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Everything posted by ham2
  1. That's the spirit. I think I've seen a photo on a t-shirt of you repairing that pick up using a plank and a welder..I'll see if I can find it. Gawd,I was taunting Cope, expecting some flak(AAA even!) .I wasn't ready for an out-flanking manouvre by the rest of the Posse.
  2. Hmm what's the old saying ..never discuss religion or politics. C'mon Ishy no offence intended, I was taking the 'P' out of the American redneck mentality by using my in-built British sense of irony(it's not funny when you have to explain it ). Anyway,my aunty retains dual nationality and I'm sure? that she was eligible for 'half a vote?!' if she made a financial contribution somewhere down the line.
  3. Look on the bright side,with your love of guns:- U.S.A + Marxism = Every home can have a really cheap AK47
  4. Somehow I just knew you'd have to chip in 1st before anyone could take the peepee You must be looking at South Africa and Zimbabwe and thinking ''Crikey now we're going into a dive we can't pull out of''. Looks like we might be getting one of our colonies back ..on the cheap! I was on holiday at the relatives' place in Florida (they have American citizenship) this Easter and the subject turned to voting . The reply was along the lines of ''Well we don't have much choice,we've got the old pensioner,the bitch or the n*****.'' As they say in the forces..If you can't respect the man ,respect the rank.
  5. That was bloody funny ,I take my hat off to you Sir (nowt else though). :rotfl:
  6. With that intake so close to the front of the seat that could be a thrilling ride
  7. Recovered memories produced from hypnosis!! Haven't you heard of Derren Brown/Philip Klass? Ok, let's look at it from another point of view: You've had a hard day at work then you come home to find that some grey alien ar5e-bandits have travelled millions of miles through time and space to abduct you and stick something up your derrier. Man ,that would really get me down but someone giving me $10,000 for the story would cheer me up a bit. You just need to contact Philip Klass. His 1989 book, UFO Abduction: A Dangerous Game, he promised $10,000 to any victim whose abduction by aliens could be confirmed by the FBI. Easy money really. As for those who claim that being abducted has given them some paranormal powers ,well The James Randi Institute will give you $1,000,000 to buy as much anusol lotion as you need.
  8. Me too,but knowing my luck it would be by the ginger one
  9. ham2

    No Spark

    Aww,c'mon Dan, you don't seriously think that General Electric didn't understand the exact,original criteria for the tf34 in the 'Hog'? If you like the A10 I can recommend Warthog By William L. Smallwood as a good read. Wayne
  10. From what I know of so called alien abductions (only in America?),you would need:- To be an in-bred, red-neck. To drive a pick-up truck. To make sure you're out in the middle of nowhere (so no witnesses to confirm your abduction). To have a disturbing need for attention. Hope this helps,let me know how you get on. Wayne
  11. Hypocrit isn't a strong enough word for it when it comes to Prescott,the original Turd of Turd Hall as they say in Ashington,(look Atom I know it's a sensitive subject for you since he boned your childhood sweetheart ). Bearing in mind that I'm no big fan of Brand at least he's put his hands up to his mistake where as Prescott would just continue to bully and bluster his way through .
  12. ham2


    That's what I call a Party Political Broadcast....compare it to the dreary campaigning that we get.
  13. Good find,thanks for sharing it. The Japanese Championships are always ..well..mental !
  14. ham2

    Poor Bugger...

    I sympathise with this fella. Got to wonder how he got insurance cover for a performance car that is not garaged overnight? I know from wor kids Scooby just how strict some of the insurance criteria is for these motors. Hope the insurance company don't get arsy with him.
  15. Ross was a talented (chat show,awards show or radio show)host but lately it seems as if he's refusing to grow up and act like the 'new generation' Wogan that the BBC want him to be. I can understand how he can network with his audience and hold a show together. And Brand?well he never was talented. If some one needs to get tarted up like he does you just know he's hiding a lack of wit . I think I have a broad sense of humour (I suppose everyone says that ?)including Jerry Sadowitcz,The Reverand Jebbediah Steppenwolf III,Dom Irrera and some of the other ''outrageous'' comics but Brand ?! I can't even see who he is meant to appeal to. As for the prank that everyones complaining about....where's the humour? Is it my age?
  16. This happened to me once..I had permanently depressed the kill switch in a panic. Check it 1st before you spend any money on parts.
  17. ham2

    Ask Grandma

    I think it's too vague to be anything other than internet folklore! Anyway,how's that new infernal combustion engine of yours coming along? Wayne
  18. How may wheel trims (hub-caps?) did you get with a Dodge Charger?
  19. ham2

    Ask Grandma

    Hmm..is this for real?
  20. Stu,apart from price,why?
  21. Go on Mark,make us really sick and tell us how cheap this Challenger is Stateside ? Wayne
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