If it's owt like Pirelli's rear compound..then forget it..the rear was only any good in deep snow..you know,like a paddle-steamer wheel.
I got the feeling that if my brother's bike had not been used for other/worse? crimes then less effort would have been used by the police to apprehend the thieves or return the bike.
The Police attitude to the theft of the bike and their attitude to nicking the robbery suspects were as different as chalk and cheese (although if you've ever tried Tescos own brand cheddar you won't understand that comparison ).
The coppers took it very personally that some young scrotes were blasting around their patch, screwing off-liscences and evading any pursuit that entailed.
Until... one copper in a squad car, T-boned the bike at a junction...hence one insurance right-off (bike)so technically, we never got the bike back,which was just aswell 'cos it broke my brother's heart to ID it in that state.
I understand that little police time/effort is expended on retrieving stolen ,individual, personal ,property these days...unless there's a spate of them..does 5 count as a spate to the Yorkshire force?
We do need to be aware of the extra info we post by showing off our bike outside our homes for instance.Please just think about the backgound/foreground when posting.
You know,car type,car reg no.garage door colour,garden layout,front door colour,drive-way material etc..I know I'm preaching to the converted on TC but let's not make things easier for the scrotes out there .
As for being followed home by a bike thief I can confirm that this definately happened......(the police nabbed the lad and he explained his M.O.).It happened to me,on my brothers road-bike and I was tailed from the dealers to a temporary storage address not the bikes usual home base.
The bike was used for night-time robberies,it was painted that British Standard colour ''stolen-bike-black'' and modified in a way that made any night-time police vehicle pursuit(without the helicopter) nigh-on impossible( I was asked not to reveal details of that mod).
The theives were so dumb that they didn't wait for the black spray-paint to dry before handling the bike so their prints were permanently embedded .I had to 'donate' my prints so I could be eliminated from the enquiry!
I personally think that trials bikes are like exotic wild animals and should only be photographed in their natural outdoor habitats, not in captivity or.. err..in the bath.
ok ish video but good soundtrack
Cheers ,that was brilliant..as I've said on here before : I've watched that original clip on my Pc hundreds of times before ,I really,really get into it.
Hmm..doesn't feel right does it..my dad said he once met the man who made Buddy Holly famous ,Roger Peterson (the pilot)
Anyhow here's my current favourite advert:
If you're spending time and effort building strength in your muscles then you must also learn to stretch them aswell, sit on the floor and stretch those legs while you're watching telly...works for me anyway
So you don't think I should file a patent?
Both bikes have their faults (they all do ) but you will forgive this if the bike is suited to you and you get a good ride out of it.
What I'm saying is ,like others have said, try 'em out,
One bike will suit you more than the others.
It's a slow day at work so here comes some topic related waffle:
I may have to give VBH a back-handed compliment as she's pretty much answered a question I've had in mind for a while now..''Is trials that thrilling?''
Like most people I go on thrill rides( theme parks) with friends and family whilst on holiday..The Hulk,Spiderman,the Mummy..(no, these are not my family, I'm naming the rides!)..Space mountain,Tower of Terror , Aerosmith etc...
I even had a 'crosser once.
Also I used to 'borrow' my brothers Impreza (280BHP), when the tyres were nearly done and loon about in that (not on the public highway of course!) but when asked by my companions; ''Wasn't that the best thrill ever or what?'' I reply that it's not quite the same as going up a step/rock that's sticking out of a steep hillside or down a knarly,rooted,greasy drop (when you balls up the brakes or knock it out of gear by accident!).
Look here I don't hear her squealing with terror/delight as in the trials test! .
This girl also rides around in supercars and fast road bikes but she doesn't say that she feels sick (with nerves)?
As an aside,if you're deeply skeptical like me, you may have wondered if the prize winners from shows like Fifth Gear are legit' or just related to the producter/editor/camerman but I'm happy to announce that the winner of the Porsche carrera 4 from 2 weeks ago is my brothers workmate, Keith.
