Correct for ten points,my favourite shop in the whole world 'cos it means (to me) that I'm on holiday (which I won't be for the next couple of years until my woman gets another job ).
The classified notice board has everything for sale there.
Hey Mark,
That telephone No. is 'live' for the US..betcha can't resist ringing it to see who picks it up?
They sell everything
What's the difference between Sir Alex Ferguson and Michael Jackson?.Sir Alex Ferguson will be playing Giggs at the end of August ;)
Apparently, he had a 12 year old crack habit
1 Slack bottomed chimp, will do anything for a banana.
Ring (407) 290-6977 ask for Tito
Well spotted,thanks for posting that.
Some of those questions were priceless (bit like that bike ).
That was one of the funniest e-bay listings since the sale of the green Peugeot 406 on it's side in a ditch..anyone remember that ?
For Shercoman2k8:
Item number: 110406326196
Question & Answer Answered On
Q: I heard rumours that this was on ebay and its true. I live quite far away and have no real way of getting it back other than riding it. If I go through the hassle of sorting out a MOT and road register the bike, that is of course if I am lucky enough to beat the tough competition this bike has quite rightly attracted. Thanks, Tony 27-Jun-09
A: Thank you Tony
Q: Hi malc, i have a bike just like that, number 78, in black color, don't know if it is original, they are hard to find these days, i wouldn't sell mine for nothing, but i can buy yours, can you confirm wich number is from the limited edition ? And for all that don't know, this is a limited 200 Bike edition, they are worth more the 6,000GBP these days. The last one seen was on Azerbejain and north korea. I give you a offer my friend, what a about 4,000GBP on buy it now ? Can you ship to Portugal ? Just check the limited edition number. CHeers Pedro Martins 26-Jun-09
A: Thanks but I wont ship
Q: Not being funny mate but are you sure you want to sell this bike? I know you've said you're not really into bikes but as you can see from all the interest you've had, this bike is very rare (and potentially worth quite a bit). It might be worth your while getting the bike looked at by an independant motorcycle auctioner (these can easily be found on the internet), I don't think you'll be disappointed. However I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this here on ebay and would like to get a few bids later on in the auction, hopefully it'll stay within my budget!Good luck mate! 26-Jun-09
A: been offered
So it is a true story then?
Once those things have made up their mind that they're going straight on then ......your f*****!
Just to highlight (not that it needs highlighting) the solid brass balls that it took to fly one of these things into the Nazi AAA maelstrom, my Grandad, ex RN, told me that initially the Germans' on-board gunnery-calculator could not produce any meaningful data on the ''String-Bag'' (Swordfish) because they had never encountered an aircraft which flew so slowly .
Do you mean like these fellas----
----Sorry, but any excuse for some ACDC !
Aw,c'mon Slappy,you mean to tell me you have never made love to this record--------
Couldn't watch a chick-flick if my life depended on it..unless the chick is doin' the flickin' ..then I would watch all day!
I can't get on with the big 'yin ,the blokes such a 'luvvie' wannabee.
He's made a career out of laughing at his own anecdotes to get the audience going (NLP? as the pyschologist ,his wife, might say).
Steve,over here his stock is pretty low at the moment as he tried to encourage(joke? ) the Iraqi insurgents to hurry up and execute
a captured Liverpudlian (Ken Biggly r.i.p.).
If it's a Scotch comedian you want-------FB -- or -- if you can find any of his stuff out there: Jerry Sadowitz
Jeez,Mark are you having a melancholy moment?
Here's my preference.....
..Disclaimer--Not guaranteed to work all the time. Wayne
Ahh..the good old c90 'field bike'..those were the days... ''Jumpers for goal posts''!
Having one of them was like having a fat eager girlfriend,great fun,but you didn't mention you had one in public!!
Me and my mates regularly attempted 3's up down the back of the school fields and when it got too hot and seized up we had to p**** on it to keep it cool.....the c90 I mean
That's the top secret 'short-range spear'.
Wasn't the last bike to have such an airbox set up a Cannondale motorcrosser?
And didn't it require fuel injection to overcome the running problems that Baldilocks described?
From what I recall that project never got off the ground because of the cost of developing that efi ?
Neo, strange (annoying) things happen when the stator starts playing up on a Sherco, its not always just a case of open/closed circuit .
I'm sending my stator off to be tested...................Wayne
Never mind the mud-guards will the stator coil from a Xispa fit my Sherco ?
Gents,here's a long shot but I get the feeling Neo is heading down this way....when faced with a Sherco with poor running problems and the owner has thoroughly checked off all the mechanical / carburation procedures (just like me) then we are into the realms of black magic .Yes, Sherco coil -itis...after a long lay of I'm about to resurrect my poor running Sherco by getting the stator coil re-wound.
I'll keep you posted.
Clutch cable? ..now I'm confused??
I meant on yer heed..poivoit
Latest Premiership transfer news:
Today, Manchester City sold Shaun Wright Philips to............
......Madonna !