Sorry I can't be of more help but try the search facility on this site,is this the type of problem you're experiencing?.....????
Paddy's driving down the road swerving all over the place,left,right, left..
PC plod suspects the driver has been drinking ,pulls him over and asks him what the problem is?
Paddy says ''The bloody trees man,they just pop out from nowhere right before my eyes''.
The P.C. replies ''Paddy that's just your airfreshener !''
I wouldn't do that.
Risk getting my own urine on my good boots?..never!
The fan cycles in and out very regularly.....I'll keep you posted. P.S. I had a montesa 242 once..never again..!
Excellent,really funny...I wish I'd thought of it. ...(like ttr250man said) when the camera cut to the bike at the top of the stairs, by itself, I just p155ed myself laughing,great comic editing.
Great find ,thanks for posting...I'm off to watch it again
Cheers boys,
I think I'm going to have to leave this topic alone till I get some serious spanner time(bloody weddings,christenings,emigration,family do's..oh,and work getting in the way) as I really have got little to give you to go on .
Roberto,PeterB, I'm not losing coolant(nothing kinky ),the plug is blackish/rich, not wet ,not sooty,not glazed?
Timing is at the factory mark and bike is rapid/powerful.
Carb' vents are clear.
Copemech, you are right when you say these things are difficult to pin point even when you are standing there,my mate (petrol in his blood,bike nut and fully trained mechanic ) was scratching his head at this one.
I'm not wasting your time on this till I've opened her up....thank you so far...watch this space (I trying to wangle a donor bike to try some transplanting )
Yesss..me too.
I once rode my bike around the garden during a boozy barbecue and it was some of the best riding I have ever performed....not many people agreed with me though and some clumsy fool put a broken plant-pot in the section
PeterB,thanks for dropping a line.
Here's some history--Main bearings--
I put black seals in (no sealant,springs inboard) and I don't know what they're made of??Doh!
Bearings were bedded in for about 20 easy hours run-time before I tried out the moto-cross track to 'clear out' the exhaust.
Bike has been really good for about 30 hours run-time.
Blown out the carb',washed filter.
Idle is meaty and consistent but heat and now thirst is the problem??!!(I thought rich=cooler?? )..the fan seems to be whizzing away, directing a very hot blast of air onto my legs!
Bear with me fellas,keep the ideas coming,I don't mean my responses to be --done that ,done that ,done that....I'm losing the plot
Hey Airfruit,
Here's my opinion FWIW, there are more pros and cons here than you would first think.
Yes it's good to have a small cc bike that doesn't pull your arms out and forces you to use the correct technique ,I can't argue with that logic.
But I can guarantee you (as a clubman rider) that you'll find yourself in a situation where you've run out of talent and a bike with more grunt (cc's) can pull a higher gear and get you out of the 5h1t.
I know it's easy to say and hard to perfect but...the throttle is a 2-way device.
Dropped the coolant and checked the impeller,all good so...had a bit practice last night and now she's drinking heavily as well ......at this rate I might be doing the same
I was told the visualization for this technique is (when you haul on the front-brake) is to let your knees collapse (bend loosely)forward.... pointing them towards the front-wheel spindle
This is more a strengthening thing rather than a rehab' exercise.
This is from another sport,to make a strong wrist.. we do it before any other serious warm-ups.
Arms straight out to the sides,bend them at the elbows so your fore-arms point up but your upper arms stay horizontal(I surrender).
Palms forward,open out your fingers and thumbs as wide as you can then close them really tightly into a small fist.
It looks like a strange double handed wave.
That's one rep', do 100 of them as fast as possible ( you should lose control at about 50 )
If you're like me you'll find ,as with most exercises,the hardest part is remembering to do them!
Ok ,here's the latest...(coolant full!)...washed and dried bike and it made no difference ...idling fine...still getting hot,pinking,fan cycling..not smoking ,so I had a spare 10 mins and went for the easiest inspection..the timing.
Everything was ok.woodruff key intact and timing as set (slightly retarded from the factory mark)..so I put the timing back to the factory setting and hey presto the pinking disappeared.
BUT,the bike still seemed mad hot (I'm only riding it around the drive),I need to test it on a run out to see if the pinking returns .
I think I've only improved the symptoms but haven't got to the root cause yet !
Now there's 1 theory discarded so I have a few more to explore ..would anyone care to suggest the next logical step?
Of all the tasty bikes and birds photos there are out there on the net,you lot have to post these
All good ideas,thanks fellas (keep them coming).
I can't get any spanner-time till Sat at the earliest...so more theories please !
Hello T.C. technicians,help, please.
Tested my bike out at a trial yesterday (1st trial since engine re-build ) and it started playing up.
I have yet to begin the post-mortem,I'm so pi55ed off I need to calm down and think logically....which is where you lot come in
I'll give you the symptoms first:-
Bike ran mighty fine for two laps (it was a very small lap/trial) then on a small hill-climb the engine developed a lean,hot,pink.
I looked around for any coolant stains or odours but there was nothing un-toward.
I let the bike idle for a few minutes and watched the fan cycle in and out a few times, everything seemed ok.
Carried on with the trial.
After a few more minutes the heat and smoke from the exhaust got so bad I had to stop the bike and get off,at this point I thought I could detect the smell of burning ATF.
I nursed it thro' the last 3 sections and went home with a million different prognoses in my head.
I'm trying to give as much info as possible here:-
Prior to this trial I've tested/played on the bike a dozen times after the engine re-build,trying to get as much heat into it as I can(many high speed blasts to clear the exhaust) and the bike never,never missed a beat .
My favourite theory at the minute is the mains seals,the ones I put in were black, the ones I took out were green (are they colour coded?have I put nitrile in and took viton out ?)Would that account for any rapid deterioration of the clutch-side main seal ?
I realize I need to 'delve' but I was hoping you lot could help me with a diagnosis first.
Any theories welcome,
Would you be the observer perched on top of the bridge??
Wahey ,he even has to jump a small creek on his run up!
Here we go.....
...about 1min 5seconds in..I'm buggered if I can tell what it is?
Ahh, Fooeey Kinell ,you must be bored.
Good tip Rob,
I see what you mean ..if you look at one of the still photos of Cobos (with the Montesa tents!!!!) in mid-air you can see him looking around in the direction he intends to land...nice one
More replies please.
Cheers Billy,
I do the first one all the time but two and three look tougher....I'll try them.
Keep the answers coming ..Ta !
I think it's slowly getting 'interesting'!?