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Posts posted by bmseven
  1. in 2003 (unless some previous or this owner changed it) the shock should be a Sachs shock, not Ohlins...

    Hence the need for the spacer mentioned above to enable fitting of an Ohlins spring to a Sachs shock :popcorn:

  2. I know they are there to generate an income but do they really need to take up so much of the screen?

    With them on or turned off you still lose more than a 1/3rd of the screen when viewing new content :wall:

  3. At the end of the day Shirty knew he should not be in any section yet chose to be there, perhaps the punishment was/is harsh but never the less was known and apparently pointed out by JC prior. So whilst we all try to push our luck/bend the rules in many things ultimately one day its going to come back and bite you on the a*** :moon:

    It must be remembered that at the British Championship meeting it was agreed there would be one ‘assistant’ and that ‘assistant’ was not allowed in the section without the prior agreement of the observer. That assistant was the person who had signed on at the start of the trial. Any rider or person associated with that rider/team would be excluded if they contravened the rules. John Collins pointed this out at the riders briefings.

  4. First off you dont say if this is something that has just started happening or has always been like it?

    When was the oil last changed you say its been in since you have had it?

    Check you have 1-1.5mm freeplay at the lever

    what year is your bike? ATF is fine in most but will swell if you have a particular clutch plate

  5. Easy there "trials" snobs :icon_salut: , he's doing what he can, with what he has.

    It will help some , how ever many times what you need is tire speed (ability to move large amounts of real estate "dirt" ) a trials bike will be hard pressed to do so.

    there is some terrain that favors one type of bike or the other .

    Good Luck

    Hardly being a trials snob, he asked if he would be able to compete with the enduro boys on a 2010 Gas Gas and the answer IMHO is no.

    He asked are we reducing the lifespan by riding flatout all the time IMHO yes

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