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Everything posted by ham2
  1. How good is good? I am fascinated by this video as it's very similar to my bike's problem ( the stator is currently/ha! being tested ). Any chance you can upload the new improved tick-over to you tube? Cheers, Wayne
  2. I totally agree, and I am getting wound up just at the thought of him getting off lightly, just by going through the motions, as some reports are suggesting.
  3. Disclaimer******Do Not Do This********* I am a mentally-ill, pyromaniac (so you cannot sue me if it all goes Pete Tong): I would take all health and safety precautions:- If I wanted to work out whether the fault was air-leakage or ignition related I would warm the bike up and use an unlit propane torch ,waved around the inlet area, to see if the revs picked up. If my idle smoothed out it would indicate an air leak, if it didn't..?.. then an ignition problem. P.S. I look permanently surprised now that I have burnt off my eyebrows. P.P.S. Your lawn needs some weed and feed on it.
  4. I'm at work and bored....I find it's always better to ride someone else's bike (like other peoples' chips always taste better?! ). If it were my choice then it wouldn't matter a damn 'cos I think either of those two bikes would rip my arms out when I got tired never mind during a two day trial !!
  5. All the more worrying when you read this story----spooky--- but I always had Mandelson down as the Anti-Christ anyway !!
  6. I'm no GasGas officianado but I think?the 04 and 05 had different clutch seals/fluids?..don't know what difference that made but I do know the 06 had it's pegs moved back in the frame and I liked that, it seemed to grip better? Oh, and the 06 forks were made of aluminium so those 2 mods made the front end seem light. Best to buy on condition not model year (err...usually )
  7. I hope they'll be bringing out a trials version without a seat---------------- Hold the front page !..God this is getting to be like the adverts from the VIZ.... Weary from standing on the pegs all day? Tired legs? Sore knee joints? Sick of walking the sections first? Muscle fatigue? Well not any more! thanks to .......( NO! not the Billy Craig/ Jane Fonda workout ).....
  8. Here we are..2009 but different forks,clamps,bars,pegs and stand........have they gone back to the mellow front-pipe too?
  9. So they're not selling them in the US or the Uk now....What's next?..Toni Bou on the dole?
  10. Come off it Slappy, you'll be campaigning for equal rights for gingers next Your right though, being an a*****le has nothing to do with your passport,creed,race,religion etc.. if someone wants to carry out an act of aggression they'll hide behind any excuse that comes to hand. Your comment on our distant attempts at ethnic cleansing centuries ago, brings me back to the original point about 'violence-begets-violence' ....'' An eye for an eye will leave us all blind''. See, you don't have a monopoly on giving sermons
  11. We're talking about the women here, right?
  12. This is an easy way to increase your breathing capacity ( and think of the all the benefits of that). Try a gumshield in your work out for 2 weeks. You need to get past the nausea of the 1st few sessions ( it will pass). It's resistance training for your lungs; as they say in the forces 'train hard----fight easy'.
  13. Hey Funtrials...Nevermind catching your breath ......your circuit sounds great but if you wanna throw in some superior conditioning into the mix just do exactly what you're doing but with a 99p gumshield in place...you won't believe the difference until you try it. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON A POWERBREATHER?BREATHING TRAINER !!
  14. Perhaps we should have used the same principle the US government adopted towards the indigenous red indians of the day ...steal their lands..bit 'o' rapin' an' a piligin' never did anyone any harm. Wahey, I can't wait until the current US government give all the land back to the red indians, imagine that.... a casino and a bingo hall on every street corner
  15. That video really captured the ferocity of those monsters, I remember those t16 peugeots were very throttle sensitive when they hit a yump (they would pitch down and dig in ). I thought the metro 6r4 had the best soundtrack but it was always disappointing to see where the noise was coming from !!
  16. I still use his motto today in certain circumstances.....''Max-eeemum ah-ttahk !''
  17. Aw, c'mon Mark..don't stand behind that: '' we're just plain talkin', simple folk '' routine. Life's not that simple. What your councillor said just sounds like electioneering to me and if we're going to do something about the war on terror we need more intelligent-sounding men than Bechtel to break the cycle of violence. Indulge me a little here:- (In 1993?)There were 6 IRA bombs planted where I work and 1 at a gas holder 500m from my back garden, that makes it personal to me. In the Uk we've had decades of cowardly terror attacks on innocent civilians from the PIRA/INLA/REAL IRA/CONTINUITY IRA/you-name-it IRA,they're all ba*****s, ( let's not even mention our murdered troops at this point). So we gathered intelligence reports and pin-pointed the operational base(s)of the prime fund raisers for the terrorists' training and weapons procurement. We would dearly have loved to send in several remote predator drones/cruise missiles/smart ordnance-air strikes/special forces insertions, to destroy the fund raisers HQs'. The problem was, we would have destroyed most of the Irish bars in New York , New Jersey , obliterated Marthas Vineyard and a few other Kennedy retreats ! I do feel deeply sorry for those people who died in the twin towers but it's not a co-incidence that it seemed to signal an end to Americas backing for the Provos' .
  18. I recall being in a massive crowd near the roadside ,then when a group b car neared, the crowd would surge forward to catch a glimpse,that made that narrow country lane half as narrow again
  19. Ouch....You got me..I can dream can't I ?Anyway there's too many mackems around these parts now.
  20. I don't think that blue first aid kit is gonna be enough for all those people
  21. Corfu??? too bloody hot to ride all year round. I was in South Africa for a while and the terrain was fantastic ( especially Kruger ) but the political/social climate has changed now. If I went there now I would find it hard to ride around with a pump-action shot-gun strapped to my back ! I fancy North Carolina or Canada or New Zealand. As far as the last two are concerned does anyone know if you can you ride all year round there?
  22. ham2

    Worth It?

    We seldom 'need' a new bike but we always 'want' a new bike ...not sure that your 5th gear is an easy fix though??
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