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Everything posted by ham2
  1. In this video clip Cobos is doing a fab' little flick at the top of the hill. I remember Cobos has had knee problems in the past(like me) so I reckon with the correct technique I might be able to give this a try(ambitious, I know!). Anyhow..what i need to know is :- what is he doing to the bike to make it do that? I mean, clutch?timing?body weighting?peg loading? I realize there are many factors here which have to come together and I'm asking a lot to have anyone explain it all in words but any tips would be appreciated. I've attempted (pitifully) this technique before and the stress on my knees was unbearable. Cheers, Wayne
  2. ham2

    Wheel Straightening

    Welcome kfbmR1, There's nowt wrong with asking questions here (it's what keeps T.C. ticking over). You have got nothing to lose by trying to straighten your wheel using the spoke-tightening method (just like a mountain-bike wheel) . For your wallets sake I hope it's not too far gone. Wayne
  3. ham2

    2008 Beta 250

    I thought it was best to ride with your arches on the pegs???Don't tell me I've been doing that wrong as well!!
  4. Cutting the bars is a big no-no for me. When I've tried the 'narrow-bars' method I found that it generates too much load on my arms and gives me tennis elbow.
  5. I'm a complete PC dunce and had way too many problems with microsoft internet explorer error warnings all over the place. Someone on TC (may have been R2W)recommended FireFox...and all my PC problems disappeared.
  6. ham2

    Xispa At French Wtc?

    OOh Different exhaust compared to the previous offering...discuss!
  7. Hi Borus, I appreciate your efforts but that list looks like far too much work to me I would rather post a question on here than do some serious spanner work,call me lazy,dumb or T.C. sociable if you like Cheers, Wayne
  8. I'm not bragging... but I've been there,done that and.... shat my pants. In the bush/felt I would never make an Indian tracker,cos' the animals always had the 'jump' on me,I couldn't spot a fully grown bull elephant until it was bearing down on me. I went to Kruger in 1990 to a place called Oliphants? and did the usual thing i.e got up very ,very early in the morning to photograph the wild-life. A few feet from the car(a Ford xr6? i think?) WW3 kicked off when a herd of elephants sent a pride of lions pinging through the air (matrix style),the noise and the vibration through the car was frightening .Clutch in,reverse gear,lots-a-revs,tyre smoke and broon trousers. Lions?King of the jungle.......my ar5e
  9. You can f.....forget the camera,anyhow I've gone metric, 8ft is that a little bit more than 8cm? You got a text coming.
  10. ham2


    A pensioner can no longer stand his wife's 40 years of nagging and decides to get her ''bumped-off'' by a hit-man. He asks the hit-man ''It will be a clean,efficient kill,won't it?'' The hit-man replies ''Yes,be assured,one bullet shot just below the left nipple'' The old guy shouts back '' Christ ! I want her dead not f###ing knee-capped !''
  11. Cheers Atom,you linked some of my favourite Youtube trials videos there..and while we're on about Ross heres my fave.....Oh god please let me, one day, be able to play,just play on my bike just like this..
  12. Thanks lads,I realise this video has been mentioned before( I think Andy first highlighted it) but I couldn't get the previous links to work for me....cheers, Wayne
  13. Hmmm?..not sure about the logic of that statement...regardless of whether the lights are on red,if you're bearing-down on two stationary cars and the road is only two cars wide then you must stop (using either the brakes or the front end of your vehicle to decelerate)
  14. The trials bike Holy Grail
  15. Funny you should mention that spat..I think Hamilton's comment after the shunt (refering to Kimi) ''I hope I didn't ruin his race'' was the (metaphorical ) equivalent of a kick in the balls! We could be looking at the F1 version of Gazza here
  16. Can Kimi not throw a punch?..God knows, I would have. Sorry to keep picking at my scab but I do think Hamilton is a bit of a liability....A red light means???......comments please .
  17. Looking at the slow motion video it seems you make the same mistake as me i.e. You don't let the rear suspension come up after you've compressed it, it seems like you're forcing the pegs and therefore the rear wheel into the base of the wall. I still exhibit this bad habit from time-to-time....so the theory is..when the rear is fully compressed you must then unweight (slightly)the pegs to let the suspension 'ping' you up there. As others have mentioned a kicker would help ,you could feel for the contact with the kicker ( that's the 'signal' to dump and jump). Hope that helps(I'm no expert).
  18. I have to agree with Jon, these models( I had 3) were the bikes that built the GasGas empire. Wayne
  19. ham2

    Gas Gas / Marzocchi

    Oi!,Daddy-o, Just to add a little more mystery....did those forks look like the 40mm forks fitted to the ????....XISPA??
  20. Not sure about the filter situation on '96 bike. I had one a while ago and I seem?? to remember that the filter was the cod-piece type (Montesa 315 style)and very easy to access?? I could be wrong...it's been a while?
  21. Apparently, Heather and Paul were still on good terms as recently as last Christmas. Paul gave her a brand new ,customised,prosthetic leg ,it wasn't her main present..just a stocking filler
  22. Godzilla ,I'm at work so i can't check but I think my 2005 hub has 'through holes' not female threads? The bolts are nipped up with nyloc nuts? What year is your bike?
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