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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Also get yersel' a dog,doesn't have to be a big gnarly one and put up a small sign stating it's presence. Encourage it to bark when someone comes to the house and make sure it sleeps behind the front door at night. I train with a few HMP officers and they say you'd be amazed at what deters 90% of the scrotes...whilst nothing seems to deter the other 10%
  2. Very good,cheers. The boy has some strength, hauling down that KTM from the tyre step like that
  3. The j b weld is setting as we speak.
  4. Well, if your having a yard sale I'll make you an offer on that radiator.
  5. If you could see it now,scattered across the garage floor, you wouldn't offer $5 for it
  6. Thanks for the replies fellas. Totalshell, I'm a bit wary of the radweld remedy,I've seen what it does to a cars innards and I don't think my teensy trials bike cooling system could cope very well with that additive. Copey,you've pretty muched typed what I was thinking (I just needed a long distance confidence boost ) so I'm going down that route ...watch this space!!??
  7. This is where we're at--------- can you see the resin seal and the stain where it has been leaking?
  8. I'm at home now and have the benefit of viewing the radiator with the paint stripped off...and (as with most jobs I start) it's not as straight forward as I thought Q: When is a crack not a crack? A: When it's the boundary layer of some kinda resin sealant that the 'end tray/header' is seated in?? It looks like araldite! So I guess my first plan involving a little home welding is out the window ,glad I never took it to my local (rough-but-powerful) ally workshop. Anyone ever tackled this sort of thing themselves?
  9. ham2


    Not so fast there,don't splash the cash just yet. Check for a bad earth that holds the rectifier to the frame just behind the radiator. Hopefully someone with Beta knowledge will chime in here and give you more detail than I ever could. Do a search,even if it's a rectifier(AC/DC?) problem I'm sure that someone on TC has carried out a superior ,cheap repair via Radio Shack or Maplins.
  10. Cheers trialsnutterman,this is what I was thinking of and the bottom line is :I have a leaky radiator so it needs to be sorted whether it's my poor running/overheating fix or not. I will report back but I am struggling to find a local radiator repair business who will low temp weld it,that's why I was looking at those durafix rods. ...I'm a bit wary that my local ally specialist will want to throw a tig? weld at it..too much heat there for a little radiator perhaps? Wayne
  11. Man! Even Ray Mears couldn't have come up with such an excellent survival tip for those long distance trials..problem is, if it were me I wouldn't have been able to resist the smell of those poached eggs so I would have consumed the lot..cola and all. I once saw a prison chain-gang documentary where two fellas put rice in a car radiator to stop leaks...or was that a Laurel and Hardy film??? Eeeh,my memory?What am I like? Back to the real world...the bike's had many ,many hours of practice (post re-build) before it got hot at a trial,there was nothing wrong with the nitrile seals I took out recently..just thought I'd put some viton in to be totally sure that wasn't the problem. The fix??....anyone used this before..seems too good to be true...LINKY... watch the demo
  12. Update time....Foot's nearly healed so I've been looking at the bike in anticipation: After replacing the main seals with viton and changing the water pump seals just for the hell of it (too much down-time on my hands!), I think I'm on to something now. If I had a small hairline-crack (whahey )in the weld at the top of my radiator, would that cause the bike to overheat because it couldn't hold pressure? There is a very ,very small bead of water appearing in one spot every time I try my bike out on the drive . So small, that when I shut the bike off, it evaporates in minutes . I can only spot it when I run the bike without the fuel tank on??? Does anyone know how to do a ''home pressure-test'' or where can I buy some of that aerosol spray you use to highlight welding/brazing cracks? Any answers appreciated. Wayne
  13. ham2

    Gas Flowed Head

    ..but it's so well written, I think he's pulling our...you know...
  14. Hey GarethR, Nice video.. ..I think we all should put out some sort of video (warts and all!) for felow TC riders to comment on...cue critique: Do you really need to splat that stone wall at the end? If you push your front wheel into it, would that not clear your bash-plate for you? and more importantly (if it were me) save some energy. I 'aint slagging you off..you look a better rider than me.
  15. Not strictly in line with this topic ,it's about MX bike( but he did have a trials bike too): A mate of mine re-built his Maico 490 and wanted a quick blast on it down the street. I was on garage-door lifting duties (but he forgot to adjust the clutch) and when he clunked it into gear it bolted,blasted off, with him on board...until he got to me and the 1/2 open door..the door collected him and the bike shot out into the street playing pinball with the neighbours' cars ...Funny now though
  16. ham2

    2007-290-no Spark?

    What did you clean? What did you use to clean with? Wayne
  17. Hey Tom,I've watched that video before. .it's nice to see a TC rider on screen..apart from Perce, is there any other footage of TC riders around?? This would make a great new thread...it doesn't have to be a crash..
  18. Injury 1) My mate had an old twin-shocker (can't remember which model) and fastened the rear mudguard on with two over-long bolts with about 1 inch of thread protruding outwards i.e not inwards towards the rear tyre. He ignored our warnings to put the bolt head uppermost and ..yes..you guessed it..he flipped the bike and gouged two slots out of his inner thighs, it was quite funny as he ripped his jeans off completely. Injury 2) Me....can't be sure that it's down to the bike or not as I have a history of bone infections..but this time I've got osteomielytus of the right cuboid. It's the bone up inside the arch of your foot...so it makes riding a trials bike pretty much impossible
  19. I find it difficult to keep the bit central when drilling a broken bolt ( never mind if the offending bolt is in a recess) . If you can't reach with a centre-punch before you drill, try filling the recess hole with a wooden dowel and drill that centrally to resist the dreaded 'drill-bit-wander'. Worry about removing the dowel later!!??
  20. ham2


    Ok , you go first.
  21. If I remember rightly some Sy's were prone to a partial failure of the weld on that(pictured) actuator arm where the shaft disappears into the crankcase? Could this cause the symptoms you describe?..maybe a Scorpa pro' could chime in here.
  22. Nice one Russ, you seem to have captured the atmosphere of being at a trial at 'grass-roots' level (excuse the pun).
  23. In a word: ''commando''. My missus recons I should have used some black duct tape over the eyes..just like readers wives.
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