The package for the prize includes the car,a performance driving course and most importantly
I haven't watched an indoor trial for a while,it's lost it's appeal for me.
Am I just imagining things or are there a lot more injuries with modern sections now?
I realise it's easy for me just to throw a few ideas into a keyboard but I do think that a strategically placed 'mat', consisting of beads racked up like a giant, shiatsu massage board (or those taxi driver seat-cover beads ) could reduce the need to have such severe obstacles in the sections.
Limiting the predictability of drive/traction/braking could make even small steps or leaps very, err..'entertaining'..
The riders would really have to stabilise their bikes before launching....or on landing!!
Just don't ask me to test it out first.
I've just re-read this passage... and it seems a bit loopy, but as they say in the movies...''It's a lang shat, but it moight just woik''....I'm gonna press the 'add reply' button anyway
Great idea Andy...now I need to find some of my own photos...
Oi ! Lee, is it not ''Verboten'' anyway?...you see I just can't leave it alone.
Me, personally, I do 15 reps of most exercises x3 sets.
The 15th rep is damn near failure,that dictates the weight (don't worry you'll soon get a feel for that right amount of final strain).
So therefore when you improve,going on to 19 or 20 reps maybe? you'll know it's time to add a little more weight next session so that you keep testing your body.
I'm an impatient man(short attention span?) so I don't rest completely between sets,can't stand the boredom...so I look for 'unrelated' pairs of exercises i.e. 15 bench presses then straight into 15 squats ,repeat the cycle 3 times.
Then 15 shoulder presses straight into 15 biceps curls,repeat 3 times etc.....mix it up to stop your muscles getting used to the same thing.
You can do a lot in just 30 mins if you think about it, don't drag it out.
Boredom is the no. 1 reason why people ditch their fitness routine , watch out for it.
I'm training MMA at the moment (thanks to BillyCraigs response to a stretching question a year ago..it's all his fault ) and it's many things but it 'aint boring.
BC:thumbup: I see.
Are you really gonna do major trials on a 125?
That seems a bit ''Prescott'' to me but I'm not throwing any eggs your way.
I do agree with Andy's stance on text talk though i.e. VERBOTTEN !
I'd be very interested to know why you edited your own topic 8 mins (that's short for minutes...but by the time I've typed this explanation..ahhh what's the point...)after it's initial posting?
You sure about this one Billy?
How many reps can you manage at these weights..aren't you developing big ,easily fatigued, heavy muscles this way instead of the 'rapid-fire' shock absorbers that we all need to last a full trial?
As stated above, you need to be looking at high reps with very light weights, you are not trying to bulk-up!
Warning,take it easy,3 or 4 sets of these does make you wanna puke ...at first---like this fella
Billy Craig may be the best person to advise here.
My brother goes to a 'meat-neck' ,'roid gym ( you know the type) twice a week and once decided to try this workout there,when he was finished the gym owner told him not to do it again as (I quote): ''We don't do fitness here''?!??.
PS..By the time I had finished typing BC had posted ahead of me...
That's excellent,cheers Perce...those little ,cheap Suzukis Sj's used to waltz past my mates Range-Rover pick-up at the Weardale off-road centre.
Jeeez! lads,have you permanently got your beer goggles on or what?
I can't get away with VBH ,that bloody awful wheezy-laugh,a voice like she's gulped a helium balloon and that 'Skelator' top lip too
I wouldn't even touch her if she 'went' like a nympho' on death row.
I was looking forward to seeing trials on mainstream telly but that dizzy mare spoilt it for me:
Quote;''Oh my God,this is soooo scary....''
If you really must torture y'sel' I think it's on again 8.00 channel Fiver tonight.
That could have been a lot more powerful if they hadn't used the cheesy background music...thought provoking nonetheless.
Congratulations,well done Gaz 'n' Co.
I almost mentioned that in my post,but I couldn't find the words! Great minds think alike