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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Yup,it let's the bike lean over at an extreme angle putting too much pressure into the (soft) ground and when you come back to your bike after walking a section, it's over . How I used to love looking for an embedded stone in the ground just to keep my parked steed upright. The only good thing about it was it's ability to protect the swing arm when I made a balls of a rock/concrete step
  2. Is it the actual figure 79kg you have a gripe with or how heavy it 'feels' to ride? From what I recall the Monts feel very well planted and that's a feature of the original design. If you want it to 'feel' lighter and more 'agile'?! you could try fitting a new delta plate kit to the rear shock and adjusting the front Showas for less damping...just a thought I personally prefer the standard setting but I am a plodder.
  3. I'm a bit confused here Neo?? ...(if your Sherco engine is the same as mine)..you should assemble the seals before putting the cases back together,use electricians-tape on the crankshafts just in case there are any sharp edges (keyways etc..)and then lube the seals/shaft for assembly. I once had to change the mains seals (from nitrile to viton) from the 'outside' and all I had to do was wind 2 self tapping screws into the seal and pull the screw-heads out, with a pair of pliers, to pop the whole seal out. I hope this is relevant...err... for next time maybe?
  4. Do you really want a cable drum? Can you not fabricate a suitable step/platform? The reason I'm asking is that I presume you're riding them outdoors and when they get the slightest moisture on them they're lethal. Even prep-ing them with chicken wire or grit won't help.
  5. 73+5=??????????????????? Holy guacamole, you're worse than wor accountant ! Twas 78 in my day, and that's after we went metric.
  6. We're still talking about your bike here, right?
  7. Let us know what effect it has on your symptoms?
  8. The most commonly practiced remedy on these forums would be ''reverse bleeding'' where you use a large syringe full of fluid and force it in the nipple up to the master cylinder...works a treat. I'm a mechnical doofus so I need all the tips I can get. If you ever have a problem with your bike I would recommend you do what I do (don't reach for the toolbox,reach for the keyboard), do a search on the Sherco forum first or post up a question....loadsa practical, helpful people on TC. Sometimes there's a guy on the other side of the planet who knows exactly what your problem is, yet your local bike dealer talks a foreign (Yorkshyer?)language.
  9. This is exactly what I was warning you about ( I got it wrong first time) but like Cope says you should be able to see the garter springs when you have assembled the seals.Don't get cold feet now!
  10. Ditto,I'd be surprised if the shaft is bent though...you seem to have things squared up in your mind so theres nothing stopping you now....watch for that thin washer (No.1 in your photo) when you put the side-case assy back on(at that time you will be watching the dowels and the gasket line up) 'cos if you mis-lay it and it drops into the transmission, then run it!!! .....You won't drop it, I have every faith in you.
  11. Have you read the Sherco service manual on this one,it's superb? These small bearings require very little force to seat/remove them. Judging by your photos the impeller housing seem ok, are you worried about the rough casting area?..that's just a cast passageway for your coolant,it doesn't look like the impeller has been fouling there. If the shaft is only polished and not scored I would use it again...pay attention to which way the seals are fitted (facing/out over/in over..cos I got it wrong once!!). C'mon mechanic brother you are doing well.
  12. Do not ''use the force Luke''. Don't quit so early Warm the base of the kickstart up (hairdrier..maybe.. or a hot paint-strip gun...go easy) just where it sits on the shaft,then try again . Do not strike the shaft or kick start..err..if you can possibly help it ,I know it gets frustrating. If you get stuck it may need a puller but I've had 4 Shercos and have never needed one.
  13. 'Ere ,aren't you the geezer who started a topic on TC because you wouldn't go on a course, provided by your firm, last year???
  14. Maybe,maybe..the ones I took out were greeny-blue the ones I (eventually) put in were broon, as you say
  15. OFF TOPIC..Hey Markyboy that pc icon thing in your signature is peachy ..where did you get it ? I want one. I'm on the look out for a new one to make me seem more interesting.
  16. Dry the weep hole, run the bike,you don't have to ride it, and check for new droplets. As Copey says, 2 Seals and 1 side gasket (
  17. Please tell me you bought Viton seals for the mains?
  18. Had a Suzuki Er trail bike which ,after just a few of days of inactivity,would 'demand' a brand new plug to start it. No amount of plug cleaning (solvent,brass brush or even autoclave) could coax it into firing up. I even tried to fool it by putting a cleaned plug into a new cardboard box but it knew..it just knew?!!
  19. The rumour is that the beast (no, not the first lady) is so heavy that it couldn't park too close to the front door of No.10 in case it damaged the sub strata above the underground rooms..remember....it's a real rabbit warren behind/below that big black door (or should that be rat-run)?
  20. ''Leave it..it's not worth it'' :)Mine look like the rivets were peened over.If you haven't suffered from a clunky drive take-up, dinna bother.... You're as bad as me---looking for work to do whilst you've got the engine apart!! I thought it was only me who fannied on like that
  21. Aw no ,don't tell me I've just watched a snuff video?
  22. Ta! This is my thinking....just for now I'll put the timing all the way forward to see if the bike is more usable.
  23. Gawd,you couldn't script this....Got it hot on the drive and now it's slightly worse, it's back-firing when warmed up(when I rev it,not when I start it) so I think I'm looking at a new stator? Is the logic that there is so much unburnt fuel in the exhaust that I'm getting the excess heat from there? She starts first or second prod whether hot or cold though?
  24. Cheers, That first video of the superbikes,the one where the guy cartwheels down a Manx style moorside , he should be riding Trials not Road bikes.
  25. Whoa , I personally wouldn't block those 'dribble-holes', if your bearings are sealed then they are err..sealed.
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