Most of us mere mortals don't ride fast enough or long enough to be aware of this problem.
Glens bike does not have a speedometer it has a guage showing the Mach no.
Hey Glen,guess what? my stator arrived today from motoplat uk,whahey! Just need a new peg leg now.
Gan canny with that impact gun ,great for undoing but when you're nipping things up you've got to have a skillful touch (wot I divvent hev )
All those that wish to volunteer take one step forward!!!.........Hmmm,thought so.
I do think that Sherco rear suspension is basic (I haven't ridden the newest models though),good grip but a tad wooden (too much damping?) which gives me sore knees.
Does anyone know where to get an uprated spring as I weigh in at 95kg?...97 with a h4rd-on .
Agreed, in America, my hire car had written on it's battery: 'DO NOT DRINK THE CONTENTS OF THIS BATTERY'!!! I'm not joking.
The largest category in the US version of yellow pages is for injury/claim lawyers.
My relatives own a motel in Florida (not a classy joint...the sort where you hire a room by the hour ) and they had to spend $1000's to fight a claim against them for 'insubstantial fittings??' before it went to court:
Two regulars had an argument , one of them slammed a door in the others face then pulled out a gun and shot the other guy through the door.
The lawyer, for the guy who got shot, sued for 'insubstantial fittings' as he thought his client wouldn't have received such bad injuries if the door had been thicker??!!!
On the flip side of this argument I can see why insurance companies want all this risk assessment /H+S bull****, I work for an appliance repair company and I have seen 1st hand the damage that a small percentage of the population can do when they carry out there own repairs... badly!
Some people need protecting from themselves and before all these H+S rules these people would have failed Darwinian natural selection so wouldn't be around to trouble us.
Like the guy who blew his own teeth out,using them to bare back the insulation on his washing machine wiring....yes, you guessed it..while it was still plugged in.
One of the blessings of being stupid is that you don't know you're stupid...... until something goes wrong,then (these days)you look around for someone else to blame.
My boss was recently in court (nothing to do directly with our business! honest!) as an expert witness to give his opinion in a case ...'but that's another story' as Hammy Hamster used to say.
Do a search old boy....I'm sure there has been a mass-debate on this subject before.
I think the outcome was;Tc members were in one camp or the other ----- New tape (dry) vs old tape (with sealant).
Hmmm, that part's broken off and you have got possible gearbox pressurization?
Too much of a co-incidence so check for a crankcase hairline-fracture in that area??
That part doesn't just deflect the oil flow.
If it's the bit I'm thinking of, it's also a fillet radius (web) to strengthen the counterbore/wall-section where the crank main-bearing sits .
Like a hobo in the park; you gotta go on a crack hunt
Confirmed ,in fact that could be my very own one in that photo (but it's not..)
Are we talking about the outcrop at 11/12 o'clock high?
Hey Tony,
Can you be a bit more specific please, imagine you're looking at the carb' from the exhaust side what angle (o'clock) is the inlet pointing at?
You mean little boy ( I may have missed out a semi-colon in there )
What about Gordon Browns Labour vision???Seems like he didn't have a good eye for figures after all ?
Great,thanks for sharing that..just goes to show the difference between the experts and the world round riders !!!
I've often wondered what happens on those 4st (CV) Betas when they drop-off large obstacles or thump into a step...can anybody comment?
Your right,very very, few riders need a new bike but loads of us want a new bike!
It's all down to you ,a case of holding back your desire for a new(er) steed.
I think GasGas have been aware of this fault for some time now and have trained their staff accordingly***
As some people may know; I'm a fan of his skills but not impressed by the 'yob' image ...what next ?...
Bad Publicity and Julien Dupont Present:-
See him bunnyhop a wheelchair-bound person, at the shopping mall (missing the oxygen lines by inches)???
See him splat the pram outside the school gates?
Watch him wheely through the local hospital wards?
Admire how he double-blips the gravestones in the churchyard ?
OOh I really need to calm down after all that sarcasm....the voices in my head--they say..kill!
See for yersel !
Cheers Cope,funny you should offer that service as with most large obstacles I attempt,my ass is left a the foot of the hill while my bike ends up somewhere near.... Texas
I'm surprised that a caravan can take the weight 3 minutes in..and that session at the end where he does a dry run/bail-out, several times We've all done it !
I think the crankcase centre-gasket is the culprit according to your rev:pressure findings?...got to be,surely?
Has the engine taken a bit of a knock recently?
Just for sheer laziness,if it were me , I would take the fly-wheel off and tighten all the engine case bolts as tight as I dare just to see if it made any difference ( I never said I worked for NASA now did I?).
Just for the record ,I've only ever found Viton seals in brown, in the UK and I have discovered a partially seated crank-seal before (from the factory!).
That's a bold claim!
I'm not doubting you though.
Jeez Tom, they beef up the swing-arm...then look what happens...There's two ways GasGas are going to deal with this:
No.1.''It's a competition vehicle Sir,there's no guarantee with them''...blah.blah.
No.2.''Adam clearly demonstrates to the world that these vehicles can handle such drop offs..please step into the office and we'll see what we can do for you Sir...''
Good luck Tom,I hope you get a No.2 out of them
Don't know but any oil with a name like Klotz (clots!!) ....well..those marketing people are real stoopid
Any brand fully synthetic should do the trick
Looks like this is what he's trying to do---
No, my swing-arm needs all the protection it can get!