16. ham2


    Yes Glen, all my NASA G-Force training came in very handy when I tried to ride your rocket sled GasGas ! Chuck Yeager- Mach 1.06 Andy Green- Mach 1.04 Baldilocks- Mach ?? You fit nicely on that sound-barrier wall of fame
  17. I would like to see the video you describe, as the only 04 mule 4t I've ever seen was this one.....
  18. It may be too far away but try: Armstrong (engineering) at the bottom of Westgate Road, Newcastle where all the bike shops are situated. It was a while ago but they did a very good job for me on a Suzuki trail bike. The irony was that I worked at British Engines Limited at the time and my college lecturer asked me to do him a favour (guvvy job) by getting his Yamaha bored out in my machine shop....they made such an ar5e of it that when I needed my bike doing I paid 'punters rates' and went to Armstrongs.
  19. ham2

    Roll Up Roll Up

    You know.....[sliding along the gun barrel to look out a small window] It's a Mark IV... And we've got it by the ass!.... Ok, that's enough topic wandering for me ! Back to the trials bike that I can't afford even when it's third-hand.
  20. ham2

    Roll Up Roll Up

    Holy crap. ...I think I can even tell what you were watching on telly last night......''Nobody mentioned no Tigers''....
  21. Pringle ??? Do all you Scots start golfing so young?
  22. There I've fixed that link for you...... are you the one at the back with the leg-warmers on?
  23. ham2

    Roll Up Roll Up

    April 2010..the power of wishful thinking...
  24. I've clicked on that never link expecting to see a video of you grunting and groaning but it doesn't seem to work
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