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Everything posted by ham2
  1. Good question,I don't think I need one but since I'm in there anyway.....The HK description is in the manual.... exactly my point,the manual (spares book) is wrong again ! Thanks for the replies fellas, Wayne
  2. Apologies if you've seen this before but I hadn't:- Maybe trials 'aint cheap motorsport after all I've had a closer look and the price includes some rock-rash too !
  3. Does this count, My brother was clearing my GasGas engine out when it jumped? into gear and blatted into the side of his pick-up. Apparently you don't replace the door skin on modern cars you have to fit a new door assembly
  4. My opinion is:- Novice rider =Slightly retarded (ignition that is). Clubman rider =Standard at factory mark. Expert rider =Advanced for extra snappiness ! There's quite a range to be played with just check that the bike doesn't run too hot.
  5. Hi Moleman, As of 5 mins ago ,yes,it's apart now (my little compressor was struggling to work my rattle-gun). I've got a micrometer to measure the shaft dimension but no accurate way of measuring the bore that it fits into so... I'll go with your 98.345% . Thorough answer! Cheers, Wayne
  6. Hello men, Does anyone know if the open-cage needle-roller bearing that the clutch basket spins on is a sureflex part or is more widely available?My usual bearing supplier has drawn a blank. The inaccurate parts book has it down as a HK17-23-12 ( which I know it is not),if I remember rightly the prefix HK means the bearing is enclosed in a drawn cup ( which it certainly is not). Any replies gratefully received (unless they're abusive..Dabster )
  7. ham2

    Baby P

    Forget wars and heroes...there is my definition of bravery.Sincerely, Wayne
  8. ham2

    Baby P

    Now you've got me totally confused Nige ,are you still pi55ed at me from a previous un-related topic where you made a tart of yersel' and retracted your posts? For the record:- I do read the Daily Mail (I'll give you that). My nuts were numb sometime ago when I had my vasectomy (I'll give you that as well). As for 'the truth', my 'inside information' (excuse the pun), I train Mixed Martial Arts twice a week ,my instructors are HMP officers,they can't help discussing their work with me. I'm no hard man,I just can't bring myself to read the horrific details of baby Ps death,it pumps me up. I have 2 kids of my own and need no further motivation to imagine destroying the vermin we are debating. Wayne
  9. ham2

    Baby P

    To you Nigel,yes,to the sick vermin who did this..it's not too much of a problem to lose their liberty..for a while. We're talking about a sub-species of the human race here.
  10. You may already have wd40/oil/grease tainted pads hence the squeal. I'm not a fan of the copper-slip method it can migrate when you go through a stream or wash your bike. If you don't want to buy brand-new pads:- Try removing the pads, put them flat on the deck,on a brick etc. -lining side up.- Then heat them up with a small gas torch (usual precautions mind) just enough to get the contaminants to bubble up and out. Lightly wire brush 'em to get that oxide off. Assemble the brakes and do the drag and quench method as previously described . Geordie tip,if you don't have any water handy,just pee on that hot disc (it's slightly acidic so it cuts through the grease)just don't let the neighbours see you doing it.
  11. ham2


    It's a worry, you do the math, as the Americans would say: 2 x(opposing religions)+ atomic weapons =??????????????? (Baldilocks,feel free to correct my equation) I admit that these weapons are low yield boosted fission devices, rather than pukka multi-stage thermonuclear jobbies but hey,what's a few kilotons between religious enemies
  12. ham2


    Oi, Nigel -Are you familiar with ''Godwins Law''?
  13. Here's a recurring question related to this point...correct me if I am wrong..but the popular IRC rear tyre does not have the 1:1 aspect ratio that is required for ACU trials??..Anyone?
  14. ham2


    I can't remember ever sticking up for Slapshot..but the bloke has simply asked a religious representative to clarify his point..and the last time I checked it was against the law( in this country) to threaten to kill someone.
  15. ham2


    ....A mate of mine is a Copper and involved with ''section-ing'' certain members of the public (you know:-people who claim to see things that aren't there). I'm worried that he and his squad are going to storm our local church!!! ***please feel free to insert /sinagogue/temple / mosque in place of the word 'church'.
  16. ham2

    Ken Block

    Wow,i liked it when he took his hands off the wheel to let the self-centering catch a slide..tried that myself.. once...found a ditch
  17. ham2

    What Have I Got?

    If those fork tubes are black (can't be sure from your photo') that would make the bike a 1999 model. All 315's are 250cc standard ,as previously mentioned. I had a '98 a while ago and it was fab'...a great piece of kit....enjoy!
  18. ham2


    Hallelujah brother !
  19. ham2


    It would seem that peace has broken out between Atom and Dabster....Brian R and Bikespace look like they are getting engaged soon...could it be that the Obama kharma is working already
  20. Maybe that's the reason why
  21. ham2


    One of the priests mis-pronounces :-this is a ''celebration of the fist'' Ha, you couldn't make it up,so close to the reality of religion.
  22. ham2


    Here's a tenuous link from WW2(apologies if I've mentioned this before)....The witch and HMS Barham. This was the reason the medium Helen Duncan was jailed under the 200 year old Witchcraft act. She supposedly ,during a seance,identified and conversed with a dead sailor from the Barham. The weird thing was that the admiralty had not yet released the fact that the Barham had been sunk. The reason for secrecy was that the U-boat U331 Capt.( Von Tiesenhausen) had acted in such a panic that he couldn't be sure which ship he had torpedoed and whether it had sunk ( we had broken the Nazi communication codes at the time),so for strategic reasons,if the Nazis weren't sure the Admiralty wasn't about to confirm it. The sinking of the Barham reads like a copy of the old 'Victor' comic. Von Tiesenhausen,luckily (for him), upped his periscope right in the middle of a flottilla of half a dozen British warships and fired off 4 tin-fish in a fan spread towards the nearest ship,the Barham. The first torpedo was a dud or missed the bow(thank God....i'll explain later)but the other three hit home. Von tiesenhausen lost his trim and the new bouyancy brought U331 to the surface(what an amateur), too close to the flottilla for them to bring a gun down to bear on him..luck,lucky b45tard. In the attached video it is just possible to make out the sailors clinging to the side of the hull before the magazine goes up,those lucky enough to get in the sea 1st when they slid down the hull sustained appalling injuries from the barnacles. My grandad John McHugh was a loader in No 1 turret.He survived ( but had to have the fuel oil pumped out of him) he said; because the 1st torpedo failed to go off...so if it had hit the likelyhood is that I wouldn't be typing this? As for his opinion on Helen Duncan,he thought that it was a security compromise nothing more,nothing less...no ghost. There, that was my first serious post in a long time.
  23. ham2


    Strange ,mysterious things do happen but it's a huge leap in logical thought from something peculiar/odd to a complete world of the deceased coming back to visit the living or aliens. But people believe what they want to believe. For example :- This is a true story. One very cold night at the end of the year me and a few friends were gathered together at an old stone-built hotel in our area. It wasn't very long before strange things began to happen. Despite the heating failing,we suddenly became unaware of the cold,we developed problems talking coherently,our ability to balance was seriously impared,things (glasses and bottles) started flying around by themselves. Suddenly it was morning and I could not account for the loss of about 4 hours of the previous night.I had ended up 1 year ahead in time. My friends had been mysteriously transported home with no explanation or recollection of the journey ever taking place. I found my shirt had ectoplasm all down the front of it and the contents of my export label vodka had evaporated ? ! Bizarre or what?
  24. I have broken the 11th.''.Thou shall not go for the big step on another mans trials bike''.
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