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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Astonishing,that's just crackers....how did you get that embeded?
  2. Wow, BMW say their aim, when they produce a performance car, is 100 BHP per Litre but 1 BHP per CC that's amazing
  3. ...but should this be listed in the Xispa forum??
  4. AHHHHH.....That's pretty much what I was getting at. ..I think I know what to ask Santa for now !
  5. Is this just a sales gimmick for the roadbike crew????
  6. Cheers fellas,Chewy do you mean 'The Cotswold Way'? I've got that one and he just touches on the topic briefly,mainly regarding body positioning. I see (and hear) some of the big boys really winding the revs on yet the bike barely accelerates forward??!! I'd love to know what they're doing.....anyone ??
  7. If you're talking about practicing? you might as well start as you mean to go on, by making some section flags. My answer to your question ''Where to look'' is 'for the next flag'....Enjoy
  8. One of the many techniques that I struggle with is the muddy launch before a hill or obstacle. For example: Sometimes I put it in 1st and feed the power/grip in 'on the throttle'.Body position- down in the frame. Sometimes I put it in second, set the revs and feed the power in using the clutch (mainly).Body position- down in the frame. Sometimes I put it in 3rd and lean right back at WOT (burning for grip?scarey). Occasionally;Throttle on, snapped shut and hope there's enough grip/momentum to get me up. I seem to get very hit and miss with this next one;Any gear 1-3, clutch in, WOT, just as the revs drop feed out the clutch and pause then put a few more revs on. A bit of theory would be a good place to start.I have Ryan Young's 1st dvd but it doesn't really provide much info. I know it's difficult to put into print but I would appreciate your responses, has anyone got a hard and fast technique that they swear by?
  9. ham2

    New Ossa

    I'm the sort of person who would never hassle a dealer for a test ride of a bike unless I was on the verge of purchasing a new steed. I'm skint at the mo' but... ( DOUCHE-BAG ALERT)I would ring the UK OSSA dealer up just to blag a test ride for the hell of it!!
  10. Love seeing these guys at play (sorry I mean rigourously testing out their company vehicles.... and getting paid for it ) What a job? riding your trials bike for a living,there's only my lack of skill holding me back !
  11. Aw,Andy it took me ages to type that Taliban test. Just because I posted the key words; Taliban,Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher,Wedding,US Airforce.....all at once, I now have an American mini-van (with blacked out windows) parked outside my house ! Andy you're a stool pigeon.. .. and I don't look good in orange overalls...it's not my colour.
  12. ham2

    'Give Away'

    We'll take that as an official denial of your offer
  13. ham2

    'Give Away'

    A little E-Bay patter going on here:- According to this E-Bay seller 315 Montesa....... (click continue in Q+A) ; ''A very famous UK ex-Montesa importer'' are offering
  14. Jordy Chandlers Dad Looks like his conscience caught up with him???
  15. Yup,it's almost perverse that a record of the paedo (who paid off Jordi Chandler and is the reason California? changed it's laws on child witnesses' testifying) is being used for charity. Now he's dead it looks like there is an orchestrated effort by the media to enhance MJ reputation Simon Cowell is vermin.
  16. Newsflash:; Gordon Brown was injured today when a car reversed over him, the police have urged the driver to come forward.
  17. Been off my bike for about a year so when I re-started practicing I wound the timing back to get back in the swing of things...2 outings later and I've put the timing forward to standard again To para-phrase someone else on TC; the best time and money you could spend on a trials bike is on petrol and practicing. If you don't like my sermon on peg-time here's the last word on timing('07 Sherco 290) from the Witchdoctor General of the TC Sherco forum.........T-T-Timing
  18. ham2

    New Ossa

    Just to add to the previous answers on USD forks, I thought the main reason they were used on MX bikes was because of their un-sprung weight advantage( regarding;reaction/momentum times) which is not a priority on a slower moving trials bike? I reckon OSSA 'know their onions' and that's why the standard 40mm forks are listed as an option ...maybe?
  19. Wot ZIPPY sez....Yup the fluids like to find their own level after a re-build, should dry up after a couple of sessions.
  20. ham2

    Clutch Drag

    Welcome to the Sherco owners club,use the following recipe only if your clutch sticks when cold (and works well when warmed up): Keep bike in shed or garage overnight to be sure you are starting from cold. Use a full dollop of choke. Add a big handful of clutch. Raise the gear lever 'till you find 5th. Gently rock bike back and forth until the clutch/rear wheel frees up. Select neutral. Release clutch. Use one or two judicious prods of the kick start to fire up the bike. Remove choke from the mix. Voila, your bike should be ready to ride..........but just in case ...don't point it at your car ... my brothers bike climbed up his pickup truck all by itself once . If your clutch still sticks when warm then that's a mechanical fault and requires a bit more info than I can provide.
  21. 16:56 and those two jokes are still on the site...not bag going..
  22. ham2

    New Scorpa Range

    Is there a 250 cc 2st ?
  23. That front exhaust header on the 4st is justing hanging out in the breeze waiting to get bashed...or is it a Sherco 'roo-bar?
  24. ham2

    New Ossa

    ......going through their books...... GQR OSSA, you never know?
  25. I've had 4 shercos and even when you replace everything in the rear suspension you're left with a few mm's of slop
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