Thanks Perce , great to see those operational aircraft in colour, makes it seem so much more relevant.
When it comes to bikes on E-Bay, I just treat it as a classified advert and ring the seller to sound him out then arrange a viewing to do the deal in person.
That way I have never had any problems, but when I've tried to do business on-line-auction style, just sitting there bidding on a photograph.....well, lets just say I deserved everything I got.
jam, you should report your experiences to E-Bay, I have done in the past and got a few charlatans suspended (E-bay shop..that really hurt him) or removed from E-bay altogether.
Don't take it lying down, 'get into them and f*** them up'.
Bet your not 'trialing' your scooter through streams either.
Above is the Gospel according to Mark...just like he said:retard the timing and don't worry about the bike running poorly,that'll only happen when you rotate that stator plate to it's absolute extremities.
Wayne (Copemech disciple)
??? Yup, that's when you know you've had too much to drink when you're in the loos and you're thinking : only cubicles ! where's the urinals ?????
Easy for me to say,sitting here,but you know already that the Sherco has picked itself....just got to find the extra 'greenbacks' though,which is entirely down to you.
SWEEEEEET..that lad has a habit of making things look easy,which (as we all know) is just a by-product of having a vast amount of talent and skill.
I think he deserved a bigger crowd than that........the small turn out was probably a result of having all those Elf and Safety restrictions?
Ta!..I'll look out for that.
There are 3 faces of mine which you really don't want to see;
1. My 'trials-face'
2. My 'war-face'
3. My 'orgasm-face'
My wife reckons' that 1 and 3 are very similar !
Anyone know what he's been doing in London recently?
Mouse?..I'm more of a pussy man myself.
On my dad's side of the family..Yes....I went to my uncles funeral last year and got together with my cousins, it was like an episode of 'Shameless'......for example:Chanel 4
you'll have to translate it yersels
My name is Wayne Simpson and yes that's who I meant...pardon my ignorance ,I didn't know of any other deaths.
From what I recall;after a fall from his bike on a mountain road,he asked some spectators to ''put me back on my bike'' he only got a few more yards down the road before he was dead.
Drugs and alcohol were involved.
I think you're losing your grip there Mark ( I chose that emoticon wisely).
The state of California(?) had to change their laws after Mr. Jackson settled out of court one time.
I hope people are mourning the loss of the artist not the man.
It's strange how some people react to this affair.
Y'know when his brothers were carrying that huge coffin, for some reason, I couldn't get a certain film out of my head... I think it was called Cool Runnings....
You got to laugh at some of these cyclists who claim that they're clean then new tests find that their samples from 2007 show blood doping..banned....the net is closing .
Actually I should keep my head down as the only person ever to die on the 'Tour' was a distant relative of mine.
What do you all make of this......????????
What's black and got 8 legs???
Warning/disclaimer..I am not a doctor but I do like to dress up and play doctors and nurses
This reply does not supercede anything that BillyCraig has typed but this has worked for me:
I'm reckoning on you having the same problem that I had (imagine a pain in your back between your shoulder blades just where your bra strap would fasten ?).
Go to the corner of a room,put your left hand on the left wall and the right on the right (at shoulder height/width) then try to put your nose forward into the junction of the two walls.
The effect you are looking for is to push your shoulder blades back as your chest comes forward.
Repeat etc.. blah,blah..
Transpose 'eastern european sex slave ' for 'Mexican girlfriend' and the answer is, yes.
Test my memory time....2 of my mates had this Pro oil drinking problem( on the same 2005 bike??) though not as severe as you describe.
1st mate had the bike from new so the fault was with the factory assembly!
The cause was a washer 'missing' near one of the gearbox seals...it was only apparent when stripped alongside another Pro.
Sorry to be so vague, it was few years ago.
Any chance of an evaluation /nige-rating of your Evo,especially in comparison to your 4rt ?