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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    Sherco Regulator

    We're getting confused now? Regulator....rectifier? One chops the top off the AC wave and makes it DC, the other stops an over-voltage....Well as long as the lad gets sorted Sing along now: ''You sat tomayda, I sat tohmahtoe....let's call the whole thing owf...''
  2. ham2

    Sherco Regulator

    Is it not the stator supply to the regulator at fault? The only type of regulator fault I've heard of doesn't display the same symptoms as yours,namely:- The fan runs... but cuts out when the revs are raised from idle, meaning the fan supply from the regulator exceeds 12V (where a healthy regulator would 'cap' it at 12V). Check you wiring connections (cheap) until someone like Copemech can chime in with better advice, he's sleeping in the back of the shop at the moment (you know the one in Pulp Fiction where Zed parks his chopper...literally ).
  3. Don't give up yer day job.
  4. Wot B40RT said ! ''...going up the burns.....'' is this the biggest clue? What arrangement do you have for the drain in your airbox?..is it sealed? I'm sure a few Pro owners can tell you what they do or don't do with their airbox? As Shakespear didn't say: '' To seal or not to seal?...that is the question!
  5. I'm lovin' this tech info. I've not shown much interest in F1 since Senna died so my re-call of current F1 events is blurred by my apathy. Don't you think that JB's smooth driving style was counterproductive when the team was having problems with maintaining tyre temp? Any driver that ignores or fails to spot a yellow flag and is demoted 5 places on the grid is a doofus in my book . The tech info you give on the car is amazing, it's shocking to think of the multi-
  6. ham2

    2010 Xispa

    New 2010 models courtesy of mototrial Italy web site Spot the new changes? New rear rim, No radiator guard...?
  7. OOOh you're so macho Didn't JB have a 26 point lead earlier in the season? .....and he waited until the pen-ultimate race to secure the title? The plain facts are that the rest of the F1 teams caught up with BrawnGP's initial technological advantage and this highlighted JB as a very average driver indeed. It looks like JB's failing is in his in-ability to get the most out of cars that are less than perfect,it seems as if he simply cannot drive around 'set-up issues' in his car the way that the best F1 jockeys do. ''I keep making silly mistakes'', ''Wot yellow flag? '' Good drivers know how to set up their cars for qualifying/race-day etc....Jenson isn't and doesn't. Does the current world champ have a job next season?
  8. Err..68MPH? I need to go away somewhere and practice.
  9. ham2

    Changing Timing ?

    Hmmm, I see what you're getting at Cope. I've just had my Leonelli stator sorted by MotorplatUK and I reckon it was the trigger at fault (bike was running but not firing at the right time), whether that was a HES or a reluctor I don't know but I know a man that does...
  10. Just to add to the confusion,here is a pic of my bike's original viton? seal...in a blue/green colour???????????-------
  11. ham2

    Bou Vid

    At the risk of repeating myself: I would love to watch this guy just practicing
  12. Good luck Matt,I'm not being sarky....nothing ventured,nothing gained. Everyone likes a project. Since you're committed to buying it you'll have to report back once you've got it home, there will be plenty of people on TC who have owned this type of Gasser (Me and GII for starters) and can assist (memory willing ). That rear end looks to be jacked-up too high.What a lot of sellers do (on any type of bike), to hide the excess slop in the suspension linkage,is to crank the pre-load right up. The only problem I had with mine was a broken damper screw on the rear shock but it was a quick fix. Anyhow if it all goes Pete Tong I'll give you
  13. Would it roll over when I made a real a*** of it?
  14. He's just a playboy Well done to Brawn GP for giving Jenson a (half dozen? wins) head start to the season even though Jenson nearly threw that away later on . The two guys behind JB on the grid (Hamilton and Vettel) at Sau Paulo still managed to finish ahead of him and JB was supposed to be busting a gut to wrap up the drivers championship !!! The real gifted genius here is Brawn and his F1 technical-rule-bending capabilities. Nice touch that Brawns first words after winning were to thank the people that he had been forced to lay-off at the start of the year.
  15. I must,must just clarify which comment of mine you're questioning??? 1. The gear thing?...I definitely did not mean this Mangle...... 2. The Matrix thing?...I most definitely did mean..... We clear on that?
  16. ham2

    Nanny State.

    That's mighty fine 'cos my wife says that when I get drunk I do an impersonation of a 'baby' elephant , you know trouser-pockets turned inside out etc...
  17. Just took some time off work to ride it ( I was that excited),and to answer your question Cope...no...got bad hand/fore-arm cramp...got to go into work now and I can't hold a bloody pen! Ha!
  18. I've got a phobia about jamming wood in gears, ever since my accident at the nudist colony when I was using that mangle!!!
  19. The saga ends....eventually got round to sorting out my stator (thanks to motorplat UK).....What a difference,the bike is way too powerful now,smooth and torquey with no overheating either. Curious things stators,it's not like I had a poor spark or anything!!! Just sparking at the wrong time? Going to retard the ignition now..thank you all for your contributions Wayne
  20. ham2

    Nanny State.

    Don't be afraid (like you said in your post ),let's hear it..This is the Anything goes forum..I'm all ears.
  21. Easy tiger,I've heard of it before, perhaps I should have put it like this: I once looked at that arrangement and I thought; 'That looks like a great place to jemmy from'...Doh!...then I thought again... The 6wd socket thing?..I can't remember if it was a standard size (imperial/metric/mis-sized?) or not?
  22. Hi Neo, I watched your film last night,must have been great working with Monica Belucchi in that PVC dress , anyhow.... I'm using my very own version of logic here so bear with me..The socket I am talking about is just a conventional 1/2 '' drive socket but instead of a hexagonal design to drive(chew) the corners of a nut/bolt-head this 6 wall-drive design acts on the flats only( It may have been a one-off? as it was sourced from my friend in the tool trade). The one I had slid over the front sprocket shaft and held the gearbox static so I could do what I wanted on the clutch side of the engine. Alternatively some people put their bike in gear with the chain still connected to keep the gearbox static but I could never get that to work for me,bike kept creeping along. This is where the magic touch (which I don't have) with the impact gun would come in handy. I am not knocking your methods in any way...wood's good ... but I can't help thinking that someone less skilled than yourself could've jammed shercoman2K8's pinion /clutch gear then levered from the tang (which is now broken)...it would seem so tempting. Wayne
  23. Yes,people, that primary drive pinion was a bugger to get off ....there is next to no room behind it for the legs of a standard puller so I had to grind them back (wafer thin) like Cope says. Watch you don't burr the teeth edges on the gear when you use a puller/screwdriver?...if you do you'll must use a fine carborundum stone to dress it..you must avoid a high spot on those gears that's why, I personally, wouldn't jam them to hold them. DISCLAIMER--This is a HAM bodge--- but I'm sure there is a multi-wall(6?) drive socket that fits perfectly over the front sprocket drive shaft so you can torque away to your hearts content ( I know this 'tests' your transmission!). Like Cope says ,if your web is intact I wouldn't worry about it.
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