If only some-one (smarter than me) could get the Royals 'on board' to highlight our decaying 'off-road' situation in this country.
Can anyone get them photographed riding a trials bike??
There, that's my wish list to Santa sorted for this year.
I remember being caught out by the ending of that film, I just wasn't ready for it !
Oiy wri5hty..that's my joke ,I've got copyright on it,love hearing it again though....nice one.
You need to be much meaner in your delivery...like this...
How long does it take a Makem woman to have a 5h1t???
9 months
Hmm,yes..Wayne is a very popular middle name in ...America !!??
Wayne---1st name you'll notice.
That was bloody funny,some of those guys were just crackers.
I couldn't work out what the guy was doing lying on his bars...until his mate picked him up !
Cheers TFT,it just confirmed what I thought..I was right to get out of motorcross when I still had 1 brain cell left to preserve.
So far this is all I can find on Youtube...can anyone else find more?
Xispa 2
Don't worry,did it a few times on my 315 and it never did any harm...just remember to check for the slide ''fot !'' noise like big john said.
Hmm..this all sounds familiar..I'm all ears on this one------My steed
That's one weird looking trials bike.
Someone's having a laugh,right?
Every-day trials scenario 1: What makes contact first when it's on full lock?
Every-day trials scenario 2: You come back to your new steed after walking a section and find it on it's side,does the radiator neck/ cap survive the slight impact?
I'm still in shock...aah..it's a photoshop jobbie,I see now.
That is really sad news, my thoughts go out to his family and friends at this time.
RIP Howard,a man I never met face to face but that never stopped him helping me out.
Thanks for finding that.
I can't help feeling a little down whenever I see a picture of Henri Toivonen.RIP.
Me and my mates used to follow rallying closely in those group B days,those cars were absolute demons.
To give some comparison:-
The 'rumour' was that the Lancia S4 driven by Toivonen around the Estoril circuit put in such a respectable time that he would have qualified on the grid (sorry I don't know how high)for that years F1 Grand Prix!
When we looked at photos of Toivonen (whether he was in the forground or background) he was either smiling or laughing,in complete contrast to the other drivers.
Then you compare those images to the way he must have met his end (poor sod,burned to death in his car)and..I'm getting way too sentimental here.
I think Toivonens crash signalled the end of Group B?
So if I've tranlated that properly ,the new rev3 will be shown on the 20th September ??
Well said,in plain English but I do hope you are not the New-Age Nostradamus!!
If you're gunning to be Prime Minister I will gladly vote for you.
Funny you should mention the ATF lifespan...my father-in-law bought a big diesel (torquey!) MPV and when I looked at the service recommendations it quoted 100,000 mile intervals for the transmission!
So that made me think (just like you) that if ATF can withstand the shear forces in a 2 tonne (loaded) diesel,for 100,000 miles,then a little trials bike gearbox isn't going to be a problem....but I don't wanna be the first to test that out!!??
TC may well be the best place to sell your bike , but if you suddenly get an e-mail from the Finance Minister of ''Bong-Bongo'' land offering you thousands of
That brings back memories..a mate had one as a field bike (about 30 years ago).
I don't know if it was knackered or not (they're all like that sir?) but it couldn't even catch a Honda step-through auto.
Ahh,those were the days..jumpers for goal-posts etc..
I have to side with the condensation theories here.
A lad I know in the trade (no name to be mentioned ) told me that his workshop's most profitable, ker-ching, period
Do a search on this site ,try in the trials training section.
I'm sure there have been quite a few discussions and remedies for your type of query( in the past ).
I remember the story behind that pic'..it was in Liverpool,you can see that one of the locals got to his watch first
I couldn't even bring myself to click the link...errr
Yup,we all do it,keep it up(ooh err )!
Yeah..To keep things on topic..they say that money can't buy love but if I win the lottery I can hire it by the hour
This means something else 'round here