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Everything posted by ham2
  1. ham2

    Not 100% On Year

    C'mon that could be any rev3 from 2000-2008
  2. All this innuendo...someones opened Pandoras box
  3. We have wandered so far off topic now ...it was something about a Xispa....Has anyone spotted any new videos ? Happy New Year
  4. ???? Ha ! Is that an oxymoron ?? or a typo?...
  5. Great toy Mark ( I had to fight off a big dose of jealousy just to type this) Can't wait till you get it up!
  6. Hmmm?????Do you mean 10010?Merry Christmas
  7. Merry Christmas Trials people
  8. Wouldn't fancy being the minder who has to grab this GasGas------------Beastie go to 1min 20secs.
  9. Just a daft thing (which I seem to have a lot of experience of),have his bar grips worn smooth? It made a difference to me when I changed mine,I didn't have to grip the bars so tightly. Hope it's that simple.
  10. Rolls Royce ,naah,I think they're BMWs or VWs now ?
  11. And the most shocking part of your statement if I understood the feeling behind it is that you expect the UK to buy only British cars ?...then the UK is really f****d.
  12. Went to a seminar once and met a Korean politician (or MP or governor??) called Him Bum Suk...well it made me laugh. When I worked in an engineering factory the newest receptionist was always asked to put a tanoy out for the usual suspects: Mike Hunt or Warwick Hunt or Hugh Janus or Juan Kerr....etc..I'm sure you've heard them all before.
  13. Ok Mr. Picky..howabout.... ''Yuletide''.
  14. Just a bit of fun at Christmas (I have no connections to this seller) especially as I am so out of touch with the price of these things.
  15. Tight wad reply: Supermarket own brand neutral shoe polish !
  16. Yup,well done that man..totally acceptable to me ! Lang may his lume reek.
  17. When I was very young we had a black and white cat which we named.......Shep?!.......the sheep-cat??!..Obviously.
  18. Yeah,keep 'em coming..I'm bound to remember 1 of them???Maybe?
  19. A man walks into a bar,the barman asks: ''What would you like Sir?'' The man replies ''a pint of lager..any lager ..but NOT Stella !'' The barman asks: ''Why..NOT Stella?'' The man retorts :''I had 12 pints of that last night and woke up this morning f**king skint ''. The defensive barman quips: ''But Sir, all our lagers are the same price anyway ''. The confused man states; ''You don't understand,skint is my cat's name!!''
  20. ham2

    96 Jtr250

    I think you're looking at a gen' part wherever you go ,so you're stuck with whatever Shirty (uk importer)has. Could the cold weather of late have anything to do with the early demise of your replacement? Just a thought,I've seeen it happen on 99 txt , the rider dismounted 'Frankie Dettori' style,clipped his boot on the mudguard and it shattered....twas bloody cold that day.
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