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Everything posted by ham2
  1. I know it's contrived but she's delicious and trials bikes on mainstream TV can't be bad :- I was looking for the step world record( Justribo/Pasquet? ,GasGas) as requested by Atomant, I know it's on this TV program but no-one has posted it yet.
  2. ham2

    Rear Sprocket

    You may need to cough up more info on your bike as I remember the 315 gearing changed from year to year..maybe..or get y'sel a torch.
  3. Uh oh ! Jokes on me.... I might have to re-think my global'' fat-burning'' plans and start a personal ''fat burning'' plan??? I've just been on this site and typed in:- Height 179cm Vs weight 90kg and got a score of 28. NOTE:- This is not a challenge,do not feel compelled to beat my personal score.
  4. How about the one straight after that ,indoors,green blocks,4 RT with gold rims..imagine one of those things landing on you from that height.. poor sod R.I.P
  5. Actually I could do with a little more 'lagging' myself...just to aid traction you understand.
  6. If this is true and you can catch the virus from an infected person,can I suggest a suitable remedy...culling,it's the only cure,afterall I think obesity (as a nation) has reached epidemic proportions. It seems a very simple way to save the whole planet..all these fatties ,selfishly,using up the world's resources faster than the rest of us. What is the calorific value of a fat person? Could a power station be adapted to burn such blubber to generate 'green' electricity? --The serious part now-- Talk about rubbing salt into the wounds: God only knows what the poor starving folk in Africa thought when they saw the likes of Dawn French and Robbie Coletrane(sp?) acting as ambassadors for Live Aid?
  7. Bugger,did you purposely make it so you couldn't enlarge that photo?
  8. I have to say that prior to the Hudson splash I would have had a total disregard for anything the flight attendant had to say when it came to ''landing on water''. Previously, every water ditching of an airliner (that I know of?), meant the disintegration of the fuselage, so what was the point of listening to the blurb? Is this the first case where the plane has not broken up or sank immediately ? Airbus A320 build quality?...discuss I'm not taking anything away from the pilot and his crew,from what I'm aware their actions define the terms 'Professional' and 'Cool'. Just imagine it:- Your 2 ic has just flown you through a flock of birds, just after take off,over the most densely populated ,built up area of America,your engines are failing and you may have airframe damage, your too low and too slow to reach another runway...then you say... ...''My Aircraft''.. Can't wait for 'Aircraft investigations' to screen this one.
  9. OH YESSSS..funniest joke on here for a while
  10. ham2

    Swing Arm Problems

    I can't deny that I'm a tad jealous but I'd be very,very jealous if your bike had a 'minus 50% power' button on it.
  11. ham2

    Swing Arm Problems

    Click on the word * Brittle * in my original post and that should link you to a video of some unlucky Spaniard
  12. ham2

    Swing Arm Problems

    Yes Tom, I had heard that the likes of Raga and the other 'big-hitters' had declined to use the magnesium type swing arm . Anyhow,back to the video,this swing arm is not the gold colour that is fitted to the Raga reps?? You know, that common magnesium colour..err..gold..??
  13. I know what the Spanish for swing-arm is but what's Spanish for ''Has anyone got any superglue?''
  14. Couldn't agree more,some of the replies here are like gold dust. It's certainly something to take note of, for the future
  15. ham2


    Cheers Tim,all clean enough to show my kids
  16. My wife flew off the handle when my mate sent me this text:- Hi Wayne, This is Katie from find a date.com. As you're aware we've had zero response to your advert, in 6 weeks. Would you like to try 1 week without a photo? My missus,not 'getting' the joke, was funnier than the joke
  17. Relax,it's only Jan 8th...there's loads of time yet!
  18. ham2

    Gas Gas Txt 300

    ice-marky,I still wouldn't rule out the 300 if the price is right. It does depend mainly on your skill level but I've heard good reports about fitting a flywheel weight to ''wild- Gassers''. ...And...sit down and I'll tell you a story: I was out practising not so long ago, with 2 very good riders (names withheld :ph34r:to protect their blushes,National boys even) in a little b1tch of a section. Then an old school mate of mine (I'm 41 by the way)walked by with his dog,we waffled on about school and the days when he used to ride in the schoolboy trials...so I offered him a shot on a modern bike (04 Sherco)and,yes,you guessed it; He romped straight through our section 'clean',made his modest,b.s. excuses about beginners luck and new bikes being too powerful..then left! We were gobsmacked .....I'm just saying what JSE said, if you could ride well then it won't take you long to get back in the swing of things..if you've got the gift..which I haven't Welcome back to Trials.
  19. ham2


    You b******, I thought it was gonna be the real deal.....funny... but gross
  20. Yeah Glen,you must really miss those Christmas orgies!!! Seriously though,your points were very valid.. A: You (we?) can talk yourself into a depression. B: Look to your family and friends to get a more 'rounded' perspective. Yey, Glen for PM On the subject of neighbours/New Year. I don't 'do' New Year as I find it brings out the ar5eh0le in too many people (like Jock hobos at a tube-station). As if to prove my point, my neighbour/ex-mate, came banging on my windows in the small hours ,he frightened me, the wife and the kids so I had to point out the error of his ways ( I'm sure you can appreciate how to get the message across to some **** who's had way too much to drink.) But on the upside for 2009 ,the foot's on the mend. .another month and I'll be back on't bike...stand-by........ Wayne.
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