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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    New Ossa

    There's a thing?is the mains lube to be pre-mix not Gasser style gearbox oil? Laser1...that's the idea PA..... You're right about Ossa mis-judging the TC coverage,they need to expand on their launch momentum. Their probably waiting for a UK importer to be appointed first.
  2. ham2

    New Ossa

    It quotes 'right-way-up' 40mm forks as an option. Here's a list of faults I've noted so far: Far too good looking to get dirty! Pinch bolt on the gear shift is not fully tightened (site photos). Rear brake pedal hanging loose (show bike photos). Front of fuel tank is crying out for a big OSSA logo. ...And finally (this is about as pedantic as I get) it needs a name not a number so it's easier to form an emotional bond (I think a few of us have done that already). I reckon the OSSA heirachy are watching the TC response to the launch Right enough typing ,I'm going to look at those photos again
  3. ham2

    New Scorpa Range

    Look at the size of that silencer on the 2st, that's gonna be vehwy kwiet (Elmer style)...apart from the Sherco primary gear noise of course.
  4. ham2

    New Ossa

    I've been drooling over those photos and can spot a few 'influences/inspirations' (ahem!) from GasGas designs. I wonder if GasGas have the hollow driveshafts patented or that clutch cover/slave piston design patented? That's just the outside. I'm guessing there's a
  5. ham2

    New Ossa

    Price isn't silly?...looking at the whole OSSA resurrection package (that web-site
  6. ham2

    New Ossa

    Ta! -- That looks like a revelation...fantastico!
  7. ham2

    New Ossa

    Where's the link?...show me da link...... I can only find an old crate!!
  8. Still can't get my head around this one??and what happens when the fuel vapour pressurizes when that full length silencer heats the tank up??. Glad I'm not in the market for a brand new bike..well I wish I was..err ,you know what I mean.
  9. Wasn't he sentenced many years ago and just needs to do his time ???..so therefore no testifying required?
  10. I can't remember the exact prison protocol but 'suicide watch' is when the inmate has failed to gain 'isolation or solitary confinement' protection 'cos he's petrified of going in amongst the rest of the felons ,which is where he belongs ! ....what's that swishing noise I can hear?...why it's the prison Daddy pouring sand into the vaseline, in the hope of getting his hands on Polanski :thumbup:
  11. The official blurb says :-Fuel Tank: A new Ergal aluminium fuel tank which is now re-designed in the normal position of the air box and is fitted with an anti-bubble integrated fuel pump. ...whatever one of those is?
  12. Is it just 'cos the new lever is shorter to suit the new frame? Anyway, I love this game...'spot the future problems on the new bike'.... by looking at a handful of promo' pics. The cynic in me says the new batch of Sherco frames will crack (like previous 'new' frames 2000? and 2006?). Does that fuel tank-cap have a breather? not a good place to have it (near all the rear wheel crud). That side facing exhaust vent is gonna get a lot of 2-stroke exhaust gunk on your strides. As other members have pointed out: The radiator and fuel-tank ( how is it suspended?) looks way too vulnerable for the likes of me (plodder/dropper stylee )......and yes, yellow is a no-no None of this will matter, if it rides well (could be a real gripper),which I think it might !
  13. That guy's got too much money and too much spare time
  14. I had one of them,look around the base of the cylinder and you should see 272cc or 249cc stamped.
  15. ...And...the test ride verdict???
  16. My surname is Simpson but that's all I have in common with OJ. I had a black spaniel a few years ago and I called it OJ but the rest of the family refused to use that name ????..PC softies ! Steveo, we have a comedian over here who makes a living out of being as irritating as possible but he has one saving grace: His Michael Jackson character. It's so funny watching the guy( who sold out his black roots,surgically altered his physical features and tried to be an honourary white-man) speaking street jive:-
  17. I'm with Dabster on this one.....I'm very uncomfortable with the whole subject of MJ...and please, don't anybody, go to the trouble of quoting the opinions of the American courts to me 'cos I'll just send my uncle OJ around to see them.
  18. ham2

    2010 Xispa

    Is this who you mean???? ????
  19. ???Are you asking how to do a stationary wheelie then hop on the back wheel without putting the front down??? Like this--- ----
  20. ham2

    Radiator Fan

    Do a search on here ,I think ZIPPY? had a solution.
  21. ham2

    2010 Xispa

    I seem to remember your's has a lovely pink rim!!
  22. Cheers, These vids have been highlighted here before but I never get tired of watching the top guys practice. Like previous posts have pointed out,it's great to break down what these guys are doing with their bikes,loading/unloading/balance/timing etc.. The slow mo' on the rear tyre distortion is amazing,like an octopus tentacle gripping that rock-face.
  23. I've seen a few flaps glued on (temporarily !) but the thought of screwing into the airbox has put me off anything more permanent
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