As for the sound that dodgy main bearings make, I would describe it as a ''swishing'' noise, especially when the revs are falling.
Imagine you have a very dry or loose bearing in your hand and you spin it with your fingers..that noise multiplied by a few thousand (revs) is the ''swishing''.
Very bad mains can be detected by simply leaning the (running in neutral) bike over to extreme angles to hear the varying side loads on the bearing.
Durafix requires minimal preperation/skill it's like soldering.
Technoweld needs flux and skill ,I have very limited welding experience so the Durafix is my preference.
Sorry ,only half a post..this is what I've got back but I don't have time to fit it today
This is a recurring topic, read THIS
Walther PPK 7.65mm.... I think...I wasn't there If only Andy had the Wiki workin'
'Twas hastily arranged though..Shotgun wedding one day,PPK funeral the next.
Sit' rep'..
Bottled it...
It was proving very difficult to hold the rad safely and securely enough to work on it, I'd gone as far as I could go without risking damage.
So it was time to use a bit more brain than braun and one internet search later; I found a radiator specialist not even 2 miles from my front door .
It's in their hands now, when I get it back,if they do a good job , I'll let you know more.
Hmmmm....It's crying out for a chrome frame,just look how neat the black forks and silver clamps combine...then you add the gold and..Urghh
I know where I've seen that look before:
On every local high street is a gang of female Charvers (Chavs in the South) who think it's cool to wear the entire contents of their jewellery box in one go..That's where GasGas got the inspiration from
Hey Rob,
An infra-red temp hand guage sounds like a mighty useful piece of kit (especially at the moment).
Can I ask how you did a crank pressure test ?..just for future reference.
Currently I'm patiently scraping away the resin seal and epoxy at the rim of my rad in preparation for some spanner time this weekend.
My mate was made redundant and had to go to management to attend an ''Exit interview ? '' before he was allowed to leave..so he showed them his ''Exit''
OOOH, you got me with your hand-bag there Charlie....anyway it just looks to me like two men want to go into the woods/moors for a cuddle.
Do a search on here fella.
There is an amount of adjustment on the pro for improving gear changes.
What's he supposed to do about it!!??
This is the myopic , f***ing ring-piece that said (as Chancellor and as PM )''No more boom to bust cycles'' ''I'm building a stable economy''??
How naive can you get?
This gave a clear message to the whole of the country that borrowing/spending (against your property or not) was a safe as..well...houses?
This guy recklessly,sold off our gold assets without any thought for the future.
Fred the shred Goodwin wonders why Gordon's trying to grab back his pension..well Brown's had a go at everyone elses so what makes Fred so special?
The bubble has burst ,globally,but the problem is the UK's bubble was way bigger than anyone elses (proportionally) because of f***wits like Brown.
Let's get something crystal clear here....There was no General Election to vote Gordon Brown Prime Minister !
Yup, same symptoms of a Sherco I used to own;Spark when cold but when the bike got warm you couldn't get a spark for 10/20 mins in which time you had half stripped the bike looking for the fault,infuriating Hint, never turn the engine off
Ooh yeah, 315 owners club rule No.1 ''never put the tank back on in a hurry''
....You've earned it... ..I'm still chuckling ...I think I'm in the minority
How could anyone butcher a perfectly good trials bike by putting an outfit on it...
I'm not one for cosmetic bling but that looks much better,pretty much the way R2w was styling his Rev3 last year.
We accept all those that have seen the light....even Nige.
I still think it was un-characteristically funny ,all those photos set up for a p*** take ( Apologies to whoever it was aimed at ).
I hear what you're saying Mark.
I will try that ,you know what a bugger it is to see into the rad neck with the tank off and to keep the bike running.
The rad cap on my bike states ''+1 Bar'' which is only 15 PSI above atmospheric.
The rad cap has never vented or overflowed as I imagine it would do so first, if I had an excess pressure build up?
I don't know that much ,I just have a theory(un-proven) for everything
If you recall I have a real voodoo hex about cylinder head seals/gaskets..so I don't want to pull it unless I really,really have to
It's just as well that I have no immediate rush to sort the problem as it would have done my head in if I was in dire need of some peg-time, you wouldn't believe how small a bead of coolant is produced by this leak, no wonder I couldn't detect a drop in the coolant level !
More theory time, and you could be just the guy to confirm it or shoot it down in flames ( as I know you have aviation/aloominumb experience).
Feel free to take the peepee outa my logic process here:
Next step..
..To make a more secure repair I need to know how/why was this aluminheehum rad fabricated in the first place?i.e why did the manufacturer bond/seal the head tank to the matrix ?
Bloody hell Nige got a sense of humour for Christmas ....welcome to the ****-take brotherhood, Mr Dabster!
Feedback time...
...Looks like the rad leak is the main reason for the overheating 'cos I've just had 20 mins on't drive with the bike running perfect ..but (isn't there always with me) after 21 mins the new sealant gave out in one very small area (accompanied by a high pitched squeal to make it easy to spot ).
Some progress I suppose, now I have to think about my next step ?