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Everything posted by ham2
  1. I have not heard of anyone else around here having a problem ...but...I've got to say it how it is so.... ..Had an Iris, that snapped,lashed my clutch slave cylinder,lashed my flywheel cover and lashed my heel (that really hurt ). It proved to be bloody expensive using an Iris chain.
  2. ham2

    Lottery Dream

    I could have a handful of L39's for the price of one Bugatti (in theory!)----cheap as chips
  3. ham2

    Restoring A Frame

    From what I remember at college (no, I wasn't the janitor) the brushed effect on the surface is aluminium oxide...which is quite hard (used in grinding wheels etc..). Since you've removed the hard surface, unless you can prematurely age the metal (got a bottle of liquid oxygen around?), you're stuck with having to make the whole bike shiny? ..like a new pin. Or are you determined to have a dull bike?
  4. Stuck at work on a slack day.....wishing my life away and just about to go out and buy my usual Saturday lotto ticket. So TC people, if your balls dropped tonight, what would you spend it on ? or do you see it as just a tax on stupidity? I presume the obvious,common goal we would all aim for is to buy a bit of private trials-land for personal use...but then what would you splash out on? While I'm in daydream mode ...... ... is top of my wish list at the moment. C'mon let me know ,I promise I won't judge you by it
  5. I did bend mine.. when I left the exhaust bung in after washing ,then tried to kick it over...Eeeh aww
  6. Nice one..here's a little video of me out practising wearing my Toni Bou gear...he copies everything I do you know!!
  7. ham2

    New Skyline

    Looks like Jezza is a bit partial to the GTR35 as well-----5h1t off a hot stick--- I think I'll buy 2 lottery tickets tonight!!
  8. We've had a similar question before on this topic. The outcome was, that, 'legally' most vehicles have a nose wheel limit of 75kg for the tow-bar. That has to include the tow-rack as well!! So if you're like me and use a rack( Sherco@75kg + rack@20kg) you're breaking the law. You 'ain't seen me ,roight
  9. Thanks for your input men8ifr, I have drained the gearbox ready for further inspection and I've had to throw a blanket over the bike and concentrate on something else....my motor...the dreaded nissan cam-chain stretch ....to be continued
  10. Many moons ago,before mobile phones, me and a mate were into rallying and went to spectate at the RAC in Kielder forest. My mate took his Triumph Dolomite Sprint (another BL piece of 5h1t but a fast piece of..). Like most wanabes at that time we took advantage of the empty forest tracks to prove we were potential rally drivers. It was very dark,and wet and the un-made roads there coated the windscreen in gloop but the wipers(and the KC daylighters) could cope..up to a point. After a short while we were down to walking pace because the visibility was so bad...then we stopped to get out and noticed that we could see for miles. The windscreen was covered in that hot emulsion of oil and water that you get when your BL cylinder-head gasket blows , sprays the bulkhead and the airflow carries it upwards like a WW1 bi-plane. Worst bit was the two of us getting caught (in the forest)in the view of someones headlamps,pants down trying to pee into the radiator. ..that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  11. Nice one but you need to get yourself a cameraman.
  12. More sex tips for the single guy next week.
  13. I forgot to tighten the front spindle on my push-bike many years ago and I didn't have a problem until I pulled a wheely
  14. This is my best guess, but it sounds like you have too much oil in there somewhere. You've just described how my forks feel when I overdo the fluid!
  15. Alreet Windlestone, My mate Steve with the Diadoras, had to emery that re-enforced centre part of the sole. First time out his glazed sole slipped off the peg and sent him off the edge of the waterfall ......at Buttsfield ...on a cold January day I shouldn't laugh,what goes around comes around.
  16. Yup, I got one of those too..you get a lot of sponge for the money !
  17. They're a bit on the heavy side compared to Gaernes or Hebos.......the quality of fit/comfort is an individual thing so try 'em first
  18. ham2

    Txt280 2000 Model

    Heh,hey , I remember the 280 being rather rapid !
  19. HA..I know what you mean when it comes to warped cylinder heads ,Rover were world leaders
  20. Hi Mark, I'm sure I've bought a genuine Sherco airfilter in the past which stated on the packaging '' do not wash in soap and water''?? So you have no choice really.
  21. Hey that's the sort of daft thing I did when I stripped my bike years ago. Put it back together and..no-go.. It wasn't until I had done a post-re-build rag-count that I realised that I had 1 less than I had started with..bunged in the exhaust!
  22. Is that the promotion co-ordinator's real name or the dimensions of her f***y
  23. ham2

    Txt280 2000 Model

    I had one...keep the air filter as clean as possible and try to seal up the airbox as best you can. I remember I couldn't keep the crap out no matter how hard I tried!
  24. Cheers Jon, I like your way of thinking and any procedure that avoids an engine removal is a good idea. I would have thought if I had a case-leak I would experience a poor/unstable idle( my idle is good)??Just a thought..a thought that won't really stop me looking for a leak. Thanks again...keep the ideas flowing,looks like I've got quite a few things to check. Wayne
  25. Hi PeterB, Checked the needle ...all seems to be in order. Good call,the faulty ignition module is looking like a distinct possibility Don't panic the emigration thing was referring to my brother,he's moved to Melbourne (just an advanced raiding party!) and left me way too many loose ends to tie up on his behalf. Spanner time scheduled for this Friday...........
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