My rough calculations equate to about
Love it!
On the same subject:
Two people (who may/may not be white..ahem!) arguing in their kitchen.
The first one says ''I can definitely hear music....coming from the fridge?''
The other replies '' I can't''.
The first one says ''I can and it sounds like the BeeGees!''
The other retorts '' Oh, that's just the 'chives talkin' ...................Sing along everybody ''Yo telllin' me lies''.......
Aw, when I read the title I thought you meant
Yep,just screw it back into the carb when you're sure all is clean.
Have you sealed your airbox yet ?
The only time I get water in my airbox is when I use the garden hose on the bike.
Edit:-I've just noticed that your bike is an 09,have you blocked off the seat(!!)-vents in your back mud-guard?
If only he had used a driver...
This maybe more to do with my lack of talent and I can't give a technical answer but I've owned a 2001 Sherco which was very light on the front (compared to other model years) and the thing would understeer all day and pitch up the front wheel with very little warning.
I also spent some time on most of the 315 Montesas and the one with the lightest front end ,2001,understeered and pitched up too easily as well.
I had a '98 315 with a very heavy front end and I loved to try out steps, hanging back, whilst not putting the front wheel down (I wouldn't have dared to on the aformentioned bikes ). Maybe I just need more counterbalance for my fat ar5e.
Update:A much easier version , would be to perform a push up using 2 thick books (4/5 inches) to place your hands on, then lower your chest ...seeempuls!
Don't use weights to train your neck....be careful..
So what?They dis-connect the speedos in Pakistan /Vietnam/Malasia as well
I think his wife has been putting it about as well, apparently she was out clubbing till 2.30 the other night.
I'm not connected to this sale in any way (that I know of??):
Here you go Big John...1/2 way there.....Mont 09
It's all too brief but here is some footage of JT in the gym (mainly flexibility drills)
There are links to all the various parts of the original video...another occasion where I wish I could speak Spanish.
Yup, I even like the music (does that make me a Goth? ).
I'll say...Keihin carb' ,quick action throttle....Ogh,Ogh suits you Sir.
When someone started the topic (last week) 280BHP GasGas,I thought 'I know what they mean'
I would like to try one aswell.
Anyone know where the engines come from? (don't say from Sherco blueprints )or the OKO carb'? or the forks?
I genuinely would love to see a Xispa version of this video .It'll probably be a pirate (sorry I just couldn't resist).
Sherco factory
I've got Boysens in my 2005 290 and it really smoothed out the bottom end (Dellorto fitted),I'm no power junkie though....although saying that ,I did recently try a 2008 Cabestany rep and that was sweeeeeet!
Agreed, that looks great Mark....All bought legit I trust?
Or did the tunnel pop up in your house????????Mr. 10%
..I like this game... a while back I repaired an NHS industrial floor-polisher nothing like the domestic jobbies.
We're talking the M1A1 Abrahams tank version of a polisher (High torque motor/ takes two people to lift it).
So my 17 stone mate Dan (who was a bit of a dare-devil trials rider) thought it would be a good test for him to 'ride' it....
I warned him....and it launched him.. one busted ankle later, I finally stopped laughing when I took him to A+E.
I realise it's a bit late but watch what you're doing with your hands inside the front of the frame...mine had razor sharp edges on it and my hands really suffered 'till I took a small file to it.
If you do the Tony27 radiator-guard mod' you'll need to find a suitable knurled/winged bolt to replace the top allen bolt or knock up some studding/nut combination....unless you ride around with allen keys on you!
:lol: Great..I'd love a translation, oh, and I misread the title and genuinely thought it was Burns last poem ...it made it that bit funnier....ignore me I've had a drink ..
I've recently done my 2005 stator and I moved my radiator (held in by 3 rubber mounts...watch the hoses) because I didn't want to rive at the wiring harness by trying to fish it out of the frame (call me a wussy if you want).
Spray some WD40 in the mounts to ease them out/in.
Have you tried a couple of spacers under the bars to lift them and 4 longer bolts.
Rotate the bars back-over so you don't have to reach.
Steveo...the worrying thing is that this story is true, my mate who worked for SAGE (accountancy software) here in the North East had exactly the same type of caller many years ago.
You have posted the abridged version, the original call was passed up the supervisory chain several times until the caller mentioned that the street lights were out!
My mate got his a*** kicked for losing his cool but he did say that the nature of the business (dealing with accountancy types ) normally precludes dealing with numpties .
..Or you could get one of those (whisper it ) MONTESA 4RT-style bash plates with the rear extension jutting out.
I'm full of good ideas for you to spend your money on.